Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Last Minute Proposal


Location: Alderaan, Jax's Estate
Equipment: Formal Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, Eyepatch
Tag: Jairdain Jairdain


Jax was paced around his Alderaanian home fumbling the wedding ring inside of his front pocket. Part of him wondered why he waited one week before he had to leave for Alderaan that he wanted to tell Jair.... everything. From what Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex told him back at Empress Teta, how he was close to falling to the Dark Side, from growing closer to his long lost Great, great..... whatever how many great there is Grandfather: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor . For the past couple of months had been a whirlwind of revelations for the Jedi Master. Yet as always, he held in those emotions never confiding with Jair about them. What could he say? That he was probably the byproduct of eugenics or some Sithspawn? And what of Tython? The Sith were planning on destroying the Jedi Homeworld to make a statement. Given the chaos that transpired at Csilla, there was a high chance that Jax would perish in the battle. Sith magic will be used, the entire planet would grow unstable and shake the very ground that Jax and the other Jedi are fighting on.

The Jedi Master sighed leaning against the marble wall. Of all of the people in his life, Jairdain was the one who was always with him, loving him, and even saving him from death during the Stygan Campaign. Jax owed everything to Jair he didn't nearly enough to her. What did he sacrifice for Jair? If anything, Jair was always the one sacrificing for him. It wasn't fair for Jax to put her in this emotional conundrum. "Should I even pop the question?" Jax mumbled to himself his heart thumping loudly. "If I do so I'm once again putting a lot of emotional turmoil on Jair."

He chuckled nervously. "I'm one selfish bastard," he said. In any case, Jax invited Jair over for a week of sightseeing. It been a while since they've last seen each other, whether Jax proposes or not. They both needed a vacation...... badly.

Things had been busy for Jairdain and she probably did need the vacation her partner arranged for them. Packing for a week, she just didn't trust Jax's droid to not entirely destroy her belongings out of spite. She had kept a few things with Jax and when she saw them again, they were usually ruined. Luckily, she had to leave anything that couldn't be replaced. Who cared about a pair of pants? There were many others in her wardrobe.

He had invited her to join him in his estate on Alderaan and she couldn't help but remember a special meeting that had happened on this world. She would have to see if her old friend was still a recluse living in her temple. Perhaps something they could do this week.

Granted Jairdain had more properties than he did but this one was larger than any of hers. It even had its own private landing pad for small ships. Bringing in her ship, the only droid she owned landed it and opened the ramp for her to walk off.

Turning in the direction she sensed Jax coming from, she gave him a large smile and ran to give him a hug.

"How has your month been?"

Unless he pulled away, she would keep a hold of one of his hands while he lead her inside.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Alderaan, Jax's Estate
Equipment: Formal Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Jairdain Jairdain

The moment Jairdain wrapped her arms around Jax, his entire body was flooded with fear and guilt. She knew him well enough to know that he often wore his emotions on his sleeve, but she can sense the emotional turmoil boiling inside of Jax. A wave of confusion. "Bad," Jax said still hugging Jair tightly. "It's been a tough couple of weeks the Brotherhood."

The Jedi Master kissed Jair's forehead while began to gently stroke her raven hair with his organic hand. "We're winning many battles," Jax said. "But I get the feeling we're losing the war. We've just lost Empress Teta and now the Brotherhood has their set on Tython with the intent to....."

Jax looked away from Jair he was dancing around what he really wanted to say to Jair. "No....." Jax lamented. "You already heard what the Brotherhood wants to do at Tython. There was a lot of things that transpired on Teta, revelations that I didn't think it was possible."


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