Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lady Hel


NAME: (Alexandra Shadowstalker)
FACTION: Independent
RANK: Lady of Death
SPECIES: Human (Echani)
AGE: 21[human years]
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'4"
WEIGHT: 125 lbs
EYES: Obscured (Silver)
Hair: Ebony Black due to Symbiotic Organism (Silver)
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) : (Same as Alexandra)
  • She has an innate talent with droids and mechanics, something she was taught at a young age by her master.
  • Physically strong and in touch with the force due to twenty long years of being secluded with only her master, though, her mastery of the force's powers are those that aid her in combat and basic telekinetic powers.
  • Eidetic memory: She has a photographic memory.
  • Is unsure whom to consider an enemy or not, this causes her to hesitate in the face of a threat.
  • Fear: While this also serves as a strength, the aura of fear she emits and takes from others is a clear beacon for any force user to find when she is consumed by it, also acting highly irrationally when such power is used and thus her actions are borderline psychopathic.
SHIP: None
  • Dual Lightsabers. (Red Bladed)
  • Dark black robes and cloak with fiber mesh armor.



Bio: Upon a conflict with [member="Darth Praelior"], Hel was torn from Alexandra's body and quickly sealed itself on one of Alexandra's sabers to preserve itself. Soon after such had happened it was contacted by Balaya where upon a brief conversation there was a deal struck between the two where if Hel would be given her own body she would serve the one sith without question. With such progress into such a body was started.

None yet...

None yet...

ROLE-PLAYS: (Same as Alex's)

Sith Empire Era: 9/0/0
Rogue Era: 16/0/3
Silver Wanderer and Order of the Grey Era: 13/2/6
Lady of Death and the Shattered spirit: 5/10/2
[member="Gherron Vael"]

This one will be the darker side of her, think like multiple personality disorder. Alexandra is slowly going further towards the darkside and due to her use of her own fear as power she has split her personality between the dark and light. For all intents and purposes this is Alexandra but not her at the same time. [member="Gherron Vael"]
I figured as much, the only reason I asked is because I have a similar character, but went about it differently. [member="Sadrion"] . His real name is Xardus Folidaar, but at a point in his story he found his father's killer and took vengeance, releasing his pain and anger in the form of a spirit, who took control of him. [member="Lady Hel"]

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