Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler
NAME: Lanter Kells
FACTION: Undetermined
RANK: Jedi Knight
SPECIES: Human (Socorran heritage)
AGE: Early twenties
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5’9”
WEIGHT: 220 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Dark
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+) Cold-weather survivalist
(+) Good with a lightsaber or a blaster
(+) Skilled air/snowspeeder pilot
(-) Very bad at distance running
(-) Uncomfortable and uninformed in high society or anywhere formal or clean
(-) Extremely bad at hot environments
Kells is a young man in unexceptional shape, a little heavier than some - plenty of muscle, plenty of insulation. He moves loosely and in straightforward motions, like someone who's comfortable with his body's capabilities. He's got plenty of nervous tics - scratching his jaw or neck, tugging his earlobe, and half a dozen other reasons he never plays sabacc.
Lanter Kells was born to a wandering Socorran trader in the Outer Rim. It's said his father was a Bando Gora cultist; Kells never learned the story and never asked.
Kells grew up in a ramshackle waystation on Hoth. His mother Naira helped the Underground resist the Lords of the Fringe and smuggle refugees to the Omega Protectorate. Life in the Neutral Zone gave Kells a decent sense of the broader galaxy. It's hard to romanticize a conflict when you're face-to-face with its castoffs and survivors.
After the Underground defeated the Fringe at the Battle of Taloraan, a resistance leader named Jorus Merrill made good on an old promise. He set Naira Kells up with her own freighter, and took her son off to learn from the Jedi.
Throughout his six years as Master of First Knowledge, Merrill kept a loose eye on the hardscrabble teenager from Hoth. Naira visited Lanter several times at various Jedi temples. Mother and son even worked together briefly during the long defeat, shuttling Jedi between boltholes a step ahead of the One Sith. On a mission like that, Naira sustained the injuries that led her to retire. She moved back to her childhood home on Belsavis. Lanter Kells remained with the Jedi.
While Orders split and combined and split again, Lanter found himself a little bit adrift. He had attended the great convocation at Sigma Station not long after he became a Jedi, and that event spurred a lasting interest. Over the following years, he attended every major Jedi convocation in the modern era, as his duties allowed.
As for personal training, he learned a little from the Ithorian priest Boolon Murr. However, after Darth Mierin of the One Sith killed Murr, Kells continued studying in random classes at whatever academies were available. He received his knighthood from Headmaster Eyal M’ti of the Yavin IV praxeum, not long before Mandalorian pressure forced the Jedi to evacuate.
In the ensuing years, Kells found himself more adrift than ever. He craved structure and reliable leadership, but the ideological and personal conflicts within the Jedi baffled and frustrated him. He reached out to Jorus Merrill, but found that his old patron had retired from the Jedi to modify ships and spend time with his family. Kells spent a stir-crazy six weeks helping out at his mother's trading post on Belsavis. Eventually she kicked him out, lovingly, to man up and find his own direction as a Jedi.
FACTION: Undetermined
RANK: Jedi Knight
SPECIES: Human (Socorran heritage)
AGE: Early twenties
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5’9”
WEIGHT: 220 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Dark
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+) Cold-weather survivalist
(+) Good with a lightsaber or a blaster
(+) Skilled air/snowspeeder pilot
(-) Very bad at distance running
(-) Uncomfortable and uninformed in high society or anywhere formal or clean
(-) Extremely bad at hot environments
Kells is a young man in unexceptional shape, a little heavier than some - plenty of muscle, plenty of insulation. He moves loosely and in straightforward motions, like someone who's comfortable with his body's capabilities. He's got plenty of nervous tics - scratching his jaw or neck, tugging his earlobe, and half a dozen other reasons he never plays sabacc.
Lanter Kells was born to a wandering Socorran trader in the Outer Rim. It's said his father was a Bando Gora cultist; Kells never learned the story and never asked.
Kells grew up in a ramshackle waystation on Hoth. His mother Naira helped the Underground resist the Lords of the Fringe and smuggle refugees to the Omega Protectorate. Life in the Neutral Zone gave Kells a decent sense of the broader galaxy. It's hard to romanticize a conflict when you're face-to-face with its castoffs and survivors.
After the Underground defeated the Fringe at the Battle of Taloraan, a resistance leader named Jorus Merrill made good on an old promise. He set Naira Kells up with her own freighter, and took her son off to learn from the Jedi.
Throughout his six years as Master of First Knowledge, Merrill kept a loose eye on the hardscrabble teenager from Hoth. Naira visited Lanter several times at various Jedi temples. Mother and son even worked together briefly during the long defeat, shuttling Jedi between boltholes a step ahead of the One Sith. On a mission like that, Naira sustained the injuries that led her to retire. She moved back to her childhood home on Belsavis. Lanter Kells remained with the Jedi.
While Orders split and combined and split again, Lanter found himself a little bit adrift. He had attended the great convocation at Sigma Station not long after he became a Jedi, and that event spurred a lasting interest. Over the following years, he attended every major Jedi convocation in the modern era, as his duties allowed.
As for personal training, he learned a little from the Ithorian priest Boolon Murr. However, after Darth Mierin of the One Sith killed Murr, Kells continued studying in random classes at whatever academies were available. He received his knighthood from Headmaster Eyal M’ti of the Yavin IV praxeum, not long before Mandalorian pressure forced the Jedi to evacuate.
In the ensuing years, Kells found himself more adrift than ever. He craved structure and reliable leadership, but the ideological and personal conflicts within the Jedi baffled and frustrated him. He reached out to Jorus Merrill, but found that his old patron had retired from the Jedi to modify ships and spend time with his family. Kells spent a stir-crazy six weeks helping out at his mother's trading post on Belsavis. Eventually she kicked him out, lovingly, to man up and find his own direction as a Jedi.