Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Landrover hit a family members car.

Just a heads up.

Couple of family members were just hit by a landrover that didn't slow down. Not sure how bad they are, stitches and such. Trying to get police to them now, waiting game.

Will be in and out. Still be posting as writings my thing but, certain muses will be junk for a bit.
Thanks ladies and gents.

Was in a city so he was only going city speeds thankfully, because he didn't brake. 4by4 hitting a car and getting no word had us worried, as they were dazed and unable to talk.

Brothers got a few sets of stitches in his head from glass going into him from the back, mums just got whiplash. It'll be more a case of her having no car for a while for her.

Appreciate the words.

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