Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lao Xieng

Name: Lao Xieng
Faction: N/A
Rank: Crime lord
Species: Human
Age: 38
Sex: Male
Height: 5'9
Weight: 190 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Lao's hair is usually greasy from nights of hard work and partying. He spikes his hair up in the front and pats the sides down, the closest thing he gets to personal grooming.
Skin: His skin is a tanned creamy color, most of it is covered in his tattoos though.

Quick shot; Lao still has the reflexes of his younger self and can draw and shoot at the drop of a hat
Strong will; Lao has superhuman like will, when he sets himself on something he can not be led astray

Addict: Lao is addicted to dreamdust along with a grocery list of substances. When he is sober for a long time he is quick to anger.
Short tempered: He is extremely short tempered and when angered has extremely explosive outbursts.

Bio: Lao is the son of the now deceased Yukiko Xieng. He learned everything from him, and was meant to one day take over his criminal empire. Yuko ran a small firearms manufacturing business, he made cheap knock offs of popular weapons and sold them for low prices to local gangs. War keeps business running his dad always said. On the less legitimate end, Yuko had his little greedy fingers in almost everything shady on Nar'shadda. He dealt in spices, prostitution and would even take on hit contracts, anything for the right price. He was a force to be reckoned with in the criminal underworld, but as many long term criminal knows the good times never last forever.

Lao was 28 at the time and had been working as his fathers right hand man. He oversaw manufacturing at the factory, and saw that his fathers other affairs were taken care of discreetly. He had been at a cantina, as he usual was when he had time off but today he was not just simply drinking out of bordem. He had made a deal a few weeks prior with his fathers competitor. he would hand over his fathers location when he would be most vulnerable and his fathers rivals would find and kill him. Why would Lao do something so horrible? Simple, over the past few months Lao had been dipping into company product. He developed a real problem with dreamdust and soon owed the company- his fathers company, thousands of credits, something Lao wasn't prepared to pay. He knew if his father found out about it though, he would surely kill him just to set an example so in Lao's eyes it was kill or be killed. Of course Lao's father had no idea of what hit him and a few explosions later nothing was left, no factory, no home, no father to breath down his neck. The only thing Lao now did have, was the entire Xiang fortune. Quickly rounding up his crew he flew off nar' shadda, vowing to come back when he was ready to take over like his father.

Luxury 5000

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