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Lagertha Wirbelwind

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Lagertha Wirbelwind

Lagertha Wirbelwind
NAME: Lagertha "Lag" Wirbelwind
RANK: Mercenary
AGE: 25
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5' 4"
WEIGHT: 122 lbs.
EYES: Green (Left) Ocular Implant Red (Right)
HAIR: Pink (Dyed)
SKIN: White

+ Confident: If there's one thing Lag knows about herself. It's that she has confidence in what she's doing.
+ Can't Irk The Merc: Always calm and cool headed. No matter how out of hand the situation may become.
+/- Bold: Lag isn't going to shy away. Not from a good opportunity. Not from a good challenge. In other words, she'll take risks. Fortune favors the bold after all.
- Flattery: Like butter in a hot skillet, she'll melt if you kiss up in the right way.
- The Past: Lag did things back in the day she's not proud of anymore. Things that haunt her every time she closes her eyes to sleep at night. A tight lock is kept on the details of her old life.
Short and nimble, Lagertha doesn't fit the typical mercenary profile. Not that she can help her size situation, though it does come with its own unique advantages. It does to her detriment put her at a disadvantage over physically strong foes and high shelves. Strength isn't the end all be all of course, plenty of ways to overcome. And Lag is only too happy to show them why.
Lag has a very stand out of the crowd look. With styled up pink hair, orange tinted goggles and a cybernetic eye. Then of course her feminine physique adds in. This is played down by her mercenary attire. Armor plates strapped over a leather jacket lined with armor weave. Combat pants and boots. More armor over those. You know, mercenary armor. Nothing fancy like coreward mercs.
Lag also has scarring around her right cybernetic eye from an old injury. Sure she could get it fixed with surgery. It serves as a reminder to not forget her past. Plus it adds that tough mercenary reputation. Gotta respect combat damage.
In Lag's early years, little is known. Not that the knowledge is lost. Just that it's keeper holds it close to her chest from everyone else if you catch the drift here. What you can get out of her is that she was born and raised on Makeb near the edge of the galaxy. Lag's father was the one that raised her. He was a decent man who brought up his child the best he could. And that's really all she'll say of any relevance.
As for recent history. Lag surfaced around the Mara Corridor working as a mercenary for hire. Pretty general stuff as that sort of thing goes. Not exactly making a name for herself doing low level grunt work. She's got ambition to make something more of herself though. And that's all one needs.

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