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Approved NPC Lady Shadow

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  • Intent: To give Darth Reign both a daughter and apprentice as listed in his character history, as well as an NPC “commander” for The Diarchy faction.
  • Image Credit: myself via deep AI
  • Role: this character is Darth Reign’s younger daughter and second apprentice. She will accompany members of the faction on missions as well as take part in larger battles. I also have designs for small role plays for instruction, as well as giving other PCs that may be of the “Apprentice” rank a character to train/interact with
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links:
  • Father - Darth Reign
  • Sister - Lady Nightmare
  • Uncle - Darth Rellik (W.I.P.)
  • Faction Loyalty - The Diarchy
  • Age: 13
  • Force Sensitivity: Sith Apprentice
  • Species: Human (Female)
  • Appearance: Standing 5’0” and weighing 85 lbs, she has tan skin, brown hair, and brown eyes (not yet corrupted by the dark side)
  • Name: Lady Nightmare
  • Loyalties:
  • Father - Darth Reign
  • Sister - Lady Nightmare
  • Uncle - Darth Rellik
  • Faction Loyalty - The Diarchy
  • Wealth: Moderately wealthy due to her fathers position.
  • Notable Possessions: Lady Shadow’s lightsaber (red double bladed)
  • Skills: adept at lightsaber combat and combat force abilities, a competent pilot
  • Languages: Basic, Huttese
  • Personality: Intelligent but unmotivated, when given a task she would rather command or manipulate someone into doing it for her. Quick to anger but quicker to use it to her benefit. Lady Shadow is fascinated with lightsaber combat and mastery of combat related force powers
  • Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber and Force Powers
  • Combat Function: Shadow is an apprentice, she is not the more adept at saber to saber combat than her sister but has also been training for less time. Preferring to be at the front battling saber to saber, Shadow’s inexperienced is a liability to Darth Reign on the battlefield.
  • Force Abilities (Force Users Only): learning proficiency with Force Choke, Force lightning (she can only make little sparkles at this time)
  • Proficient in Form VII lightsaber combat
  • A tactical prodigy
  • Unmotivated
  • Overconfident
Born on Taris, and raised by the Sith Lord Darth Reign and her mother. Lady Shadow is Darth Reign’s second daughter and has been Darth Reign’s Second apprentice since she was able to walk. Serving as one of his hands, Lady Shadow works out more in the open than her sister to further progress her father’s goals. As Darth Reign and her uncle Darth Rellik have stepped into the light and onto the galactic stage, Lady Shadow and her sister Lady Nightmare have served as commanders to the security force as well as the voice of their father when he cannot be present.
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