Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Lana Bendo


Lana Bendo

Force SensitiveYes


Straight Bright Blond Hair, Yellow-Orange eyes, White Skin.


Black Leather Echani Armor
Recovered Reborn Dark Jedi Robes
Firebrand Hilt Lightsaber (red blade)


Lana is an anomaly in that she is sweet nature gal who tries to use The Force to help others. She believes she can use the dark side if its in defense of the helpless. However, she does not subscribe to the Sith ideology and beliefs, and at the same time refuses to join The Jedi because she believes Passion is strength, that you cannot have compassion without it.


She is a very spirit young woman, feeling a zest for life and enjoying many layere of it.

Lana is a Master of Makashi and Djem So, which she alternates between mid duel.

Limited Light Side Healing:
When she feels great compassion and care for someone she can use The Firce to heal, but only in this state, she cannot command it as a Jedi Healer does, and its limited to one or two persons and drains her.


Dark Side Corruption:

Believes there is no cost in using the dsrk side and that it can be used for good.

Self Sacrificing to A Fault:
She is too concerned with the welfare of others that she neglects her own and even has gotten injured over it like her leg with the Kath Hounds.

Fear of Loneliness:
Lana does not know how to be alone, she prefers to be helping others, farming, or spending time with people socially.


Lana Bendo was born on Dantooine to a Farming family where ahe honed her plucky nature and helped take care of the homestead. In confrontation with Kath Hound her leg was damaged, and she was brought in to the Jedi Enclave to be healed where they instantly saw her potential in The Force. As a Padawan she discovered the dark side of the Force which she used on some thugs threatening to harm her Father.

The Enclave’s Council was not pleased she used agressive emotions and she was sentenced to off world missions, hoping that being away from family would curb her inclination to waver in passion. This did not have the desired effect and she returned from her first mission having uses the dark side to defeat a criminal cell. Deciding The Jedi life was not for her, she submitted her resignation before she could be considered for expulsion. She returned to her farm and family.

Lana took the death of her Father Edgar hard and isolated in what had once been known as the Dark Grove, there an altercation happened between her and two Padawans who mocked her grief, the result was permanent burns from Force Lightning.

The Jedi Council sent knights to collect her when she arrived on her own and pleaded her case. The ruling was the Padawans had given into the Dark Grove and behaved poorly, and that Lana’s grief was genuine, though her use of The Force in such destructive ways required she leave Dantooine for seven years and return only on condition that she be reformed. Lana asked the Jedi to look out for her Mother who was ailing, and they agreed to move her into the enclave. This result from the Jedi kept bitterness from forming in Lana, though she still believed one coukd use the dark side for good.
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