Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Large Project Check - Voices (and Hierarchy)

Voices (and peeps)

As we progress through months, please take the opportunity to use this thread as a chance to publicize your monthly projects. It will help keep the admins notified of progress (and we can communicate with you if more work is needed) as well as allow you to communicate with the faction as a whole. Thanks ahead of time for your contributions.


Name/Title of Project:
Link to Project: (actual url)
Status: (Active, Complete)
Objectives of the Project or what was completed:

[member="Silara"] | [member="Vrag"] | [member="Darth Carach"] | [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Darth Praelior"] | [member="Darth Isolda"] | [member="Darth Venefica"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"]
Name/Title of Project: Monty Tython and the (Un)Holy Grail - Dominion of Tython
Link to Project: OOC URL - IC URL
Status: Complete
Objectives of the Project or what was completed:

  • Build Structures
    Build the Oracle Tower [_]
  • Replace Jedi Temples with Sith Temples either via remodeling or reconstruction [_]

[*]Corrupt the Planet
  • Taint the force Nexuses located by the river and beneath the old Je'daii temple. [_]
  • Assist in Darth Isolda and the Dark Lord's planet-wide use of the force taint ability. [_]

  • Raise up mountains/volcanos/landmass to create a natural shield around a 5 sq. km area around the Oracle Tower. [_]
Name/Title of Project: Eclipse: New Beginnings
Link to Project: Dev Thread
Status: Active
Objectives of the Project or what was completed:

* Terra-forming --- Changing atmosphere to Type-I: Completed

* Build City --- Taobh Dorcha (Gaelic for Dark Side)

* Structures (Adding/Added) to City

Taobh Dorcha Science Labs
Taobh Dorcha Theatre and Art Museum
Ember of Vahl Temple
Factories (Industrial Complex/District)
Space Port
Military Base

* Introduce Species
Aquatic Life

No Longer In Progression
Name/Title of Project: Reclaiming a Legacy (One Sith Dominion of Iridonia)
Link to Project: thread) thread)
Status: Active
Objectives of the Project or what was completed:

1. Establish One Sith control of the system - this can include taking a city, killing local security forces if they resist, win honor duels against a planetary champion, capturing politicians, blackmailing someone to be your puppet, etc. etc. and all that fun.

2. Build a new Sith academy there - Iridonia was the site of a Sith academy once upon a time, and because of the high turnout of Force users here, establishing one to expand Sith influence over these people would be crucial.

3. Fortify and build military presence - With Iridonia being a very martial world, and also close to our favorite neighbors, it would need some build-up to be a proper staging point for further incursions in that sector of space and to make anyone think twice about attacking it

4. Wipe out the influence the famous Jedi have on the population - For you Inquisitor types, the Zabraks of Iridonia seem to like their Jedi, and this is just unacceptable. Purging the files, razing statues, and all that would need to be done.
Name/Title of Project: Re-establishment of the Korriban Academy
Link to Project: Not yet started, but Soon™
Status: Active
Objectives of the Project or what was completed:
  • Rebuild dat academy
  • Construct a proper administration, appoint overseers and an academy headmaster
  • ???
  • Profit
Name/Title of Project: Malif Cove
Link to Project:
Status: Active
Objectives of the Project or what was completed:

  • Clearing out the original stronghold of the Seyuigi Dervish and renovating to add in an Alchemy Forge, a laboratory, dormitories, training grounds, and a command room for the Sith Assassins. (Active)

  • Establish a local connection with the monks above to use them as a cover for the Assassin group below. (Active)

  • Find any artifacts pertaining to the Seyuigi Dervish and their training in unarmed and tracking. (Active)
Name/Title of Project: Checkmate
Link to Project: Acolytes, Knights, Lords
Status: Active
Objectives of the Project or what was completed: To provide a training experience for Acolytes and further practice for Knights in the art of mind control and mentalism in a large group format. In addition, to provide a fun competition for Lords already proficient in the art. Inclusive of all looking to be involved, regardless of experience, leading to more contact with fellow players and character development IC.
Name/Title of Project: Anaxes Reformation/ Covenant of the Black Rose Rising

Link to Project: WIP

Status: Active

Objectives of the Project or what was completed:

1. Taobh Dorcha Industries = Completed (17 June 2015)

2. Thorn of the Black Rose (Science Facility) = Completed (19 June 2015)

3. Anaxes Military Installation = Completed (5 July 2015)

4. Naval Yard

5. Black Orchid Virus/Shambler (Ties in with #2)

6. The Black Rose Temple = Completed (5 July 2015)

7. Sith Temple

8. New City?


1. Mnencheiasus: Planned
2. Mayferria: In Progress


The Second Seal, broken.
Name/Title of Project: N'zoth speed dominion & organization of OS as a whole
Link to Project: Here, Faction FAQ
  • Dom = completed
  • Faction FAQ = completed
Objectives of the Project or what was completed: To help facilitate the expansion of OS, keep things organized, tidy, and updated. Also shore up that unpleasant weakness at Ord Mirit.
Name/Title of Project: Temple of Pain, Alchemy Training Academy
Link to Project: here
Faction Threads:
Prelude to Pain (Open to All OS Members)
Power Begets Knowledge (Open to all OS Members)
Power Through Gesture (OS Knights and Above)
Status: (Active)
Objectives of the Project or what was completed: To provide training in Sith Alchemy and Sorcery as well as a rich location for the practice of both. Threads will provide support for Alchemical development such as armor, creatures, and technology. Classes will be taught to all levels of students.
Name/Title of Project: Coruscant Defense Improvements
Link to Project: TBD
Faction Threads: But With a Whimper
Status: (Active)
Objectives of the Project or what was completed: To develop richer defenses on Coruscant beyond what is listed on Wookiepedia, particularly in the area of the Coruscant Underground. Build checkpoints, install surveillance droids, and establish counterterrorism units to combat any nagging Underground resistance movements and lone wolf terrorist attacks.
Name/Title of Project: Development of Fresia
Link to Project: TBD
Faction Threads: The Bane of Fresia
Status: (Active)
Objectives of the Project or what was completed: To piggyback on what's already been developed on Fresia by Sage Bane and Darth Ferus (The Temple of Pain and the galaxy's largest alchemical basin) and continue to develop more locations on Fresia that help the faction and further the aims of the OS. Projects will include such facilities as prisons, slave pits, and military garrisons (with new NPC armies for the faction to use), along with a home base for Sage Bane and his Acolytes.

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