Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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'La Sangre' -Assassin

Name: Hector Von McBride Sullivan.

Alias: "La Sangre"

Faction: Any company that hires him.

Rank: Assassin.

Species: Anzat.

Age: 289.

Sex: Male.

Height: 6'2.

Weight: 198 lbs.

Eyes: Green.

Hair: Grey.

Skin: Extremely pale.

Force Sensitive: No, but possesses telepathy due to his species.

Strengths and weaknesses:

+Telepathy. He can use this to lure in victims.

+Proboscises. These allow him to feed from other species.

+Stealthy. Can remain hidden and unnoticed.

+Expert with blades. He is quite skilled in the art of knife fighting.

-Smoker. This causes him to be less agile and not able to run for long distances.

-Not loyal. He murders anyone he is paid to, resulting in him having very little allies.

-Over-Confident. He believes he can outmatch any opponent.

Appearance: Hector possesses a grey Fu Manchu and rather long hair. He stands at 6'2.

Biography: Work in Progress.

Ship: Small Porax-38 Starfighter.

Possessions: Brown cloak, wrist blaster, combat knife.

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