Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lacy Lennox


NAME: Lacy Lennox, usually goes by her last name only.
RANK: Freelancer
AGE: 20
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 165cm
WEIGHT: 60kg
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Tanned
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, but unknown to her
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Neutral

  • Brawler. Lacy grew up in a rough area, and later joined the Protectorate military. She is fit, tough and good at close combat.
  • Trained Solider. As well as melee combat, Lacy has experience in using ranged weapons of varying types. She is equally skilled with rifle, pistol and grenade.
  • Resourceful. Before and after joining the military, Lacy had a knack for working out solutions to problems, especially with technology. She is good at improvising mechanical solutions, though not so much electronic ones.
  • Capable Pilot. During her training with the Protectorate military, Lacy learned how to pilot gunships and transports. After she left she picked up basic starship piloting, enough to get her from place to place.
  • Limited Education. Not having much schooling growing up, then joining the military means that Lacy has a basic knowledge of reading, math and writing, but lacks anything more. She is not the person to go to for a trivia team! She’s not stupid, just under-educated.
  • Combat Inexperience. Though well trained with weapons and used to fighting informally, Lacy is too young to have experienced much actual combat.
  • Isolated. Lacy is pretty much on her own. Her parents were lost in the aftermath of the Rapture, and now she’s freelancing work. She is without much in the way of friends or resources.
  • The Demon Within. Lacy knows there is something…odd…inside her. Sometimes she’s seen glimpses of the future before they happen. Sometimes she gets feelings about people. She doesn’t know what it means, and it worries her.
Lacy is tough, well-built and no-nonsense about her appearance. She wears her hair pulled back, and whatever armour and clothes she has which are comfortable and protective.
She has a small mole under her left eye, and several scars on her body from various close quarters encounters as a teenager.

Growing up in a tough setting, Lacy has little time or patience for weakness or what she perceives as laziness. She is not an especially tolerant person, quick to judge others. Lacy has a formidable temper when provoked.
Despite this she has a strict personal code of ethics. She only targets combatants, dislikes unfair treatment of prisoners, and never runs drugs or other illegal substances. This makes her somewhat less appealing to certain quarters, and limits her earnings, but her code is all she has.
Lacy dislikes her first name, and usually just goes by the name ‘Lennox’ when on a mission.

Denon was never a particularly utopian world, but in the Aark Ages it was positively nightmarish. Zombies from below, gangs, poverty and decay made it a horrible place to grow up. This was the world Lacy Lennox was born into, daughter of two ordinary people trying to survive.
By the age of five Lacy had seen friends killed and mutated by zombies, and at age eight it was the turn of her only sister Lucinda. Seeing her sister transform into a monster, and then watching her parents have to kill this creature naturally had a profound impact on her.
Dangers lurked around every corner not just from monsters, but from gangs and other residents too. Individual towers and blocks banded together to form mini fortresses to protect themselves from scavengers and other groups. Low level warfare was endemic and violence common.

All these things formed and made Lacy a very cynical, prepared person. With little time for education she didn’t learn to read until she was eight years old, but she could load and fire a blaster rifle accurately by then. Survival was key, and Lacy learned how to go without food, how to hide, how to fight, and helped her tower scavenge and steal from others efficiently.

Things changed for Lacy at age 12 with the liberation of Denon and the arrival of Omega Pyre onto the world. She was one of those civilians who saw the heroes from space come down, defeat the scourge of the zombiesand set about imposing order. Enamoured and awestruck by these newcomers she set about preparing to join them. She was obviously too young so she impatiently attended school, but more often hung around the Pyre, later Protectorate bases. The soldiers there, amused by her dedication, let her use the firing range and gym.

When her father joined the Protectorate military this only strengthened her desire to follow him. Concerned, her mother tried to divert her attention to education and getting a less dangerous job. The friction between mother and daughter, combined with an absent father, led to an unhappy home life. Finally, at age 15 Lacy ran away from home, lied about her age and joined the Protectorate military.

Surprisingly, the realities of military life was not a disappointment for her. Used to hard living, she put up with the physical strain and discipline remarkably well. Younger than almost anyone else in her unit, she nonetheless showed herself as someone not willing to take any nonsense. When a fellow recruit four years older than her tried to steal from her, Lacy beat the other woman so badly she was in hospital for a week. The money earned was many times more than what she had ever earned previously, so she completed basic training and took a job of piloting gunships and dropships.

Her superiors, seeing through her lies about her age, but still seeing her value, kept her out of the frontlines, and encouraged her to pilot Inimica and Raven ships. In this capacity she served in several operations and showed bravery in action.

Lacy’s rather happy life changed though when two blows hit her. The first was the rapture, which took billions of people from the galaxy, leaving chaos and disorder in its wake. Reeling from this, she discovered that her parents were among those lost. Her father had been killed at Corellia where he had been based, her mother vanished in the cataclysm. With the Protectorate crumbling, and her family gone Lacy took a civilian freighter from her base on Duro and left before the Protectorate returned to regain control.

Now a freelancer, Lacy works as a pilot, mercenary and transporter. Alone in a hostile galaxy, anxious about the strange power inside her, and cynical beyond her years, Lacy’s story has a few twists yet before it finishes.

Lacy acquired a Tachyon Freighter in the chaos of the Rapture and now uses that to move from place to place. She has an R9 astromech to assist with the navigation duties.

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