Grace Darkson

Grace Darkson,
Witch of the Mandragora
Witch of the Mandragora
NAME: Grace Darkson
NICKNAMES: Lady Psyona
AGE: 32
GENDER: Female
STATUS: Single
FACTION: Confederacy of Independent System
RANK: Chosen of the Jart
OCCUPATION: Mandragora Witch
CITIZENSHIP: Confederacy
HEIGHT: 5'7'' (171 cm)
WEIGHT: 147 lbs (67 kg)
EYES: Gold
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Caucasian

Changed and Reborn

Agile: In part because of her physiology and in part because of training, Grace is nimble and acrobatic in her movements.
Duelist: While her focus may lie elsewhere, Grace is no slouch in combat. She can hold her own against others of her station.
Mentalist Specialization: Having spent most of her childhood convincing others to do as she wanted, Grace is skilled at manipulating the minds of others to her own ends.
Survivor: Grace has proven she has a knack to survive things she has no right to, from burning planets to multiple broken bones.
Acute Senses: Due to her upgrades, Grace can hear and sense things far beyond the norm for almost any sentient

Weak: Strength has never been one of Grace’s strong suit. She barely has the physical strength to keep up with physical combat.
Fragile: While her stamina is by no means lacking, Grace isn’t durable in combat, preferring to outsmart her opponents.
Prideful: Grace is strong-willed and proud, and tends to see herself as better than many of those around her.
Control Freak: Grace has a pathological need for control in almost every area of her life. If she feels like she's losing control, she'll do whatever she can to regain it.
LOUD NOISES: Due to her sensitive system, flashbangs and concussive blasts are debilitating.

While both shorter and thinner than most Vahla, Grace Darkson, as most knew her, is dead. Where once red-brown hair danced in the sunlight, tendrils of flesh and poison now stand. Tanned skin splotched pale between her fingers and over the backs of her hands scar her body from hours in tombs and graves, poisoned by the same power she wields. No matter how desperately she may hide it, the Dark Side takes a toll from all its users, and eventually, the woman will be left a shell of her former self, the beauty and agility of her youth burned away, spent on the power of the Dark.
Time has worn her down, and delving into dark secrets has hollowed her eyes to a dull yellow and skin as pale as snow.

The Nomad
Born to a pair of wandering nomads in the Outer Rim, Grace knew she was different from the start. At an early age, she discovered she could talk others to do what she wanted. Her few playmates would give her the toys. Her parents would give her treats when she asked. They knew something was different, even for them. But they made no comment. Not until the day she caused a man to die with just her voice.They had been cornered in an alley. A small group of thugs, pointing blasters at them, were demanding from them what little money they had. Knowing her parents and herself would die if they lost them, she poured as much of her power into her voice, managing to convince them to shoot each other, leaving all but one dead. As she spoke to him, tears poured from his eyes as he slowly raised the gun. Pulling the trigger, he shot himself. She had saved them, but, having seen her powers, her parents believed they had raised a monster. They left her with a friend, who introduced her to the Sith.
The Apprentice
Her first master, Darth Falokin, was a bit too straightforward, too simple, for her tastes. For a while, as he brutally taught her lightsaber combat, she dealt with it. But she grew quickly resentful of his ways, and his brutish methods. When old enemies came knocking, she left him, even though she very well could have saved his life that day. Instead, he lost, his soul trapped in an alchemical artifact forever. Grace moved on, working to amass power and searching for those who could help improve her skills, although in a more subtle manner than her previous master.It took many more years before Grace found a home among Sith again. Years spent pushing herself through college, delving into old tombs and studying a long-dead culture, brought her scraps of knowledge, morsels of the power she sought, but nothing more. But, on one incursion, she felt... Someone. Someone powerful. Following the figure like a starving dog on the trail of its next meal, She found the figure of Darth Mepherium. After forcing her to fight his apprentice, the Sith Lord took the Vahla on as another student, bringing her into his new Order of Sith: The Dominion.
A Change of Scenery
When they were invited to the planet of Atrisia, Grace thought nothing of it, but hours later, as the world burned around her, and the Galactic Alliance took the planet by storm, Grace watched the Lords of the Dominion fall one by one until no one else remained. She fled, slipping away only to be chased by enemy fighters and almost shot out of the sky. After being hit, she managed to jump to hyperspace, aiming to reach Ession and regroup with the others. But the damage her ship had taken had messed up the hyperdrive. She ended up crash-landing on a feral world far from her destination, and after helping a local noble ascend to the throne, she managed to make it to Ession.As the Dominion grew into the democracy it became famous for, and began to spread its influence across the galaxy, it became clear that someone would need to lead the growing number of Sith in the government's forces. The Archlord chose Grace for this task, and the woman did what she could, trying to reign in the group as best she could, while still trying to learn herself.
As enemies closed in from all sides, Grace saw how the winds blew, but the stubbornness of her allies had rubbed off onto her. She stayed until Fate itself rid her of her new home. The hyperdrive malfunctioned, and she found herself flung into the Southern Systems. Now in a land fraught with war, strife, and ruin, Grace seeks power at any costs, throwing herself into the Confederacy and making herself into one of them. Freedom brought change, as it always does, and the once proud Sith found a new ideal, a new faith to carry her through the turmoil. And the change would bring new friends and new enemies.
Lost and Found
The Confederacy had their faults, sure, but that didn't matter then. Saftey, security and a place to learn were all that mattered then. Her ideals were challenged by the changing faiths of her surroundings and swept up in the energy and fervor, she went in over her head into the Mandragora. It changed her, granting her access to things that the Sith had never seen before. Access to the traditions of the lost witches gave her power beyond what she knew, and access to the Confederacy's old texts and holocrons let her grow in might. And power leads to cost.The change began slow, at first, springs of madness and desperation that lead into irreversible changes. The Vahla died that day. The Gorgon was born. Alchemy and magic formed her, changed her into the monster today.