Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Language of the Flowers


LOCATION: Ran Dom Kuun

TAG: Elias Edo Elias Edo Valery Noble Valery Noble

After a long week, Jonyna returned back to the homeworld to simply enjoy herself. Treesurfing across Ran Dom Kuun was about as nostalgic as Jonyna could get these days, but she did so this morning with a purpose. As she flipped through the air, gliding across one branch to another, she had a plan today.

Her fellow council members were coming to visit. She had told him it was under the guise of planning out a new set of armor for the NJO. After all, they had decommissioned the Dooku Armor a while back, and an alternative was needed.

That of course, was on the docket, but it wasn't the real reason they were being invited. Jonyna wanted to take the two of them into the jungle to find a cornerstone of her culture.

To find the Picture of a Lady.

The flower that was considered near mythical in it's beauty. To present it to one's lover was a sign of deep commitment, of utter devotion, and to tell them they are the most gorgeous thing one could imagine. The highest compliment, and a journey to find in and of itself.

First though, she'd have to meet up with them. Jonyna slid down the branch once more, flipping through the air, and landing on the starport pad that they had agreed to meet at.

She had already told Valery Noble Valery Noble the plan, but Elias was left in the dark. He had only been told they wanted to spitball ideas for the new armor.



"He should arrive any moment now," Valery told Jonyna Si Jonyna Si after making her way back to Cathar. The original plan on its own had been interesting — planning out new armor for the Jedi — but she much preferred their plans to go into the forest. The flower they wanted to collect would be the perfect gift for someone special, and all three of them had found that someone. Valery was perhaps in a different position, having been married to him for a very long time.

But new or old love, it didn't matter.

This gift would mean just as much.

"I'm sure Jenn is going to love it," Valery said with a smile, "She's the romantic type, so a gesture like this will be something she's never going to forget." Kahlil could be romantic too, but sometimes she wondered if she was smothering him a little too much with her affection.

She could barely resist herself when he was in her presence.

Tides of Change


Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Valery Noble Valery Noble
Location: Ran Dom Kuun,


Decomissioning the Dooku armor was an understandable choice considering the new challenges faced by the NJO these days, but it was a choice Elias couldn't fully get behind knowing that there wasn't already an alternative in place. Thankfully, though, his new role as Quartermaster of the Jedi Council meant that he was responsible for helping to facilitate a new set of standard Jedi armor for the next generation of Light Side warriors. His mind was full of designs both aesthetic and practical as the Calypso entered the starfield and made the jump from Bogano to Cathar.

Like many of the worlds he'd visited recently, Elias had never been to Cathar. It was a verdant world covered in jungles and savannahs, a much-needed break from the monotony of the desert worlds that had required his attention as of late. The Jedi Master brought his crescent-shaped freighter down in Ran Dom Kuun, the location where his fellow Council members Jonyna Si Jonyna Si and Valery Noble Valery Noble were waiting for him.

It didn't take long for Elias to find the pair of Jedi, although it wished it did; the views of Cathar from here were phenomenal. Moving slow and taking in the natural beauty of new planets was a special thing for Elias, but he knew there were more pressing matters to attend to than sightseeing. He approached his colleagues with arms open to greet them. "Good to see you again, my friends," Elias said with a smile. He hadn't worked alongside them yet since he and Jonyna were inaugurated into the Jedi Council. It felt good to make some progress with friends at his side.

"I'm eager to share my plans for the new Jedi armor with you. I've got some ideas I think you'll like." He wasn't much of an artist, but the designs he has pulled together were good blends of traditional armor and new innovations.


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble Elias Edo Elias Edo

"Sylvar I hope so." Jonyna chuckled to Val as Elias's ship came down. "Here he comes. Put a smile on, I gotta lead him into the jungle."

As his ship came down, Jonyna gave Val a hip bump as she approached, offering a smile to the Quartermaster. "Hey!" Jonyna smiled, offering Elias a handshake. "You've been busy, eh? Do you mind if we walk and talk? I've got some ideas for the new armor. Been talking with Val about them."



Valery dipped her head and offered Elias a warm smile when he arrived, "It's good to see you again, friend." The two of them had always worked well together, so even for something like Jedi armor design, it felt good to cooperate with someone she knew she could trust with anything. The challenge ahead was to design something fitting — something that felt appropriate to what Jedi armor had always been like.

But also something that'd help them in the upcoming wars.

"I'm eager to hear both of your ideas. For the armor or robes we offer, I always prefer more traditional designs. Something that all Jedi can wear and be recognized with. How we precisely make that happen... well, I'm open to ideas." She dipped her head once more, then followed after Jonyna.

They could talk along the way, but it was their secondary objective that really made her eager to get moving.

Tides of Change


Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Valery Noble Valery Noble
Location: Ran Dom Kuun,


Elias thought the pair of Jedi were unusually eager to procure a new armor, but he was never one to put down a bright mood. He matched their warmth with a large grin, shaking Jonyna’s hand and returning Val’s nod with one of his own. “Very good to see you both again!” Elias said with a kind smile. “The enclave tour has certainly kept me busy. I’m glad to have some time to slow down and help out with this project.

He was referring to the circuit of temple visits he’d been making throughout the Core and Mid-Rim. As Quartermaster of the NJO, Elias was responsible for ensuring that the Order’s holdfasts were up to par and well-equipped in the event of an attack from the Dark Empire. That included, he supposed, the adoption and eventual dispersal of new regulation armor. Cathar was on his list of visits to make, and by happy coincidence, it was chosen as the meeting place for him to convene with Jonyna Si Jonyna Si and Valery Noble Valery Noble on the project.

With a slight skip in his step, Elias started into the jungle behind Masters Si and Noble, listening to the latter share her thoughts on the direction of the armor’s design. “I agree,” Elias said. “Recognizability is empowering. Seeing the NJO as a cohesive force would go a long way to boost confidence for us, and to demoralize the enemy.


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble Elias Edo Elias Edo

Once they got moving, Jonyna once more defaulted to her natural mode of transportation on Cathar. Gliding, dipping up and down, and sometimes swirling upside down along a branch while she kept eye contact with the other two. She didn't even seem to put any effort into it at times, casually speaking to the two while entirely upside down. "I can think of a couple ideas from my era. Kenobi's armor always looked pretty cool. We could also draw some concepts from our history." Jonyna teased, looking to Val. "Your armor has always been pretty iconic, yeah?"

Slowly, Jonyna led them deeper into the jungle. Away from the branches of Ran Dom Kuun, into the equatorial jungle. Clearly, she had a destination in mind, but she wasn't saying it yet.



"Kenobi's armor is along the lines of what I was thinking," Valery agreed, her eyes shifting up and down to follow the erratic movements of her Cathar friend, "It's armored, but it's not overly bulky. It makes it useful for our Jedi Guardians, but also for Jedi who aren't always at the frontlines." Heavy armor could be extremely useful too, but Valery knew a Consular was likely never going to wear it, even if it was the standard for the Order.

They needed something all Jedi could use.

When Jonyna mentioned Valery's own armor, she blinked, "Well, I don't wear my armor often. It might be a little too bulky?" The jumpsuit, on the other hand, was something others would potentially wear. But it offered little armor and she had a feeling that it wouldn't work for some Jedi.

The mental image of her husband in skin-tight jumpsuits flashed through her mind.

"What do you think, Elias?"

Tides of Change


Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Valery Noble Valery Noble
Location: Ran Dom Kuun,


"Something akin to classic Jedi commander armor would do quite nicely," Elias said. It wasn't overly bulky, could be used by Jedi of any specialization, and offered an iconic visual to their allies and enemies alike. He knew that some NJO Jedi wouldn't appreciate the uniformity, but personal style matters little when a blaster bolt catches you in the shoulder. As if on cue, Elias' muscle seemed to ache right where he himself was shot but an unseen Imperial during the NIO campaign.

"I personally do not wear armor much myself, but I'm also not typically on the frontlines either. I tend to aid in Shadow work behind the scenes where recognizable armor would only give me away." In truth, Elias looked more like a hermit or smuggler than a Jedi but considering his successes in the Mid and Outer Rim, perhaps that wasn't such a bad thing.

He shrugged, looking at them both. "A mix of comfort, flexibility, and protection is best."




TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble Elias Edo Elias Edo

"I could have my company make some modified mock ups of the Nemean Armor. That's more or less what the Commander armor was. Just modified Clone armor."

The deeper into the jungle Jonyna led them, the more the rain picked up. Trees became slick, and it became clear why the Cathar used them as highways as Jonyna was. Sliding across them was less about riding the bark, and more a very strange form of surfing. Jonyna was clearly leading them somewhere, though where couldn't be surmised at this point.

"So how's Efret Farr Efret Farr ?" Jonyna asked, looking to Elias, while twirling across a branch at nearly 20 miles an hour.. "Haven't seen her in a hot minute. Heard you two are close."


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