Lancem Cuiléin
Hyper Predator
NAME: Lancem Cuiléin
RANK: None
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.9288
WEIGHT: 90.7185
EYES: Green
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White
Lancem stands at 1.9 Meters and weighs about 90 Kg which appears to be mostly fit muscle. Lancem has a light beard and mustache growing on his face.His skin is white and his eyes are green. His hair is black and seems to point slightly upwards in the front.
He is commonly found wearing scarfs of various types, especially checkered ones and dresses in light black jackets.
Lancem grew up on Anzat, his older brother Tristam and parents Ameli and Ruaidri took care of him for the first few years of his life. Later on his younger sister Morgana was born.
Life was peaceful for a long while, the family traveled from planet to planet and Ameli and Ruaidri taught the children much. They learned how to hunt the other sentients of the planet and grew accustomed to the culture of the Anzat. However, they never delved completely into the complete fanatacism of the Soup, after all, it was just food.
After several more years of growing up, Lancem's cousins' parents went crazy and were subsequently executed. The cousins came to live with the main body of the family where they grew up with the others, forging a close bond with them. They worked together planet to planet and stayed only until their murder trails led back to them or until people began to notice their lack of rapid aging.
This behavior went on for centuries, until finally when Lancem was 317 his parents were taken by the Netherworld event. The family each took it their own ways, though they all seemed to spread apart throughout the galaxy. Lancem personally went on to live the first couple of years on harshly weathered worlds in an attempt at personally sacrificing joy in hopes that his parents would return. When that failed he turned to bars and taverns and quickly became acquainted with the less suitable crowds that permeated such places.
He learned many tricks using various instruments of warfare, including knives, vibroblades, and blasters of common sort. Gradually he gained a small piece of wealth as he worked for various groups as a paid mercenary. Eventually however there was a call to return and to find the rest of the family, to re-unite that which had once been. He took his wealth, and went to heed the call.
SHIP: Horizon-Class Star Yacht
Lancem is a very sarcastic person who is quite easy going...sorta. However, when he goes into combat he becomes extremely hyper and happy as he enjoys the thrill of the fight. In fact, he enjoys the thrill of most things which give off adrenaline.
Tristan Cuiléin [Elder Brother]
Morgana Cuiléin [Younger Sister]
Nakia Bors-Cuiléin [Cousin]
Lanval Bors-Cuiléin [Cousin]
RANK: None
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.9288
WEIGHT: 90.7185
EYES: Green
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White
- Strong: As with all Anzati, Lancem possesses nearly thrice as much strength as the average human.
- Good Looks: Lancem is a reasonable looking fellow, something he uses to his advantage.
- Anzati: Lancem has gained all of the physical and mental advantages that come with being an Anzati.
- Reflexes: Lancem has extremely quick reflexes thanks to his Anzati heritage and training.
- Sleight of Hand: Lancem is good at creating fast movements with his hands.
- Family: Lancem cares deeply for his family, and they for him.
- Arrogant: When you live for as long as Lancem has, you tend to forget that younger people still pack a punch.
- Sarcastic: Hold on, let me explain this one to you, genius.
- Predator: Anzati eat sentient beings...sometimes it's sort of hard to keep that under the table.
- Eager: You ever met a guy who seems a bit too eager to get into a fight? Lancem is one of those.
- Finesse of the Force: Lancem has a fair amount of trouble learning more complex force abilities, though he seems to excel at more basic ones.
Lancem stands at 1.9 Meters and weighs about 90 Kg which appears to be mostly fit muscle. Lancem has a light beard and mustache growing on his face.His skin is white and his eyes are green. His hair is black and seems to point slightly upwards in the front.
He is commonly found wearing scarfs of various types, especially checkered ones and dresses in light black jackets.
Lancem grew up on Anzat, his older brother Tristam and parents Ameli and Ruaidri took care of him for the first few years of his life. Later on his younger sister Morgana was born.
Life was peaceful for a long while, the family traveled from planet to planet and Ameli and Ruaidri taught the children much. They learned how to hunt the other sentients of the planet and grew accustomed to the culture of the Anzat. However, they never delved completely into the complete fanatacism of the Soup, after all, it was just food.
After several more years of growing up, Lancem's cousins' parents went crazy and were subsequently executed. The cousins came to live with the main body of the family where they grew up with the others, forging a close bond with them. They worked together planet to planet and stayed only until their murder trails led back to them or until people began to notice their lack of rapid aging.
This behavior went on for centuries, until finally when Lancem was 317 his parents were taken by the Netherworld event. The family each took it their own ways, though they all seemed to spread apart throughout the galaxy. Lancem personally went on to live the first couple of years on harshly weathered worlds in an attempt at personally sacrificing joy in hopes that his parents would return. When that failed he turned to bars and taverns and quickly became acquainted with the less suitable crowds that permeated such places.
He learned many tricks using various instruments of warfare, including knives, vibroblades, and blasters of common sort. Gradually he gained a small piece of wealth as he worked for various groups as a paid mercenary. Eventually however there was a call to return and to find the rest of the family, to re-unite that which had once been. He took his wealth, and went to heed the call.
SHIP: Horizon-Class Star Yacht
Lancem is a very sarcastic person who is quite easy going...sorta. However, when he goes into combat he becomes extremely hyper and happy as he enjoys the thrill of the fight. In fact, he enjoys the thrill of most things which give off adrenaline.
Tristan Cuiléin [Elder Brother]
Morgana Cuiléin [Younger Sister]
Nakia Bors-Cuiléin [Cousin]
Lanval Bors-Cuiléin [Cousin]
Lay your Head Down
Lancem gets into a moshpit fight, and kisses someone he hardly knows. Injuries ensue.
Familiar Face
Lancem meets up with his cousin Nakia for the first time in six years
Brotherly Squabble
Lancem has a sparring match with Tristan, they chat about their lives during the exile.
Curiosity killed the Raven
People do things to Dominion a planet, Lancem flirts with Chiasa Kritivaas.
Lancem gets into a moshpit fight, and kisses someone he hardly knows. Injuries ensue.
Familiar Face
Lancem meets up with his cousin Nakia for the first time in six years
Brotherly Squabble
Lancem has a sparring match with Tristan, they chat about their lives during the exile.
Curiosity killed the Raven
People do things to Dominion a planet, Lancem flirts with Chiasa Kritivaas.