Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lanrek Corso

Lanrek Corso


NAME: Lanrek Corso
FACTION: None, yet.
RANK: "Oh, General, at least."
AGE: Twenty-eight.
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'5"
WEIGHT: 145 lbs
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Brown, dirty, partially dreadlocked, unkempt.
SKIN: Caucasian.


Self-reliant. Corso can get by just fine on his own, thanks. You want to tag along? Great. But you'd better be useful, and you'd better keep your wits about you, 'cause he won't think twice about cutting you loose.
Good in a fight. Bar brawl? Firefight? Knives-in-a-gunfight? Bare-knuckle? Bring it on. He hasn't got a particularly graceful style (no Soresu or Echani proficiencies here) but Corso has spent more than two thirds of his life dishing out, and taking licks. He knows how to take a punch, and can certainly dish out the pain. He's a dirty fighter, and has a high pain tolerance and above-average endurance.
Unsavory contacts. Corso has built (and will continue to build -- list to follow) a good roster of outer Rim moles, rats, informants, thugs and turn-coats ready to give (or sell) him information. This in addition to the 'above-board' avenues available to law-enforcement.
Thousand-Yard Stare. Corso trusts very few beings in the 'verse. He can typically see trouble coming his way, and is very tough to catch off-guard. Call it a sixth sense.

Can't walk away. Corso finds it very difficult to walk away from a fight / bounty / target.
Self-reliant. It's a strength. But it's also a weakness.

Corso (he can't stand his given name) wears his uniform -- that of a frontier Justice Marshall -- 90% of the time. There are few justice marshalls in the Rim, and their uniform (if it can truly be called a uniform) is pretty individual, based on the whims of the wearer. Corso's is utilitarian, comprising travelling garb and basic merchant / rogue clothing (combat boots, utility / synthweave combat fatigues) with a battered leather jacket and a well-worn Republic military breastplate, adorned with the Justice Marshall emblem and his ident tags. He carries and adds gear as necessary for the job and based on the conditions of the planetoid he is on, but tends to travel light.

Corso grew up in the slums of Coruscant's underworld. He had quick fingers, scratching out an existence as a pickpocket by 8 and was a full member of a gang at 13. He had worked his way up to under-boss by 15, and didn't see the light of the upper-world until his 20th birthday. Corso hopped a ship off-world around that age, and jumped from rim world to rim world for a few years, before being deputized as part of a lynch mob tracking a wanted criminal on Honoghr. As luck would have it, he was the only survivor of the hunt, and left the parched plains and deserts with the former Marshall's shield and rights. (Fact is, there was no luck to it. After a few bloody fights, Corso killed the remaining three members of the posse, including the Marshall, in cold blood.)

Corso is a dirty cop. He's fair when it suits him, and follows his own code of ethics (such as they are.) He answers to a very small tribunal, spread throughout the Rim, and operates as it suits him, following his nose and any leads to whatever work presents itself. Sure, he does good deeds. All bad cops do. But he is self-serving, and not above killing if the price is right or if opportunity knocks.

Corso keeps a small but functional arsenal locked aboard the 'Loose Ends' (see below) including a Merr-Sonn BB-23 Heavy Blaster Cannon, a pair of A-295 blaster rifles, and a T-21 light repeating blaster. In addition, Corso keeps a stock of several pistols aboard the 'Loose Ends,' including (among others) a pair of Blas-Tech DL-22s, a pair of KYD-21s, a pair of modified Westar-34s and a Mer-Sonn Power5.

He carries with him at all times a pair of pistols in thigh holsters (one a blaster of his choosing based on his current preference, the other being his service pistol, a model 2019 slugthrower) two backup pistols (typically an old Scout Trooper holdout blaster hidden at the small of his back, and a COP 35 four-shot derringer slug-thrower concealed in his left boot) and a combat vibroblade for close-quarters.

Corso pilots the CEC YT-1000 freighter 'Loose Ends.' She's mostly stock (for now.)

None yet.

None yet.

1) Dasson Rend, Dead or Alive

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