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Approved Ranged Weapon Lafi'sniper

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Manufacturer: Lafi
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Heavy
Size: Average
  • The weapon is based on a wookie crossbow for the power, it has two independent chambers as well as two rotating barrels to swap between laser and slugs.
  • A secret compartment on the side can hide a knife in the stock of the weapon.
  • The power is the equivalent of a Bowcaster (wookie crossbow).
  • Tripod and lying posture are mandatory to use it.
  • The rotating device to change the mod (Laser or Slugs) can be jammed.
Lafi created this weapon when she was sixteen, it exploded several times but she always rebuilds it, improving it each time. It's not perfect but she's really attached to it. It is unique, Lafi used parts of multiple weapons to made it, like a Bowcaster for the core were she added a long canon from a sniper rifle. After a few try, she added the rotating device to it and managed to assemble both lasers and traditional parts.
The Sniper is very heavy and big, transporting it can be exhausting.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: A personnal weapon for Lafi
Permissions: Closed market

Technical Information

Affiliation: Lafi
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Long Range
Rate of Fire: Single Shot
Material: Blaster components, bowcaster components.
Ammunition Type: Blaster/Slugs
Ammunition Capacity: Small
Damage Output: High
Recoil: High
Ranged Class: Sniper Rifle
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