Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Laptop Issues

Hey guys, so my laptop keeps blue screening; as a result, it's been very difficult to make posts >~< I do have access to a PC during David's work hours but beyond that I have very few ways to actually get my replies done. I'm going to try getting Open Doc so I can hopefully utilize the autosave function. This means that while I can still get posts done, they will be fairly slow... Because my laptop literally dies that frequently >~<

This is not a LOA hence it being placed here and not in that forum. It's just a friendly heads up - I owe you guys that much!
Aw, I'm sorry to hear that!
I had the same problem with my desktop not to long ago. Didn't go a day without the screen spazing, giving the blue screen of death, then magically 'fixing' itself. It actually just quit for (probably) the last time two days ago. Pa is procrastinating on getting our new (modern) system set up. Hopefully it'll work better than the ancient death trap we have now.

I wish you and your technological devices the best of luck! :)
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

It's frustrating to say the least! I'm just hoping it will calm down. It's been blue screening for the past 6 months or so, but it's been manageable. The past few days has been unbearable, however!

Thanks for trying ;)
Bunker-level Normal

You try rebooting, hitting F8 before Windows loads (like spam the F8 key on laptop startup), then going to Advanced Options and selecting the Last Known Good Configuration?
[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

It's a pain!!

[member="Captain Jordan"]

Oh believe me, this has been happening for 6 months. Had to do a few full reboots in that time, too. I've tried everything under the sun, short of spending a tonne of money getting it fixed >~<
Bunker-level Normal
[member="Jyn Sol"]

Ah, rats. You should grab Windows 10 when it comes out (should be a free upgrade if you're on Windows 7 or 8/8.1) and do a fresh install at that time. A few more months for that, though. :(
[member="Captain Jordan"] [member="Kei Amadis"]

I've managed to stop the constant blue-screening, turns out there was a program which had decided to constantly run in the background, so it was destroying my CPU. It's not remedied the entire laptop issue, but I can finally post without it happening every 5 minutes!

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