The Waking Nightmare
"Language is power, life and the instrument of culture, the instrument of domination and liberation"
- Angela Carter -
- Intent: To create a specific language of the Nardithi Nightsisters
- Image Credit: XX
- Canon: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: Dathomirian Language I Gaelic
- Media Name: Briathar Anamacha (Language)
- Format: Book (Leabhar Focal)
- Distribution: Scattered
- Length: Long
- Description: The book, Leabhar Focal, contains the ancient language of the Nardithi Nightsisters, Briathar Anamacha. Inside the book, broken into chapters, covers the history of the language, the complete alphabet, the complete dictionary of words, and a small appendix section of known languages.
- Author: Varies authors
- Publisher: Nardithi Nightsisters Witch Coven
- Reception: The book is received like all books containing languages of species; with educated enthusiasm. Scholars find this book thrilling as it gives insight to a Dathomir culture that has separated itself from the traditional norms previously believed about the Nightsisters and the Covens and Clans.
The Leabhar Focal, translated as Book of Words, is elegantly written and easily to understand from any perspective. The book is constructed from the leathery, reptilian skin of nydaks and inked in cultivated and dried sap from the grave thorn. The original copy, kept only among the Coven itself, has been magically infused with spirit ichor that allows the pages to turn automatically without being touched. The contains a bound spirit that acts like a guide or teacher to those you need understanding of the book's contents. All other copies are just normal texts.
The Leabhar Focal consists of three main chapters of the book along with an appendix in the back. Below is a summary of each context contained within the book.
- Chapter 1 - The History
To the Coven, the language known as Briathar Anamacha, which is translated as Word of Souls, became their personalized language. To the other Dathomir Clans and Covens, they called it Swamp Talk or Bog Speech. The Third Clan Mother was the first founder of the language, and over the centuries the language adopted further with arrival of other species and their languages, like Galactic Basic and Huttese. The language can be traced back as far as 650 BBY, but the actual date of origin is unknown.
- Chapter 2 - The Alphabet
- Chapter 3 - The Dictionary
- Chapter 4 - Appendix
Around the estimated time of 650 BBY, the language known as Briathar Anamacha was created by the Nardithi Nightsister Coven under the guidance of the Third Clan Mother. Originally the language was a crude collection taken from the original Dathomir language, but over time it began to take shape. The language spoken by theses Nightsisters developed its own dialect and like the language itself, a particular accent was born from the speaking of the words. The accent possessed a mellow tone that was soothing in comparison to other accents of the various Clans on Dathomir. When one heard a Nardithi Nightsister speak, they would think high society or royalty, which in fact was quite the opposite given their stature and location on Dathomir.
The language started out extremely small in terms of words and word usage and meaning, however, as the Nardithi Nightsisters became acquainted with other species that spoke other dialects, were as languages like Huttese and Galactic Basic held the most influence on the growing language in the beginning, the inclusion for the need for word association became apparent, and thus more words were added to their language, and with every new word the original Dathomir language began to truly phase out among the Coven.
With the growing of Briathar Anamacha, so did the languages alphabet. The need for more letters to accommodate the language were created, with a symbol known as a diacritic added to words to show a particular way a letter was pronounced when spoken. Eventually the language peaked and plateaued, finally ending its era of growth.
Around the time of the Imperial Era or more importantly during the Dark Times that the book Leabhar Focal was first written to first act as teaching guide for the young Nightsisters and then copies created to help others to understand their language. During Imperial rule, the Dathomir Nightsisters suffered greatly, and the effects were even felt by the solitude of the Nardithi Coven, who sought through this book as a way to continue their legacy after they were gone. Today the language is exclusively spoken among the Coven of the Nardithi Nightsisters, only speaking other languages when dealing with outsiders. However, the other Clans and Covens of Dathomir refuse to acknowledge such a language, giving it mockery names like Swamp Talk and Bog Speech.
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