Laith Varad

[SIZE=15pt]Laith Varad[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]FACTION: Mandalorian[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]SPECIES:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Human[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]AGE:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] 29[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]SEX:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Male[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]HEIGHT:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] 6’3[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]WEIGHT:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] 214 lbs[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]EYES:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Brown[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]HAIR:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Black[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]SKIN:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Caucasian[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]([/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]+[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]) Physical Condition: Laith right now is at the top of his performance, able to outstand between his peers[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt](+) Survival: Laith has a lot of experience when it comes to living the open wilderness.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]([/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]+[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]) Assaulter: When it comes to it, Laith is a front lines man, charging at the front when needed.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]([/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]-[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]) Prideful: Laith is pride of all of his actions, good or bad, and will do anything to defend his pride and title.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]([/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]-[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]) “It’s you or me.”: Laith takes this term seriously, caring about his life than anyone else’s, with some exceptions.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Laith stands at a pretty tall 6’3, with a slim-muscular build. He wears his simple mandalorian armour (see above picture) that he keeps on nearly all the time.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Laith was born along with his brothers and sister along the Varad clan line, a small yet passionate clan on Concord Dawn. His brothers and sisters ment the world to him, that was before they grew up and started their journey to become bounty hunters across the galaxy, each following after each others footsteps. And now after years of training and self-motivation, it is his turn to follow up and become a bounty hunter like the rest.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Coming soon.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Coming soon.[/SIZE]