Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character L8R



FACTION: Agents of Chaos

RANK: None


AGE: It is hard to tell how old L8R is as his body has been rebuilt and heavily modified a number of times from its original protocol framework which is hundreds of years old. The most recent refit would probably have been about 400 years ago

SEX: Male programming but does not care and does not matter.

HEIGHT: 1.78 meters or 5’10”

WEIGHT: 136 kg or 300 lbs

EYES: L8R changes his eye color depending on his mood… or intent. When a color is present, the eyes light up, much like C3POs
Red: Rage
Yellow: Normal
No color: Stealth or non-functional
Green/Blue/Other: When charging, backing up data, or perhaps as stealth in certain environments

ARMOR: Matte pale silvery/gold though he has been known to be painted or paint himself.

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

  • Reflexes: Built now to be able to fight in close quarters, L8R has been programmed with several hand to hand combat styles and his servos and gears are upgraded to be able to accommodate these moves.
  • Strength: Added strength was one of the first and most often upgraded aspects of L8R’s build. He can easily carry up to 300 kgs. This affects his fighting abilities as well. He can pound and rip apart most unarmored organic life forms as well as equivalent synthetic beings.
  • Very Low Empathy: He does not care much who he might hurt to get to his goal unless he considers you an ally or friend, of which his definition is incredibly skewed.
  • Protocol Intellect: L8R maintains the majority of his original protocol intellect. Approximately ⅓ programming space has been sacrificed to make him faster and make room for aim and combat programming
  • Aim: Another aspect that has taken away some of the room originally used by his protocol programming. His aim has mathematical accuracy.
  • Armor: L8Rs original metal shell has been replaced with stronger, lighter armor and some of it has been done away with to allow him to move freely.
    • Blasters: Very resistant
    • Lightsaber: Only the cortosis plate that wraps around his forearms
    • Physical Weapons: Resistant but more vulnerable than energy weapons

  • Psychopathy: L8R is absolutely a psychopath. There is no way to predict his actions. He enjoys causing harm and killing. You may count this as a strength but it makes it very difficult if not impossible for him to form permanent bonds unless he has been programmed to “belong” to someone. This also means that when he is in full rage, he will tune out anything that does not have anything to do with his target which can leave him vulnerable.
  • Slow: He may have fast reflexes but his running speed has been sacrificed. His running speed is not above average and he cannot outrun most life-forms in any kind of good shape.
  • Not Stealthy: He is quite heavy so his footsteps are pretty loud. He can hide well enough, stay still, and turn off the lights in his eyes. But this does compromise his vision somewhat. He probably cannot sneak up on anyone.

L8R somewhat resembles the original Protocol droid design, however, he has been modified many times over the centuries. Though his innards are covered with less armor now in order to make him more flexible, the armor added is stronger and blaster resistant. On his forearms, there are even two cortosis plates in case he ever has to battle those with lightsabers. This armor generally covers the most important data and motor centers.

  • Vibroblade hidden within the wrist of his right arm
  • Electroshock pad on his left palm with probes on the tips of his left hand fingers that can disable machinery or stun most organic life forms
  • A large bowcaster, probably impossible to wield by a standard humanoid. It folds into a long metal staff.
  • Two small blaster pistols that are hidden within the chest armor on the sides of his torso. Though when he pulls these out, they leave those spaces vulnerable.

L8R started life as a simple Imperial torture and interrogation droid. His build was the standard protocol unit (like C3PO or 0-0-0). Toward the end of the Empire’s reign, he was reprogrammed with the Triple Zero Protocol personality in a desperate attempt to cause more havoc in their war with the Rebellion. But he never really got the chance to use it. Instead, he remained dormant on a distant moon where he had been left halfway through shipping on his way to Yavin.
23 years later, he was found by a bounty hunter, Lilith Hara who wiped his memory and reprogrammed him to be her own battle droid, giving him the name he has now held for hundreds of years. She also gave him what is now an incredibly twisted sense of humor. They stayed together for almost 50 years until she retired and he was sold to another member of her ring of hunters. For another 378 years, he was either passed to or captured by various ne’er-do-wells each of whom added their own modifications and programming, making him stronger, more resistant… but also adding to growing insanity.
When his final master became sick with the plague around 451 ABY, he was captured by an unknown person and locked away, there to be forgotten for hundreds of years. Alone and without input, his insanity has only grown. He now functions fully independently but he is locked somewhere, the location of which has been wiped from his memory. But there he waits. Watching and guarding...




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