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Approved NPC Lady Varella Trevelyan

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  • Age: 230 Galactic Standard Years
  • Force Sensitivity:
    • Apprentice-level Force User (publicly)
    • Master-level Force User (secretly)
  • Species:
  • Appearance: A woman of willowy beauty, with crimson hair and pale skin, Varella is an impressive 2.1 meters tall and 54 kilograms. In her public appearance as the Ducha of her world, she is mostly indistinguishable from a normal Hapan woman, besides the unnatural red and black eyes that she explains away as a bit of alien DNA from a long distant ancestor, much as it is detrimental to her standing in Hapan society. However, in her true form, her beauty becomes both mesmerizing and terrifying as fangs appear and her nails elongate into claws.
  • Name: Varella Trevelyan
    • Ducha of Harterra (publicly)
    • Duchess of the Nephal region on Amaltanna
  • Loyalties:
    • Taeli Raaf/Darth Arcanix in her role as Lady of Secrets (secretly)
    • Order of Arcane Syn (secretly)
    • Hapes Consortium (publicly)
    • Silver Jedi Coalition (publicly)
  • Wealth: As a Ducha of a planet within the matriarchal society of the Hapes Consortium, she is quite wealthy, especially from the mining and selling of Harterran Moonstone. In private, she has also spent her hundreds of years of life acquiring wealth and various works of art from across the galaxy.
  • Notable Possessions:
  • Skills:
    • Force Abilities:
      • Force Concealment - Master
      • Force Flight - Master
      • Force Plague - Master
      • Mind Control - Master
      • Force Wound - Knight
      • Doppelganger - Knight
    • Sangnir Abilities:
      • Warform
      • Creation of Husks and Thralls
    • Other Abilities:
      • Extensive knowledge of Hapan politics
  • Personality: In public, she presents a calm and compassionate persona, although she is known throughout the Interior Regions of the Hapes Cluster for her extravagant and exclusive galas. Many of the people who live under her rule believe that she has their best interests at heart, a result of her humbleness caused by her visible flaw that are her eyes. She is naturally charismatic, with those that have come into her presence often mesmerized by just how compassionate and beautiful she is.
  • Her true persona, however, reflects the vampiric creature that she is. Varella is a sadistic woman, taking great pleasure in breaking her enemies' wills and beliefs before draining them of their Anima. She enjoys dominating, manipulating, and enthralling others, with many of her normal servants and subjects not even realizing that they have been enthralled into believing her public persona, although she does reward servants and subjects of particular ability and similar hidden nature with the Embrace, changing them into Sangnir like herself.
  • Weapon of Choice:
    • Public and Private Persona - The Force, her lightfoil
    • Sangnir Persona - The Force, her fangs and claws
  • Combat Function:
    • In her public persona, Varella believes most combat is uncivilized, that there are much better ways to deal with conflict. When honor is required, however, she will use her lightfoil in the traditional style of Hapan nobility. If forced to abandon her public persona to reveal her darker true personality, she will utilize her lightfoil in Makashi and will use her Force powers to hinder her opponents with debilitating effects through Plague and Wound, conceal her true position with Concealment and Doppelganger, and fly around the combat area using Flight.
    • When sufficiently angered in combat, she will embrace her Sangnir nature in battle and abandon her lightfoil for her fangs and claws and continue to use her powers in conjunction with her natural Sangnir abilities and racial traits.
  • Varella is a master manipulator with centuries of experience in maneuvering individuals and groups into doing what she desires.
  • As a Sangnir, she has the racial strengths of the species such as superior strength, speed, senses and reflexes, and also the ability to drain others of their blood and life force (Anima) to sustain her youthful and beautiful appearance, regenerate damage she has sustained in combat, and enhance her abilities.
  • Varella is a powerful Force user, equaling a Master of either the Jedi or Sith in strength. Due to her sadistic and vampiric nature, she tends to draw more upon the dark side of the Force, but learned long ago to conceal her true self and extent of her powers from others.
  • Fire and flames, including weapons that cause cauterization such as blaster bolt or lightsaber, are especially detrimental to Varella as her species cannot regenerate damage easily from such wounds.
  • Her belief in her own superiority, and her own arrogance, can sometimes lead to her being surprised by an enemy she thought she had outwitted and defeated, resulting in her likely humiliation and defeat in that case.
  • While her strength in the Force is equal to a Master, and she has mastered several techniques, she would still be disadvantaged in a one-on-one fight with a fully trained master of either major Force order as they would have training and know techniques she does not at present.

Born in 637 ABY, in the middle of the period of the galaxy being consumed by the Gulag Plague known as the 400 Years of Darkness, Varella grew up in an era of isolation and paranoia. Much of the Interior Regions of the Hapes Cluster had closed their planets off from planetary travel, only allowing authorized individuals and ships to travel among themselves. If the virus was ever detected on one of these vessels after extensive quarantine measures, the ship and its entire crew would be obliterated in space. Varella's family, the Trevelyans, had recently gained the title of Ducha of the planet Harterra, known mostly for its mining of moonstones, and it was expected as the eldest daughter for Varella to eventually take her mother's position.

As she grew up, Varella cultivated a pleasant exterior persona, having many friends and acquaintances among the local nobles, but only as friendly as the cutthroat nature of Hapan politics and fear of the Gulag virus allowed. In private however, her mother had noticed her eldest was developing a more sadistic side, evidenced by the occasional incident with children or servants that displeased her. As she grew older and reached her full adulthood, becoming a willowy beauty that was attracting many proposals from other Hapan worlds, it was common for mother and daughter, along with her younger sisters, to appear happy and united for their subjects, but in private, the family was divided between mother and daughter as they quietly maneuvered against each other and influenced the other siblings of Varella.

Everything changed for Varella, as she entered her thirtieth year, when a strange individual from the greater galaxy arrived at her family's villa. The stranger, a seemingly Human male of the Tapani sector with intense amber eyes named Korloc Kanessit, had arrived on the planet after passing through quarantine to purchase the world's famous moonstones. During his stay at their villa, Varella noticed that Kanessit seemed drawn to her as she would catch him staring at her many times or he would suddenly appear around a corner as she walked. Eventually, she confronted him with a lightfoil she was practicing with, revealing her darker true personality and demanding to know his intentions. Kanessit merely smiled as he stated she only confirmed what he suspected; they were kindred spirits, wearing a mask in public to conceal the monster beneath. He could sense the untapped power within her, and made her an offer. He could show her a path to power, to the ability to dominate and control, to rule... and she needed to do was accept his Embrace.

Not knowing what she was agreeing to, but enraptured by the strange eyes of the guest and his mesmerizing presence up close and her own ambitions, she agreed. The next thing she knew, there was a sharp pain in her neck and her world went black. When she awoke, her hand instinctually went to her neck and found two small wound there and noticed her skin had become deathly pale. A rush to mirror resulted in the discovery that her hair had become more crimson and her eyes had changed to an intense red and black. Shocked, she staggered back and it was then the Sangnir Highblood Korloc Kanessit revealed himself from the shadows. He explained that his Embrace had been an agreement to change her into one of the Sangnir, like himself, and he would teach her how to consume the Anima they needed and how to gain the power she craved.

It was that night when she fed for the first time, feeding and killing her mother and father and turning her own younger sisters into Sangnir at the instruction of her Sire. Varella assumed her position as Ducha with the death of their parents, blamed upon a local predator that had ambushed them on one of her father's hunting trips, while her sisters adjusted to their new existence. Kanessit stuck to the word of their agreement, teaching Varella how to access the Force and her own new abilities of her acquired species, Varella passing the knowledge down to her sisters.

As time progressed, Kanessit departed for the Tapani Sector to oversee his affairs there while maintaining contact with his Hapan converts. Varella slowly enthralled her subjects, isolated as they were with the virus, and altering both history and the records of the world to explain away her perpetual youth and that of her siblings. As Hapans, it was expected to hide their ages, they just took it to more of an extreme, with the sisters even occasionally taking husbands (thralls) and pretending to disappear from sight for the time needed and claim to be a daughter of the original once sufficient time had passed. Over the next hundred and seventy years, Varella ruled her world with a velvet covered iron fist, throwing extravagant parties for many Hapan nobles and showcasing how her world was a peaceful place as the galaxy passed into the modern era, while hiding the corruption within.

The Ducha, now a fully fledged Highblood herself and a Master of the Force in her own right, had built a world of hidden thralls and even turned her own preferred servants and allies into Sangnir themselves, creating secret hierarchy on the planet, all the while staying in contact with Kanessit. It would be through her continued contact with her Sire that would bring the Sangnir to the attention of Darth Arcanix.

Kanessit and his machinations in the Tapani Sector had inadvertently run counter to the hidden Sith Lady operating within the first Galactic Alliance. One of his plots had resulted in a minor noble rising into a position that one Arcanix's Mecrosa Order sect's allies had been attempting to seize, resulting in his disgrace and execution. Recognizing a puppetmaster at work, Arcanix traveled to Tapani, ostensibly on a mission with her Jedi Inquisitors to investigate rumored Sith interference in the sector. Kanessit and his coven were discovered, along with the network he had been quietly constructing since he was first turned in the early 400s. For the slight against her own plans in the sector, and possible endangerment of the approaching Operation Eclipse, Taeli had Kanessit and his network purged, and as they sifted through the data of the destroyed vampiric male, she discovered the connection with Varella.

It would not be until after the fall of the first Galactic Alliance, and not even until after the Sith Empire was heavily embroiled in the Third Imperial Civil War that she would travel to the Hapes Cluster. Arriving on the world of Harterra, she arranged a meeting with the Ducha and it during that meeting an alliance was forged between the Dark Councilor and the Sangnir Highblood. Taeli would gain access to the Sangnir as allies, and some for her own studies, for her use in her plans and schemes and a valuable asset within both the Hapes Cluster and the Silver Jedi Coalition. Varella gained territory and a title on the world of Amaltanna, a world completely controlled by Arcanix and her followers, where she could grow the Sangnir numbers and establish a stronghold in the galaxy for them and she would learn more of the Force from a full master of the dark side.
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