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Approved Species Lanteel Frostheart Wampa [Hypergate Contest - Hypergate Hoth]

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  • Name: Lanteel Frostheart Wampa
  • Designation: Semi-sentient
  • Origins: Hoth
  • Average Lifespan: 25 to 30 Galactic Standard Years
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: Radiation and ambient Force energies released by the activation and continued use of the Hoth hypergate have mutated some wampas located on the Lanteel Glacier into hulking and ice covered variants. The mutations have emphasized their primate side of their genetics, with their forearms growing in size along with their horns and tusks. Large tails covered in ice have sprouted along with spikes of ice that seem to grow from within their bodies.
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: Most observed specimens have averaged between 4 and 5 meters, although Ministry of Science xenobiologists speculate they could grow even bigger.
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Dark gray to black
  • Hair color: White to white-blue
  • Distinctions: Besides their heavily mutated and primate build, Lanteel Wampas are covered in icy spikes that appear to grow from within their bodies. The horns and tusks of the creatures have also grown and become more prominent, with males having larger and ornate horn formations than females.
  • Races: Lanteel Frostheart Wampas are a subspecies that has mutated from the original Wampa population on the Lanteel Glacier of Hoth.
  • Force Sensitivity: All - While Force Sensitvity among typical wampa specimens is rare to non-existent, each of the observed Lanteel Frostheart Wampas has demonstrated a degree of Force Sensitivity, specifically in their ability to manipulate ice, snow, and their local weather patterns. Ministry of Science and Order of Arcane Syn xenobiologists speculate this sensitivity was awoken by their mutations from the hypergate in the system and ambient radiation released into the Lanteel Glacier where part of the hypergate's anchor is located and where specimens have been observed.
  • Lanteel Frostheart Wampas have gained a limited Force Sensitivity from exposure to the energies and radiation released by the hypergate. This sensitvity manifests itself in the ability for the wampas to manipulate snow and ice through cryokinesis, where they typically use this ability to create ice spikes as projectiles, creating traps within their caves and territory, and creating snowstorm to cover their hunts and obscure the vision of their prey. They have also been observed laying thin sheets of ice around their lairs as a warning system.
  • Due to their mutations, their forearms have grown in size and in strength. They can crush durasteel in their grip and can easily tear apart any being or creature they encounter. The tail that evolved, covered in icy spikes, can also be used as a powerful bludgeoning weapon.
  • Due to their mutations, their senses have been extremely heightened, particularly their sense of hearing. Ministry of Science xenobiologists believe that their evolved horns, while acting as a weapon to gore and crush enemies and prey, also help with triangulation of sounds within their chosen territory.
  • Like normal wampas, Lanteel Wampas are extremely stealthy in their environment due to the color of their fur blending in with the snow and ice and the layer of sensor baffling blubber that lies under their skin.
  • When outside of their natural habitat of Hoth, their stealthiness is completely negated as their white fur stands out heavily against the backdrop of other environments.
  • Due to their enhanced senses, particularly their hearing, sonic weaponry and equipment can heavily disorient them and leave them vulnerable.
  • Weapons and equipment that produce heat and flames, such as flamethrower, are extremely effective against them due to their fur and their heavy build that while a great insulator is not good against directed heat.
  • Diet: Lanteel Frostheart Wampas, like typically wampa specimens, are exclusively carnivorous. Specimens have been observed to retain other eating habits of original wampas such as dragging prey back to their lairs to devour at their leisure.
  • Communication: Specimens have been observed communicating with others of their species and their lesser cousins through various roars and snarls.
  • Technology level: No technology level. While wampas are semi-sentient, they have not be observed utilizing tools in any manner.
  • Religion/Beliefs: No religion or other belief system has been observed among this new breed of wampa, although Ministry of Science observers believe if exposure to the energies that triggered the mutations continues, it could spark an uplifting of true sentience among the Lanteel wampas although this mere speculation at this time.
  • General behavior: Lanteel Wampas, at least as far as Ministry of Science and Order of Arcane Syn scientists have observed, retain their proclivity to hunt alone or in very small family packs and to prefer ambush tactics in bringing down their prey. However, some differences have been noted. Lanteel Wampas seem to lay traps with their abilities to manipulate ice by thinning out portions so prey fall into pits to be grabbed at their leisure. Additionally, they have been observed marking their territory and caves with thin sheets of ice that are nearly invisible to the naked eye. The Ministry of Science believe that the enhanced senses of the creatures are able to pick up on the sound of the ice breaking and alerting them to the presence of prey or rivals in their territory. Mating habits that have been observed indicate that females will appraise the size of the ice spikes on the bodies of the males and look for scars and other trophies they have obtained from hunts and rivals.

As the Sith Order prepared to wage war against their enemies, particularly against the Empire of the Lost, it had been decided during a war council to utilize the hypergate that had activated in the Hoth system to rapidly deploy supplies and reinforcements to the Stygian Caldera for the offensive. The decision prompted a military presence to be established on Hoth to ensure the logistics were handled for the ships passing through the gate, however, the officers and soldiers of the base began to notice strange occurrences out on the Lanteel Glacier.

Patrols that would move through that region to protect the anchor there for the gate were coming under attack from a strange offshoot wampa species that had been, until then, unknown. The discovery intrigued members of the Ministry of Science and they deployed several teams of xenobiologists along with members of the personal power base of Darth Arcanix, one of the Dark Councilors of the Empire. The teams set up several research outposts on the Lanteel Glacier to observe the new creatures.

It was quickly determines that the mutations occurred among the local wampa population due to the hypergate and its increased usage. Ambient radiation and Force energies were detected around the anchor, with the highest concentration directly in the territory of the now named Lanteel Frostheart wampas suggesting a heavy link between the two. It was firmly established once the Flagship of the Emperor returned to the main territory of the Sith and the team read a massive spike in the energies in the region. While they await to see if more of the creatures are created, the continued observations of the existing specimens have brought several interesting findings.

First and foremost was the new wampas ability to wield the Force, although in a limited manner, to manipulate the snow and ice around them. It was not uncommon for thr creatures to create a small localized snowstorm to mask their movements while hunting or setting traps within the ice for prey. Continued observation promises further discoveries and the Dark Councilor is now curious if a similar mutation might be occurring in other species on the Glacier or out on Florrum where the other Sith controlled gate lies.
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