Aryn Teth

Lavidean Dramath - The Farseer
Full Name: Lavidean Dramath
Aliases: Master of Visions
Gender: Male
Age: Sixty-Seven
Species: Human
Planet of Origin: Korriban
Voice Sample: Valkorion
Occupation: Sith Lord, Archon of the Sovereignty
Force Sensitivity: Force Sensitive, Master Level
Height: Six Foot Three
Weight: One Hundred and Sixty-five Pounds
Physical Build: Athletic, Aged
Hair: Grey
Skin Tone: Pale White
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Widowed

Psychological Profile
Intelligent | Ambitious | Devoted | Ruthless | Wise | Callous
Lavidean devoted much of his young life to the pursuit of knowledge in all forms, and his keen mind has developed an understanding of many aspects of the galaxy. Of the force, he has a wide knowledge of both Sith and Jedi philosophy, and his knowledge of engineering, politics and history is considerable. There is a great degree of ambition behind his search for knowledge, as he often seeks to learn whatever he can with the intention of learning new ways to increase his power and standing. He has little interest in furthering his position within the Sith Empire, however. Lavidean seeks to increase his power as he sees himself as devoted to a singular, higher purpose, one which he does not share with many who inquire.
In ensuring he can meet this purpose he has set himself to, Lavidean is incredibly ruthless. There are few people he would allow to stand in his way, and the Sith Lord cares little for who he harms or how much damage he must cause in order to meet his goals. By ensuring he keeps his pursuit of knowledge varied, and that he understands both the light and dark sides of the force, Lavidean has become an incredibly wise individual, able to understand many he meets and the force as a whole better. The Sith Lord has been noted by those in his power base as being an incredibly cold and callous individual, seeming to have little care for the lives of anyone around him.

Strengths and Weaknesses
- Visions come frequently to Lavidean, of the future, the past, and the present.
- The ability of Lavidean to regularly experience visions is testament to his strong force-sensitivity
- The visions Lavidean receives are usually of distant realities, and give him a rare position among Sith.
Nowhere to Hide
- Lavidean's Force Sensitivity is immense, and easily noticeable
- Lavidean can not hide his force signature, even an attempt to only lessens it to a point that is still easily recognized
- Lavidean radiates the dark side over long distances, and can be felt even across systems by those looking for it
Force Prodigy
- Lavidean has primarily focused upon his use of the force for offensive and defensive means
- Lavidean's go-to power in combat is force lightning, which he makes extensive use of, along with telekinesis
- Using his connection with the force and study, Lavidean has developed strong abilities to drain the strength of his enemies
Power, not Strength
- Lavidean makes a point of never activating his lightsaber unless it is absolutely crucial
- The Sith Lord is not a skilled duelist, having focused more on his force study than study of the weapon
- When forced to engage with a lightsaber, Lavidean can usually be bested by many opponents

Pre-Chaos History
Born as the child to an independent Sith Lord and a servant on Korriban, Lavidean was born on the barren, dark-side world, drawing strength from the dark side of the force which surrounded the world even from a young age. As he grew older, his father progressively grew more and more knowledgeable of Lavidean's growing and immense force-sensitivity, to the point that his father eventually feared his own son's capabilities. When Lavidean was only a teenager, his father tried to kill the growing force prodigy, but after studying his father's holocrons, Lavidean was able to overpower his father, capturing and torturing the Sith Lord to feed on his power.
Leaving his mother alone and to her fate, Lavidean wandered Korriban to search the ancient tombs and shattered temples from the numerous Sith Empires who had passed over the world, increasing his power and his knowledge as he gathered more holocrons and searched through ancient archives. Eventually, he was found by another Sith Lord who had been an ally of his fathers. Impressed by the young Lavidean's strength, the Sith Lord Kalast took Lavidean as an apprentice, bringing him into his sphere of power and teaching him what he could to harness the young Sith's power.
Lavidean remained in the service of Kalast as his apprentice for many long years, building support among the Sith Lord's power base without his master's knowledge, while also building his strength with the vast records of the Sith Empire. It was shortly after Lavidean's own ascension to the rank of Sith Lord that Lavidean drained the power of the force from his former master, driving him mad and then drawing the life force from the Sith Lord as well. The murder of Kalast caused concern among many of the other Sith Lords of the Empire, but many were placated as Lavidean seemed to show little interest in furthering his position or in Sith politics at all following this point.
Since taking control of Kalast's former sphere of power, Lavidean has devoted himself to further study of the galaxy and of the force, only rarely if ever actively involving himself in the goals and efforts of the Sith Empire. Often, the Sith Lord makes long, lonely trips into the Outer Rim, Wild Space and Unknown Regions, gathering more and more ancient artifacts and knowledge for a purpose still vastly unknown to the majority of his Sith allies.