Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Lateria

Region: Far Outer Rim
System: Terra Vitae
Suns: One, 1.1 earth sun sized, non-standard star, powered by fusion primarily of the regions unusual mineral “Blazrok”, Radiation from the star seems to encourage carbon based life to flourish. Called “Blazkaji.”
Orbital Position: Lies within the habitable zone of Blazkaji
Moons: Moon (simply put, it has one moon called the Moon. Very similar to earths moon except it has veins of Blazrok)
Deshustition (A large military space station that remains in the same relative position to the planets major city with two weapon platforms flanking it and a slightly smaller civillian space station slightly further out into space.)
System Features: The system features two other planets with an almost identical orbit around the star. The entire system is enigmatic as it appears natural but the complexities of the orbit of the planets make it easy to believe the system was created artificially somehow.
Coordinates: In the Braxant sector occupying the right edge of the same hex containing Rysil II
Rotational Period: 29 earth hours
Orbital Period: 316

Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 14,056 km in diameter
Atmosphere: Earth-like
Gravity: 1.025 timesStandard
Primary Terrain: Lakes, oceans (oceans are a good bit larger than on earth, lakes are also more common) Massive marshes, mountains, small forests (protected forests), Swamps, large canyons with veins of Blazrok and occasional Blazgem formations.
Native Species: (I am going to limit this to notable species as the planet is literally teeming with life and I will try to add more in the future)

  • Washikaji (literally Fire Eagle or Blazing Eagle, loosely Pheonix. These are extremely rare creatures that seem to be force sensitive and are known to appear to the humans now inhabiting the planet very rarely and mostly to children. They are said to speak through the living force and have many unique properties such as the appearance of being on fire caused by the emission of radiation similar to that of the systems only star. This creates a fiery glow with green, blue, and white tints, as well as several deeper reds and a fire orange. Though the emission does appear more like a field of plasma than an actual fire. They do not make noise and instead communicate telepathically. They are very non-aggressive; however, if attacked they are more than capable of defending themselves. Combat with a Blazing Eagle has only been recorded to have happened once, and the culprit of the attack disintegrated in a fiery blast. Beyond that most contact with these creatures is very positive and has saved many lives. People who have encountered these creatures have been reported to have exceptional luck and sometimes budding force related abilities.

  • Monstek (literally monster) A large, bear-like species except with fur that is longer. These beasts are fearsome and occupy the protected jungle region of Lateria. They are prized for their delicious and abundant meat, as well as the high nutrition of their meat. Though they have been mostly domesticated by the immigrant human population, one thing is for certain: if you get caught in the wild and see one of these barreling toward you, it's too late.

  • Larak (Literally, flyer) Large tame birds. These can be very territorial; however, they are known to be friendly to locals that are more sympathetic and also light side force users. They are sometimes hunted but there is a fight to keep them protected as they appear to be somewhat sentient similar to humans. Often hunters of these birds are known to go missing, though little evidence exists to suggest it was humans, but perhaps something else.
    Immigrated Species: Humans are the primary species on the planet having immigrated in the first throws of the Empire.
    Primary Languages: Laterian (will provide the dictionary as far as I have created it, sadly I cannot import the alphabet to the interwebs); Galactic Standard Basic
    Government: enlightened confederacy, which balances the power of the central government, the planetary governments, and the individual citizens
    Population: 18 billion human residents
    Demonym: Laterian
Major Imports: As of this point the planet is primarily isolationist and does not trade with other planets.
Major Exports: see imports
Affiliation: Orden Tin Washi-Ashu (Order of the Eagles Assassins)

Major Locations:

  • The Grand Jungle: A vast protected jungle continent. People are allowed to visit at their own risk; however, no attempts are to be made to damage or otherwise clear any part of this land. Such offenses are punishable by death. This region was made protected toward the beginning of the planets colonization by The Order for reasons unknown, and this is believed to be where the Washikaji population is centrally found.

  • The Circle: Completely unknown to the human inhabitants of this planet, the circle is a natural city under the surface within the grand jungle where the Washikaji live. The Washikaji created this city by using their unique abilities to warp the natural world around them. Little known to the human inhabitants, they are the guests of the Washikaji and have been allowed to live in peace only as the Washikaji do not find them to be inherently bad.

  • Terra tin Washikaji: This is the Capital City of The Order. It is heavily militarized and features very sturdily built buildings with heavy protection from both ground and air targets. Several important military installations can be found within including the planets primary military living quarters. The general military training institute can be found here whereas the elite training institute is on the space station. This is also where the palace like government building can be found.
Culture:Honor Guardian Washikaji leads his people with a militaristic culture where strength, courage, and intelligence are the pathways to high political and social position.
“at birth, all children in the confederacy of the order of the eagles assasins (lateria) are given the utmost care to produce the healthiest possible development. this includes the mother and the child being moved to a childcare apartment for the first six months of the childs life. after that the child and mother are released to the home of the parents and the child is placed under 5 day a week school until the child turns 8 years old. at this point the child is released to a military education school for weekends until the child turns 13. then the child returns to normal educational procedures until he or she is 16. at 16 the child is taken to a military training camp where he spends 11 weeks doing almost pure military training and a more rigorous academic course.
As a military based culture, weapons are mandatory in every home and at any time citizens can be called to military action. This is not considered a burden and changing this system would be opposed to the point of potential revolution. Respect and honor are huge in this culture where you are required to respect people of all kinds regardless of their background as long as they have maintained a healthy respect for you. Words mean very little in this culture where action is king and the people of highest authority are often those whose actions have caused their word to be undeniably true, and if you make a promise it is law for you to abide by it which is why promises are very rare and serious. Family is a large part of the culture and though drinking exists it is looked down upon. This does not mean that there is no fun, actually the educational system and even military encourage play and enjoyment to foster both creativity and happiness resulting in a very
satisfied populace.

Technology: The planet is about on par with the rest of the galaxy in terms of The Order when it comes to technology. Two major differences come in the form of the planets most prized resources: Blazrok and Ignerok. Ignerok is the primary component in the planets Blazer (Ballistic Lazer) technology. It involves taking a large shell of Ignerok metal and propelling it at massive velocity, upon impact there is an advanced explosive that heats the Ignerok metal to a temperature which causes it to undergo a chemical reaction instantly turning it into superheated high power plasma which mushrooms out to devastating effect. Also are the Kajisord's which are akin to lightsabers; however, they utilize Blazgem crystals to create the beam universally. There are also weapons known as Combustion Rifles which cause affected particles to superheat and often creates a small explosion. These utilize Blazrok as fuel to create a specific type of energy that excites molecules instantly. In general, expect the technology of this planet to be more based on short range space combat and planetary combat meaning those technologies would be on par if not very slightly better than that of the rest of the galaxy, with long range based space tech being relatively below par (think Galactic Empire era capital ships with little improvement to travel across the galaxy, but vastly improved weaponry and armor and such which were developed to defend/attack a different kind of shielding and weaponry. In other words, the same level of technology, but with different purpose.) Also, there are no Coruscant type cities. the planet is still somewhat natural as the population is not massive enough to require every single inch of natural land to be covered. These weapons as well as the aircraft technology will obviously be submitted as soon as possible.

History: The order of the eagles assassins began as a secretive but relatively large mercenary group under the old republic, but when the galactic empire took over they slowly gathered their strength and made a pilgrimage with their friends, family, and many rebel leaders including a select few Jedi. They moved to a strange solar system in the unknown regions where the planets were relatively untouched and began to colonize these planets.The three founders, who are known only as guardian 1, guardian 2, and guardian 3, each took the division of assassins under their control to one of the three habitable planets in the system. They formed what is called an enlightened confederacy, which balances the power of the central government, the planetary governments, and the individual citizens. These founders pursued isolationist policies until their deaths; however, a few years after their deaths a massive power vacuum was created and chaos ensued. A conglomerate of corporations competed with a military dictatorship for full control of the government until a young man with an interesting past, unsurpassed combat skills, a knack for leadership, and an unstoppable oratory came forward. This man was the first honor guardian: Drew Washikaji (meaning drew fire eagle). He gained support even from within the two organizations he was trying to wrest power from. He eventually caused a citizen coup within the conglomerate of corporations, and used their resources to fund a mighty army. He and his army combated the military dictatorship for 5 years before his forces were able to beat out the primary military power of the dictatorship during the battle of three eagles pass.

The next 60 years of Drew's life was spent rebuilding this empire. Galactic standard basic was taught once more in the educational system, space based technology was improved, revised, and improved again. Everything seemed calm, and the tumultuous past of the Order seemed to be just that: the past. This was broken when at the ripe age of 80, Drew faced a new civil war. Ex-leaders of the old military dictatorship began to wrest power away on one of the sister planets eventually gaining enough control to secede. This secession was not heavily opposed by the primary faction, as it was allowed for in the creation of the new government, and for 4 more years the other planet was separate from the Order until they mounted an attack. A 19 year conflict began, and Washikaji, a practitioner of an ancient power known as "The Force," led his own nation against these attacks. Even at the age of 80 he was still more than capable as a combatant and his own dedication inspired his soldiers to free their countrymen (it would later be discovered that this was a result of his ability to project his own bravery and emotion to those around him through advanced force empathy.) After 19 years of fighting, the newly reformed dictatorship collapsed once more, with their own citizens executing most of the leaders in riots supported by its own military. The two nations were once again a single nation under the leadership of Drew. 5 years later, at the age of 104, Drew died, and the first election of The Order began. Many candidates were presented, all meeting extensive requirements of ability and intelligence, as well as strength. When the new leader was selected, there was celebration among the people. Hundreds of years passed in peace and prosperity as new technologies were brought forward. The culture never shook its warrior origins and maintained a large military and excellent internal economy. Very little was seen from outside nations (a result, no doubt, of the devastation caused by the Gulag Plague) but it was known that they existed. Occasionally pirates would have the misfortune of passing through the system, their attempts at piracy were short lived, and provided only a meager training run for the soldiers of the Order. Fighting stance was maintained even to present day, with massive military exercises being a major event every ten years to make sure soldiers and citizens alike were prepared in case of combat with the galaxy outside. Currently, it is being ruled by an honor guardian, a new one of which is elected every 5 years. The Order has decided to shed its isolationist policies and see about exploring other systems and seeing the state of the galaxy. Small one man craft are being modified to travel to planets known to the Original order and several unmanned probe have been sent to check each for populations on each of the historically occupied planets.

Notable PCs: None as of yet. Though I do intend to create a PC from this planet. One to act as a leader of the faction, and the other as less of a power player.
Intent: This planet is intended to be the capital world of a faction I am creating under the control of a PC I am creating. I intend for it to be a relatively minor power with unique technology, resources, and strong military power for a nation of its size. Also, I wish to create this as from a burning desire I have held to incorporate my original ideas within the star wars universe into a community such as this one. I want others to experience the child of my imagination and to see the complex interactions others have around and within my ideas. I especially want to see how the introduction of new species and ideas affect the universe as a whole.

The Laterian Language
<<<<<<<<<<<In Process of release to non Laterians>>>>>>>>>>
Prolaetus (Pro-lie-uh-tus)- Warrior (literally one who fights with honor)
Vikus- (vuy-kus) one who conquers
Aye- (I) hello
Brock-(brok) I
Brek- my
Brak- mine
tock- (tok) you
Tek- your
tak- yours
Tik- yourself
Dock- we
Dak- ours
Dik- ourself
Da- do
stok-(stok) come
tin-from, of
aus-(owse; pronounced like mouse without the m) am
naus-(nowse) is
raus-(rowse) are
paus-(powse) was
caus-(kowse) were
ware- where
prest-(pressed) now
ken- then
Ha- have
voy- why
cuan- how much
tiem- time
washi- eagle
kaji- fire
meal- food
comeatar- (ko-me-ot) to eat
hart- soul
lov- heart
cabead- head
tenkar- brain
ling- word
lingu- language
lingua- tongue
po- toe
key- finger
han- hand
carsca- curse
tat- that
terra- place
bit- spit
den- to
moth- mouth
it- it
tey- they
way- (why) we
questa- question
contes- answer
haf- have
on- a
ferwor- explosion
til- to
al- the
terit- there
het- how
velko- welcome
estad- state
ashu- assasin
orden- order
unida- confederacy
Battler- to live
domest- live (location)
en- in, on, at
circa- near
semper- always
fi- faith
fidel- faithful
fidaeus-(fuy-day-us) one who fights faithfully
fait- friend
abam- evil
raga- good
pera- but
zos- so
del- full
diem- day
vitae- birth, born
vishu- indestructible
deshu- protector
shi- honor
sheedus- one who guards (guardian)
Chivallus- one with respect or who is respected
Dischivallus- one who isnt respected and/or isnt respected
todall- all, totall
Slavus- one who considers themself master (used whenever master would be used in another language but is a dishonorable or even mocking term seein as in Lateria all are considered equal.)
Solodark- carries too much strength to translate but it is basically a promise to destroy something or someone. (it is an effect defense for murder if you can prove someone said it to you without good reason. does not apply if the person said it in an extremely emotional situation)
"Statuentes igne ad aquam"- it is an ancient Laterian saying meaning "Setting fire to water". (used to describe a politician who is able to gain great support where there seems to be none. It is used to describe Washikaji after the Second Laterian Civil war that occured in the middle of his visit to the New Galactic Empire and causing him to return home for a short time to destroy the attempted dictatorship. also used as the name for Washikaji's signature force technique which is very useful on Lateria where the planet has a large number of lakes and vast oceans.)
trabakin- training
trabak- train
trabakus- trainer
faitsel- friendly
disfaitsel- unfriendly
monstek- Terentatek
Jadek- Jedi
Desh- Protect
unum- one
Duem- two
Triem- three
Cuadem- four
fem- five
seksem- Six
sevem- seven
ochem- eight
novem- nine
Decam- ten
Decamun- eleven
Decamdu- twelve
Decamtri- thirteen
decamcuad- fourteen
decamfe- fifteen
decamseks- sixteen
decamsev- seventeen
decamoch- eighteen
decamnov- nineteen
Ducam- twenty
Tricam- thirty
Cuadcam- fourty
Fecam- Fifty
Sekscam- sixty
Sevcam- Seventy
Ochcam- Eighty
Novcam- Ninety
Decom- one-hundred
crea- make
diskon- unknown
kon- known
Speo- space
Shib- craft
Con- with
dissen- dissent or rebel
dissenion- rebellion
Dissenus- one who rebels
Versu- against
Ayu- help
Resp- lead
foe- enemy
sienor- apologize
Retor- back, return
Y- and
stition- station
per- for
hot- who
Rok- stone or mineral
Blazrok- mineral only found in the Terra Vitae system
Gem- crystal
Blazgem- Crystalline form of Blazrok. Prized for use in Kajisords (Laterian Lightsaber weapons)
Sord- sword, saber, blade
Kajisord- A lightsaber type weapon (literally: firesword)
I want to clarify that I fully intend to create all of these species and a large number of technology threads, ETC. for this planets lore building; however, I would like to do so after a dialogue with the judges on the primary planet itself. The reason is that the lore I want to create in terms of technology, species, and various other things in relation to the planet is so vast and detailed that I don't want to waste so much time and energy making it if the planet and things surrounding it are unlikely to be accepted anyways. I am perfectly willing to do anything necessary to make sure this planet is accepted as long as it doesn't stray too far from the original intent.

If your planet is isolationist, how can it have on-par technology? The history needs to be cleaned up (punctuation, capitalization) as well as being expanded by at least another paragraph.

Before this will be approved, blazrok and ignerok will have to be approved from the Factory. Then I will require you to link back within your description. The same goes for your custom species.
[member="Delila Castillon"] Will do on the tech. Also, it is isolationist; however, the level of technology (at least in military terms) is similar. This was a powerful military organization which broke off along with their families, friends, and other like minded people to colonize a planet. They have a long history of war between different segments of the same culture, so military technology expanded on this planet from the original tech rapidly, though the tech itself is going to be more specialized to planetary combat with planet and short range tech being slightly better than average in terms of the rest of the galaxy while long range tech (think long range spacecraft, etc) would be slightly below average. Cities are also going to be less technologically advanced in terms of building as the population caused no need for coruscant levels of planet covering cities. I will be submitting lots of tech and several more lore ideas now that I see that there is no major issue with the planet that would prevent it from getting approved, I will be marking this as in progress now and building all of the elements necessary to make it complete, and then I will mark it as complete once I am satisfied with the results. Thank you very much for looking at this, I will work on getting everything else in order ^.^
Delila Castillon said:

Alright. Tag me when you get everything else in order.
The species was denied, redact the planet I guess. I think this is a little too outside the norm, I feel like it would be like a much less extensive vong-esque addition, but it seems that chaos RP isn't looking for stuff like that in non-event settings (or at least that's the vibe I am getting) so I'll try and make future submissions much less in depth in nature and more like your run of the mill Star Wars stuff.

As the previous judge is no longer with us in the Codex, I'll archive this for you. Should you change your mind, all you need to do is ask an RPJ or Admin, and they can bring it back out for you. :)
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