Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Intent: To give Darth Reign both a daughter and apprentice as listed in his character history, as well as an NPC “commander” for The Diarchy faction.
  • Image Credit: myself via deepAI
  • Role: this character is Darth Reign’s older daughter and first apprentice. She will accompany members of the faction on missions as well as take part in larger battles. I also have designs for small role plays for instruction, as well as giving other PCs that may be of the “Apprentice” rank a character to train/interact with
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links:
  • Father - Darth Reign
  • Sister - Lady Shadow
  • Uncle - Darth Rellik
  • Faction Loyalty - The Diarchy
  • Age: 16
  • Force Sensitivity: Sith Apprentice
  • Species: Human (Female)
  • Appearance: Standing 5’4” and weighing 95 lbs, she has tan skin, brown hair, and brown eyes (not yet corrupted by the dark side)
  • Name: Lady Nightmare
  • Loyalties:
  • Father - Darth Reign
  • Sister - Lady Shadow
  • Uncle - Darth Rellik
  • Faction Loyalty - The Diarchy
  • Wealth: Moderately wealthy due to her fathers position.
  • Notable Possessions: Lady Nightmare’s lightsaber (red single bladed)
  • Skills: adept at Sith sorcery and manipulation, as well as a competent pilot
  • Languages: Basic, Mando’a
  • Personality: Quick to anger and lash out, Lady Nightmare is also very studious and is driven to be the best. However she can get disheartened very easily when she does not succeed the first time.
  • Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber and Force Powers
  • Combat Function: Nightmare is an apprentice, while she has been learning since she could walk, she is not the most adept at saber to saber combat. Preferring to strike out from the shadows using Sith sorcery or manipulation. In a straight up brawl, she may be a liability to Darth Reign unless kept in the rear to utilize her talents.
  • Force Abilities (Force Users Only): Sith Alchemy, Sith Sorcery, Battle Meditation.
  • Proficient in Form III lightsaber combat
  • Studious in regards to the teachings of the Sith
  • If she does not succeed the first time, she gets disheartened
  • Risk-Averse
Born on Taris, and raised by the Sith Lord Darth Reign and her mother. Lady Nightmare is the first born daughter of Darth Reign has been Darth Reigns first apprentice since she was able to walk. Serving as one of his hands, Lady Nightmare works in the shadows to further progress her father’s goals. As Darth Reign and her uncle Darth Rellik have stepped into the light and onto the galactic stage, Lady Nightmare and her sister Lady Shadow have served as commanders to the security force as well as the voice of their father when he cannot be present.
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Darth Reign Darth Reign First of all, welcome to Chaos! :D

This NPC looks about good to go, I just have one tiny nitpick.

  • Sister - Lady Shadow (W.I.P)
  • Uncle - Darth Rellik (W.I.P.)
We don't allow for WIP elements in the Codex. I'd ask you take out the "(W.I.P)" from Social Information and Out of Character Information.

I see you've already posted Lady Shadow, so feel free to add that link in. As for the uncle, there's absolutely no problem with leaving it "Uncle - Darth Rellik" without a link, and later if you do make a Codex submission for him, make a post in the Codex Modifications to add the link whenever you get around to it. That last bit is up to your preference, as it's not mandatory to link all NPC subs together, but it can be a nice touch and make it easy for readers to get up to speed. Alternatively, you can make a lore submission for the Diarchy and add them as members there.

Those were just some tips at the end there. Since you're new, I'll also throw out a reminder that the Codex is completely optional, and you don't have to submit an NPC to write them in your stories. :)
Darth Reign Darth Reign First of all, welcome to Chaos! :D

This NPC looks about good to go, I just have one tiny nitpick.

We don't allow for WIP elements in the Codex. I'd ask you take out the "(W.I.P)" from Social Information and Out of Character Information.

I see you've already posted Lady Shadow, so feel free to add that link in. As for the uncle, there's absolutely no problem with leaving it "Uncle - Darth Rellik" without a link, and later if you do make a Codex submission for him, make a post in the Codex Modifications to add the link whenever you get around to it. That last bit is up to your preference, as it's not mandatory to link all NPC subs together, but it can be a nice touch and make it easy for readers to get up to speed. Alternatively, you can make a lore submission for the Diarchy and add them as members there.

Those were just some tips at the end there. Since you're new, I'll also throw out a reminder that the Codex is completely optional, and you don't have to submit an NPC to write them in your stories. :)
Heya! The W.I.P for Rellik, was because he is a PC that was being created, I'll update them!

Updated! Thanks so much
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