Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Image Credits: Dragon Effect Edi
Name: Lav-Ra
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Asobi
Language: Sha-le
Average height of adults: 2m
Skin color: Grey, black
Hair color: No Hair
Breathes: Vacuum
  • Long Life Span
  • Very Strong
  • Heavy
  • Fear of water
  • Primitive
  • Xenophobic
  • Isolationist
  • Dead to the Force
  • Slow: Different then being heavy the species is very patient doesn't believe in rushing or doing things... easily. They can often if it is a complicated decision take several years just thinking about it before acting.
Distinctions: Genderless, doesn't eat
Average Lifespan: 3,000-8,000 years
Races: Amberite and standard
Estimated Population: Found on the seventh planet of the Asobi system with around 300,000 people
Diet: They do not eat normally instead ingesting rocks and extracting the minerals.
Communication: Verbal, light flashes
The Lav's society is very hard to understand, mostly because unlike many species in the galaxy they are not nor do they care to interact with others. They live in their mountains mining and finding riches they can eat like force crystals. The living being amberite has found and bounded to them creating in some a glow showing them in the dark of their world and allowing those who have been touched the ability to communicate with flashes.

When they are born from the stone they are said to be dead to the force unable to feel the living energy with their bodies. It makes them harder at time to sense but they also eat force crystal slowly digesting them and etching with their own tools runes upon themselves to identify their home and clan. The large clans are divided into grand houses that are elected each term into power on a rotation. Their trade goods have little value outside of their society.

When they live they live for their houses and honor them fighting against the To-Chw who live on the surface of the worlds. Long ago they met and faced the Ren and Go Nagai learning from them the dangers of trusting outsiders. With those experiences they became more and more isolationist and xenophobic, as time went on the Lav moved slowly and slowly towards just avoiding the outside world but staying and fighting against the large bugs.

With outsiders who find them they are neutral informing them to leave and never return, even offering injured or stranded ones help if they can do it but not being a space faring race or one that uses advanced technology for purposes they cannot offer a great deal. If the outsiders leave they do nothing but if they stay past being welcome or try and do more then allowed the Lav will react violently attacking them.
Technology level: Below galactic standard
General behavior:
Slow and tedious, they are not a practical race using their life span and isolationist view to slowly contemplate large decisions that might have ramifications for centuries to come. They don't look or like the moment but what came before and worked or what could come and hopefully work. This leads to most races getting frustrated with them but they are aggressively xenophobic avoiding running into people on their world at nearly all costs. The crystals being what attract them to the world with the force energies and the amberite. Them being absent and not able to feel or use the force but eating the crystals. With each other when it comes time to die they return to the stone becoming one with it and birthing a new being that will slowly grow and gather more rocks onto themselves. Smoothing it with time and polish into the shape they prefer.
Something left over from the system a long time ago, they didn't always live on the outlying planets. They were on ships and scattered by gods from the sky as slowly over time they developed building tunnels deep down into the earth and making large cities that led to them encountering the crystals that were throughout the world and moons.

With their bodies moving around in the earth other species they were aware of but slowly and surely they avoided things coming to them, staying in locations others could not reach and being on the outlying systems they could avoid the dangerous things while dealing with other problems. The large bugs that could swarm groups visiting and attack anyone who proved a difficulty they were able to survive against.

They slowly developed a world working on the planets surface and digging deeper and deeper. They built a grand city under the one world and sealed the tunnels leading to it from the surface as outsiders came to the system, they brought war with their ships and encountered the dangers of the system. It was quite a sight to behold as the tide turned upon the invaders and they taught other species wars.

Their non involvement with the system extended for thousands of years and kept them... isloated developing a rigid system in their city and expanding outwards from it with large tunnels under the surface and massive cities they could live in. The Lav slowly grew more and more hard and adamant towards the dangers of outsiders ignoring the others these sith, these empires who arrived.

The Silver jedi they heard about when they came to the world were not anymore impressive as they moved about the world avoiding the creatures. They worked to keep themselves away only being found when a team came to the moon surveying it and studying the bugs that were there en mass and trying to kill things.
Notable Player-Characters: None
Intent: To create another sentient species to populate the outlying planets of the Asobi system that keep the bugs in check
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Connor Harrison"] thank you and yes there is going to be a lot, I am on vacation... I am going to try and populate the system with things focus to see and face with something new each day. Into the new year.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Connor Harrison"] yes you can help, look at some of the creatures and if you have any ideas or thoughts or even want to make one of them your own and mold it into something. Go ahead. If we have all of these ready to go when the Codex reopens we can get them out and approved faste. Same for the planets as right now they are just base.

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