Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lanir Tyko


NAME: Lanir Tyko
FACTION: Jedi, Galactic Republic
RANK: Padawan
AGE: 15
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5' 9"
WEIGHT: 130 pounds
EYES: Green
HAIR: Red-blond
SKIN: White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strengths: Excellent reaction time and agility, great connection with the force, very determined, friendly and accepting of others, ambidextrous
Weaknesses: Lacks age and experience, poor judgement (what teenager doesn't have this huehuehue), easily influenced, unstable emotions, mysanthropic,

Lanir is a well built 15 year old male from Anaxes. He has a high nose and his his hair covers up his ears, which are slightly jutting out from his head. His hair is a weird mix of red and blond, due to his father being a ginger and his mother being blonde. He has scars down his back. He has a strong jaw and is barely growing a wisp of hair for a beard. He has a deep voice, but it occasionally cracks

Lanir grew up on the planet Anaxes, and due to his heritage and social standing, he was expected to grow up to be a commanding officer. However, it became apparent fairly early that he had connection to the force. Always friendly and accepting, Lanir made many friends while at the academy. However, it soon became clear that he was hopeless at commanding forces. However, he was very intelligent and cunning as well as being quick. His best friend started giving him the nickname Fox, not only due to his reflexes but his reddish hair and pointy nose. While he was successful in his social life, his home life was very different. His father was a proud commander and in high standing on Anaxes, and when he found out his son was a hopeless commander he went into a rage and broke a chair over Lanir's break and hit him with a switch several times. Only the presence of Lanir's mother managed to calm him down. Due to his failing grades and his apparent connection with the Force, his father, now accepting and encouraging his son, sent him off to study as a Jedi at the age of 8, a little old for a Padawan. Still, he excelled early and it was obvious he was well connected with the force, although it was his skills wielding a lightsaber that set him apart from others of his class. Despite being untrained in any of the forms, he had tremendous speed and agility. Most of this came from his natural reflexes as well as drawing from the force to help him, however it became known that he could lose control of the force when fighting. This happened once during a training spar with another student, and Lanir lost his control of the force and tried to kill the other student. Luckily for both of them, these were training lightsabers, and the trainer managed to subdue him. It was worrying for both the trainer and Lanir, as it seemed that while on the surface he was a friendly and peaceful Jedi, inside he was a murderous force user more alined with the Dark Side. After talking with a higher-up, it was determined that during his screening it was seen that he had dark tendencies, and was easily influenced by others. However, he trained hard to reign in his control of the force and was eventually given a mentor to become a knight




Master: Thurion Heavenshield


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