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NAME: Lanta 'Slick' Rosa
FACTION: N/A for now.
AGE: 24 years of age.
SEX: Male.
HEIGHT: Six foot two inches.
WEIGHT: 190 lbs.
EYES: Lanta's eyes are a bright blue, however rather sunken in his face, hinting at his past.
HAIR: Lanta's hair is dirty brown, very rarely kept neatly done, more often than not he keeps it hidden by his heavy hood.
SKIN: Caucasian, however normally covered in dirt or soot from his troubled life.
FORCE SENSITIVE: No sensitivity of significance.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Survival of the fittest: Lanta has survived alone in the lower levels of Coruscant for many years, giving him remarkable physical and mental ability, able to out think many opponents, and those too stupid to be out thought he can normally outrun, using a mixture of free running, and being physically solid enough to charge in a straight line and barrel through anything in front of him.
A bounty of knowledge: Lanta's personal vendetta against Spicers has led to him being in a near constant state of paranoia concerning the possibility that he may have a bounty or two on his head after his actions, causing him to find it very hard to bond with others, or even show his face or form, often hiding it beneath his thick leather gear, this fear of being against people trained to kill him also means that he will always try to run away from a fight that he doesn't start, in fear of his enemy being better equipped and ready for him.
What is a sun?: Lanta has spent his entire life stuck on the lower levels of the city planet of Coruscant, due to this he has never really seen the light of an actual sun in its entirety, and also is highly naive to the rest of the universe, never really knowing about concepts such as piloting anything beyond a speeder or the conflict between Jedi and Sith.
Technically inept: Lanta is not used to or good with technology, beyond breaking it he has no idea of what purpose many electrical panels serve due to not having enough money or motivation to get to grips with droids or computers. This leaves him very useless when faced with a technological foe, and even more lost when attempting to communicate with a droid.
Keen eyes: One of Lanta's greatest skills that he has trained himself with is his vision; having excellent ability to see in low light levels and a uncanny ability to pick out faces and details in a crowd, this aids him in his survival, allowing him to plan out escape routes and hiding places by eye, along with possible ways to earn a few credits.
This is audio recording LR-24D, history of Coruscant Underworld citizen Lanta Rosa. Subject was born in horrible conditions to a pair of adults enslaved in the Spice production trade of the Lower Coruscant levels. What group of Spicers is unknown at this point in time, but the labs are presumed destroyed as a result of a later action. The parents were forced into the slavery and kept 'motivated' by use of Spice stimulations. Once the child was old enough he too was put into the business of production, as just another body, hardened and tempered by the world that he was forced into. The boy quickly saw the pain and misery shared among himself, his parents, and the rest of those enslaved to this gang, however was far too young to do anything about it for now. So instead he planned and plotted.
After quite a few more years had passed, Rosa's parents died as a result of the fumes and conditions they were forced to work in, the pain and trauma motivating Lanta further in his want for freedom, but he knew that the only way to escape this was to be as devious as those who kept him there. Each day he learned a bit more about those he was forced to work for, and possible weaknesses in their schedules to exploit. One thing that was very clear to Lanta however, was that he wouldn't have much longer to live if he remained, at least not without severe issues. After another half year had passed the boy turned 14 years of age, and was ready to put his plot into place. He knew nothing about the systems used in making Spice; however he did know that they were always being told not to use a certain mixture for how volatile it was, and luck had it that the gang took their half an hour on this specific day to discuss business, and the reaction itself would take half an hour to go wrong. He quickly toiled, working to make the mixture just wrong enough to flood all the systems, having already broken the alarm. He then waited, at twenty nine minutes he ran, setting off the alarm in the doorway and making the gang sprint through from their private room. It was the last mistake they made. The explosion that followed damaged a few of the buildings around it, and collapsed the building being used for Spice production, the prison that had held the boy for so long now in ruins.
Knowing the consequences of his actions, the boy took on the name Lanta Rosa, and started living on the streets, hiding away whenever groups of Spicers came around to round up 'volunteers' eventually gaining a strong knowledge of the areas he lived in, his eyes were always looking up however. He had heard that there was a whole world above him, with lights not produced by dark neon signs, with people who didn't fight to survive, but instead were able to take the decision to live. However as the years dragged on, it looked less and less likely that he would get an escape from this life; luck hadn't seemed to have favored him yet and so he had all but given up on the idea of escape and living, and focused on survival, getting enough credits to buy his bulky leather gear and scarf he wore as a hood, he remained a quiet figure in the underworld, a kind soul hidden in a corruptive realm.