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Approved NPC Lady Idana Krane

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  • Intent: To give the girls of Bittie Land more purpose.
  • ​Image Credit: Sucker Punch
  • Role: Bittie Land's dance instructor
  • Links: Madam Gorski
  • Age: 52
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Near-Human
  • Appearance: An aged woman, but one wouldn't be able to tell by her looks. Those who've known her for a while refuse to believe she ages at all. Nearly average height and a fine figure. She keeps her stunning appearance through organic methods and little makeup.
  • Name: Idana Krane
  • Loyalties: Bittie Land
  • Wealth: Wealthy
  • Notable Possessions: All that Lady Krane owns is under the Krane Estate which includes an extravagant home, many acres of land, and all within. Bunch of rich folk things that don't truly matter.
  • Skills:
  • Dancing
  • Etiquette
  • Valachord

[*]Personality: Lady Krane is known to be a strong individual with precise values and morals. She knows what she wants, how she wants it, and how to get it and won't let anything stop her to get what she wants. She cares little for others outside of a small few, including the Vile family and her students in Bittie Land. Lady Krane was raised to be proper and superior in every way to her peers. To reach that goal, Idana was taught and trained in multiple subjects in order to broaden her talents and, one by one, she would master therm all. To this day, anything she sets her mind to, she will not rest until it has reached perfection.
  • Weapon of Choice: Fists, Martial weapons such as staves
  • Combat Function: Lady Idana may be old, but she is still a strong fighter. Her skills in Stava make her a quick and deadly opponent with just her fists. Should she get her hand on a martial weapon of any sort, she only becomes even more deadly. She moves with such vicious grace and deadly style that she almost entrances her opponent with her movements before striking a killing blow. This is how she got her name 'The Viper'.
  • Deadly melee combatant
  • Proficient dancer
  • Blasters and other ranged weapons
  • Aging
  • Imperfection


Lady Idana Krane was born into wealth as the one and only child of Lord Georis and Lady Hana Krane, owners of one of the galaxy's largest realty companies. The Kranes have spent many years buying and selling both land and space for use by many factions and governments and have earned quite an impressive fortune from it all. And this fortune would one day become Idana's, but she would have to earn it first.

Idana grew up in her family home. She received all her education there from the finest tutors her parents could buy. No subject was too far-fetched for young Idana. She began to enjoy learning from this. All the different subjects giving her so much to learn. It became more of an adventure for her. To learn all that she could and gather so much knowledge. Everything new she learned was another accomplishment in her mental book of achievements and she loved nothing more than to add to her knowledge.

Years went by. Lady Krane soon began to believe that remaining home limited her in terms of experience. She began to yearn for real life experiences. She managed to convince her parents that this would be the best for her, but she would have to be escorted by one of the family's best bodyguards, Kerfa Min. Kerfa was a disciplined Noghri, formerly an assassin for undisclosed clients turned bodyguard for a wealthy family.

Lady Krane and Kerfa traveled the galaxy, allowing Idana to study abroad. She tested everything she could, but nothing really drew her in. That was, until, she discovered dance. She met Aeori, a twi'lek professional dancer that worked as an entertainer in a travelling show. Lady Krane soon befriended this twilek who then taught her how to dance. There was something unique about Aeori's dance. Idana hadn't seen it before, which was shocking because the fluid movements entranced all those around. Lady Idana felt true happiness with her life with how it was going now, but that did not last as long as she had hoped. Aeori was killed in an apparent attempt at Lady Krane's life. The guilt Idana felt was insurmountable. To her, it was her fault Aeori died and if she wasn't able to defend her friend, she knew she could not defend herself. How long would she be protected by her guards? She refused to let herself be weak in the face of danger. Kerfa supported Lady Krane and vowed to teach her all he knew, but only if she used it for self defense. She agreed to his terms.

Throughout the next few years, Lady Krane trained int he art of Stava furiously, but refused to forget what Aeori taught her. When she wasn't training in Stava, she practiced her dance. She even decided to name it Aeori, after her fallen friend.

In Lady Krane's travels, she met Djonas Vile whom she befriended after some conversations and discovering some similarities in the family's backgrounds. Djonas felt comfortable enough to introduce Lady Krane to his latest and most ambitious project at the time, Bittie Land. Lady Krane could see what he was going for with this plan and she wanted to help him with it, but, in a way, she was moreso helping herself and her conscience. She volunteered to train the girls he would hire to, not only dance, but be able to defend themselves. She knew the kind of clientelle this place would attract and wanted the dancers to be able to fight back against any kind of encounter they may run in to.

[member="Djonas Vile"]

Reviewing this.

Nice sub. I like the gifs

Djonas Vile said:
Loyalties: Bittie Land

Hyperlink Bittie Land please.

Djonas Vile said:
​Image Credit: Sucker Punch

I understand that these are images of a character from the movie, but we need the original source links for the image and the gifs if possible. I'd suggest simply sourcing them by using the movie web's site. Failing that, go for imdb.

Once these things are done, this can be approved.
[member="Djonas Vile"]

I know that the images are from the movie. Having discussed this with Codex staff, I need you to do the following.

1.) The character that has been written is very similar and was clearly inspired by Madam Gorski from the movie. The image/likeness is the same as is her general purpose for Bittie Land. Please add the link to Madam Gorski under the Links Section to provide proper credit to the source material.

2.) The images and gifs were taken from somewhere. You may have pulled them from the movie, but they still need the necessary credit and the Wikipedia article does not suffice in this regard. Please link the IMDB under Image Credit to take care of that.

Once these items are completed I can get this passed and get you on your way.

Thank you.
I put the links in. I used the actual warner bros webpage for the movie as I feel that would be better since it's their movie. Also, if I used any other face, I wouldn't need to link the character. 99% of ideas come from something.

How's it look?

[member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"]
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