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Character Lannis Morcus

Lannis Morcus

Lannis Morcus


ORIGINAL NAME: Lannis Morcus

FACTION: New Imperial Order

RANK: Grand Inquisitor


AGE: 66

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: Average

PHYSICAL STATE: Relatively Healthy

EYES: Yellow from Dark Side Corruption (Naturally Blue)

HAIR: Grey

SKIN: White



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Cunning Intellect: Morcus has lived a so far long and interesting life. His many triumphs, and defeats, have honed his strategic skill and furthered his pursuit of further knowledge, shaping his mind into a lethal weapon in it's own right. Only through his knowledge and cunning has he remained alive against the threat of multiple enemies, and his mastery at the art of manipulation has been key in that regard.
Dark Side Mastery: Decades of study, practice and collection of Sith Relics have given Lannis a great knowledge of the dark side. The powers at his command are impressive indeed, putting him at a level equivalent to some of the most powerful Sith Lords presently alive.
Master Swordsman: Well versed in the art of Lightsaber combat, Morcus is especially talented in Makashi, making him exceptionally formidable in combat against other lightsaber wielders.
Ego: Morcus has a great amount of confidence in himself and his abilities, leaving him with a very inflated ego. Damage to such could definitely unbalance him and leave him vulnerable, if one can manage to gain the upper hand against him.
Sentinmentality: Despite being a largely practical man, Morcus does hold a soft spot for those he considers his closest friends and family. His plans for galactic conquest may yet be hindered by him trying to protect those he cares for, above all else.

Recently restored to newfound vigour due to the aid of several Sith rituals, Lannis has been restored to his former glory, rid of any ailments that once plagued him. He retains a well groomed and regal appearance at all times, his grey hair and beard well trimmed and maintained. He most commonly wears attire befitting a nobleman of Serenno when not in battle, and his former Inquisitorial armor when the need for battle arises.

Once a former Jedi Padawan in his youth, Morcus left the Jedi Order after growing dissatisfied with it's restrictions and procedures. He wished to delve into the true nature of the force, and the Jedi were narrowminded in their vision. He reclaimed his family birthright on Serenno, accumulating great wealth so he might study the mysteries of the force, eventually delving deep into the dark side. He spent many decades delving into the secrets and power of the Sith, becoming a powerful Dark Jedi Master, though never formally joining the present Sith Order.

In recent years, he became Grand Inquisitor of the Inquisitorius for the Galactic Empire under the command of Emperor Kardal and Grand Moff Tanomas Graf, and briefly served a stint as Emperor over it's remnants until their reformation into the Core Imperial Confederation. He also allied with the nobility of Commenor, becoming extremely close to Kay Arenais and her family, who he came to consider his own family due to their generosity and friendship. This did not hinder his persuit of further power. When the Sith sacked Commenor, he did his utmost to aid the Arenais family in reclaiming their world from the Sith Imperial occupation force. He also aided in Kay Arenais's brief rule over the Eternal Throne of Zakuul.

Recently, Morcus has pledged his loyalty to the New Imperial Order, seeing in them at last a true successor to the Core Imperial Confederation. He has moved to lend his assistance to the New Imperial cause, hoping to earn their favour.

TIE Advanced x1




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