Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shooting Stars & Flaming Hearts




The fall of the Rimward Trade League was swift and devastating, precipitated by a relentless three-front invasion from the Sith along the western reaches of the nation. With the capital world of Susefvi engulfed in flames and the Jedi Coalition on Dagobah disbanded, despair gripped the Outer Rim as hope seemed all but lost. Yet, from the ashes of their once-thriving civilization, the resilient people of the Outer Rim rose to resist and rebuild. Seeking refuge on Kabal, the remnants of the League's government and military formed the League of Autonomous Worlds (LAW). Determined to strike back against their oppressors, they found new allies in the Outer Rim's three largest organizations, which converged aboard Comet Chaser Station to lend their support. Together, they aimed to restore peace and autonomy to the beleaguered region.


OBJECTIVE 1: State of the Union
Suggested for LAW government, Defense Force, and RTL remnants

Location: Shoribus, Kabal

On the oceanic planet of Kabal, nestled in the far reaches of the Outer Rim, a crucial summit has convened. Government officials and remnants of the military gather under the azure skies and amidst the endless waves to forge a new order and strategize against the looming threat of Sith occupation. The atmosphere is tense yet hopeful in the Kabal Central Citadel as leaders exchange ideas and forge alliances, determined to resist the encroaching darkness. Their discussions span from tactical maneuvers to the establishment of a unified front, all with the shared goal of preserving freedom and restoring peace to their war-torn worlds.


OBJECTIVE 2: Where There’s a Will
Suggested for Spacers Alliance, ORDC, and Bounty Hunters

Location: Comet Chaser Station, Suarbi system

A tense conclave aboard the Comet Chaser Station in the Suarbi system has brought together the Spacers Alliance, the Outer Rim Development Corps (ORDC), and the Bounty Hunters Guild. Leadership is reeling from the grim situation reports, with widespread hardship among refugees and extensive damage to worlds attacked by the Sith. Despite the dire circumstances, there is a glimmer of hope as the delegates gather to discuss critical measures. Their agenda includes alleviating the suffering of displaced populations, strategizing the reconstruction of devastated planets, and coordinating rescue operations to bolster the League's Civil Defense Force. The conclave aims to forge a united front in the face of adversity, determined to restore peace and stability to the Outer Rim.


Suggested for anyone with business in the Kabal or Suarbi systems.

Location: Kabal & Suarbi systems

There are plentiful opportunities abound in the Outer Rim for those seeking adventure and enterprise. The commotion and resilience of the League's people are palpable, attracting even those not directly involved with the moots on Kabal and Comet Chaser. Bring your own story and see where fate leads you. Shoribus, a nautical city steeped in a storied history of fishing and navigation, offers a vibrant community where the friendly—if somewhat gruff—locals are eager to share ghostly sailor tales and enjoy a hearty drink in one of the many cantinas. Meanwhile, Comet Chaser Station, a bustling hub for merchants and traders, presents a myriad of amenities for travelers.



Tags: open
Location: Central Citadel, Shoribus, Kabal
Objective 1: State of the Union


Aerin sat in her seat amidst the sea of empty senatorial pods like a castaway stranded on an islet. The room was all too familiar, but the circumstances were strange and unsettling. Last time, Aerin sat here as the newly elected representative of Kabal, when the world was formally inducted into the Rimward Trade League. Now, she was here as the interim First Administrator of the newly minted League of Autonomous Worlds. Her heart lurched at the thought of burying one nation to birth another, but the details written in the reports she held in her hands were all the proof that she -and they- needed. The Sith struck them hard and fast, and they won. Yumfla was in flames, the entire western approach was shattered. Kabal was the safest place for any of them to flee, and even that was factual only in relativity. The Sith-Imperial war machine could be upon them in mere minutes should word of this assembly come to light.

The First Administrator waved politely to each member of the summit as they shuffled into the consulate hall, stopping only to rub her aching wrist for a few moments between groups of councilors, governors, and delegates. Aerin found herself frowning as the steady stream of people into the rotunda grew longer and longer. The former League had struggled to amass so many planetary leaders at once during its regular sessions, but she supposed that if anything were to merit a mass congregation, it was an emergency summit in times such as these. Once the majority of the seats were full, Aerin looked to the pair of honor guards to her rear and gave them a nod. It was time to begin.

Aerin stood, clearing her throat as she prepared to address more people than she ever had before in her tenure as a League councilor. “Esteemed councilors, consulars, and delegates of the League,” she said, her voice carrying through the chamber, causing the people to quiet. “I am First Administrator Aerin Denno. Let’s officially call this summit to order. I trust we all know very well why we are here on Kabal this evening, so I will skip the pleasantries that left us vulnerable before and lead with the matter at hand: the Rimward Trade League has fallen.” Aerin swallowed hard after the words left her lips.

Status reports flooding in from Susefvi all but confirm that the capital has fallen to Sith-Imperial forces. Yumfla is lost, along with a vast number of our leadership and command structure. Dagobah and the Jedi Coalition were also targeted in the assault. We’re here to decide how we proceed.” Aerin accessed the screen on the console of her pod’s terminal and forwarded an impressively comprehensive document. The soft digital ping of the data’s transference rang throughout the rotunda. For members of the Trade League, the document would look quite familiar; this Free Planets Charter would serve as both the founding articles of the LAW and the binding document by which they all would pledge to support and defend one another.

My first executive call as your First Administrator is to forge a new union of independent planets, a League of Autonomous Worlds. A pact not unlike that of the RTL, but with an emphasis on mutual protection and national security. This is the Free Planets Charter before you now. Your acceptance or declination of these articles will grant or excuse your membership in the new League.” Aerin gave a pause for several long moments, allowing the delegates and representatives time to examine the charter and discuss with their legislators. This was the dawn of a new era in the Outer Rim, one that she knew not every world and system would welcome. Many would hold out for the Trade League to resurge, but Aerin knew that waiting would only allow more worlds to fall under the Sith Order’s tyranny. If they wanted to survive, to resist and rebel, the time was now.




A soft clink of bone would be heard as the Archduke, Brachtor the Glorified took a seat within the Kabal Central Citadel to attend the first gathering of the League of Autonomous Systems, a new power meant to halt the Sith Order's aggressive expansion into the former territories of the Rimward Trade League.

Many independent systems had rallied behind the cause, seeking to preserve their autonomy and protect their citizens from the relentless march of Sith influence. Not every system had joined for noble intentions, as the Planet of Geonosis sought to take advantage of the circumstances for its own gain, supported by the Trade Federation of Planets - their benefactor within the region.

As the First Administrator, Aerin Denno Aerin Denno , addressed the small assembly, he stroked his long, flowing beard, glancing at the document that would bind his system both politically and militarily to an offical power. Laws such as these were merely seen as guidelines than actual rules.

"Aruuunda, kai deck nai," the Archduke expressed in his native tongue as the assembly commenced its discussion.

<<What strategies will this new league employ to protect us from the advancing Sith Order? They possess a formidable star dreadnought capable of breaching our local sector fleets,>> his remarks were partially translatable via the microphone in the senatorial pod. The System of Geonosis could rely on the protection of the Galactic Trade Federation, but many of these systems did not have the same protection and could hardly afford a sector fleet big enough to handle the Mors Mon Dreadnought.

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Tags: open Ali Kare Ali Kare
Location: in orbit heading to the central city, Kabal
Objective 1: Establish peaceful relations and or an alliance

With a small flash, a single Edaar class Star Destroyer MKII would drop from hyperspace. and on the Bridge stood Laphisto. Arms crossed over his chest. He had wanted to go in a small ship such as one of the Dra'kiv frigates but under the advice of his high admiral Ali Kare Ali Kare he had opted for teh best ship in the order fleet. We'll second best if he were to ask Ali.

The thought made a chuckle roll from his throat as he shook his head, looking out towards the planet below before eventually turning to speak to his High Admiral, " well then. Shall we get to it? I'm sure the people of The League of Autonomous Worlds should be eager to have our audience. if we can secure an alliance of mutual benefit from this meeting, then perhaps we can lighten our load against the Dusate pirates. Or if anything, we can sell some designs to these people, get some much-needed economic resources going for the order"

laphisto frowned lightly. He wasn't keen on other factions using their tech, but he knew he had to do what he had to, to ensure the safety of his people. The order may be small, but they have a grandesk military might. Or least for their sector. They were truly no match for any larger group who might show up and push them around. And to truly prevent that, then the order needed allies. Connections and favors that they could call upon to protect themselves. The GA was growing closer and closer to their boarders. While he had respect for the government body, he had been a part of the Republic several millennia ago he knew how it went.

Those closest to the central body of the government prospered, while those on the outskirts suffered. Even during wartime, the smaller individuals always were forgotten or lost. In hindsight, he didn't see elected officials serving their people properly. In a position that they to a degree didn't earn through trial and error. They only happened to be pushed up on the pockets of the rich and hopeful.

Shaking the thoughts away, he cleared his throat, looking to his High admiral and giving a nod as the notification that their shuttle was ready echoed through the comms of the bridge " well seems we are ready. lets get to this " with that laphisto made his way down to the hanger and aboard the LAET shuttle awaiting him and the admiral. along side commander tarian and some members of Tarians sword.



~a touchstone in time of flight~

OBJECTIVE: II - find an agreeable resolution
TAG: Open


League of Autonomous World. Just the call that BR-8 and other spacers received made the droid’s metallic heart shudder. It’s not a secret that he despises authorities above all else. Not long ago, especially in human age, that he was a property of the Techno Union. A commando droid, made only to serve. The droid has only recently realised his sentience, yet memories from days before are still entrenched deep in him.

He has been a free droid for a quite some times, but he still can’t cast away the feeling of rage over a hierarchy which puts one being over another.

He too as the captain of Kerberos realised that it’s hypocritical for him to feel that way when he himself commands a group of people as his crew, and has the ambition to climb even further up top. Perhaps this, being a hypocrite, is a sentient experience he has been robbed off before.

Still, he enters the meeting in Comet Chaser Station with hyper-caution in his mind. Never again he would be objected under full authority of anyone else, not the militarists, corporatists, or the so-called humanists.

Draped in the most stylist bomber jacket known to droid-kind, BR-8 scanned around the room for familiar figures. He had hoped to see a fellow spacer, Jacen Terrik Jacen Terrik , and a new friend he made on his first shipment run as the captain of Kerberos, Inhye Oh-chai Inhye Oh-chai . The droid knows that it’s going to be a tough negotiation going forward; the Bounty Hunters Guild is not known to be the most benevolent group out there, and the spacers are still independent contractors at the end of the day, we need credits to sustain our operations. It’s a well-justified demand after all, the spacers know the routes and have the capability to traverse those dangerous waters to evacuate people out and being helps in.

Regardless, the threats of the Sith is too much to dismiss over petty concerns and disagreements. This meeting should bear a result that would bring forward a resolution regarding the Sith incursion threat.

My Spacers friends, the ORDC, and the Guild. I’m BR-8, the captain of Kerberos. As everyone already know, and perhaps experienced firsthand, we have, on multiple occasions, picked up horrible news of Sith taking over planets, burning people and infrastructures, leaving billions without food to eat, and businesses to grow. That could be us this very next day. We shall not let them move another inch closer.” BR-8 introduced himself and his concerns to the meeting with a monotonous, droid voice.

As a member of the Spacers Alliance, I think we should consider shifting our full focus on alleviating the damages the Sith has inflicted upon this dozen worlds, whether by evacuating people out, smuggling food, clothes, and weapons in, or help rebuilding these systems from ashes. With sufficient compensation from League of Autonomous World’s governments, of course, so we will be able to continue our benevolent operations throughout this dire times.


Ali Kare

High Admiral of the Lilaste Order
High Admiral Kare stood by Laphisto Laphisto 's side, hands clasped behind her. The Lilaste Star Destroyer slowed exponentially, signaling their arrival. She observed the blue orb hanging in space before them, knowing that a massive oppurtunity for the Order awaited. Ali glanced at the dragon beside her, knowing he was thinking the same. With the Galactic Alliance crawling ever closer to Lilaste space, they needed allies now more than ever.

Laphisto cleared his throat, and Ali's head swiveled towards him. Her predictions of his thoughts were correct, she knew as he replied. "Let us not keep them waiting. If only the Dusate would do the same with us," she said, the last sentence under her breath.

Truly she wished that the Dusate would just throw everything they had at Aurora Station, and once they were destroyed, the Order wouldn't have much of a threat to worry about anymore. However, the pirates preferred to stay in the shadows, striking shipments and civilian vessels entering their space. Ali loved the idea of throwing the entire Lilaste Navy at established Dusate bases, but it was mutually assured destruction.

The Dusate usually never kept all their warships at port; most of the time they were out prowling the sector for unsuspecting merchants. So, if Ali were to lead an attack with the needed firepower, the roaming Dusate would certainly strike back at Aurora. With few ships to defend it, it would surely fall.

And that made this meeting vital to Lilaste interests. Hopefully it would interest the LAW as well.

The High Admiral turned to the commodore on the bridge, nodding to him. "Bridge is yours. Keep sensors active and shields up. Remain in geostationary orbit over the citadel and comm me if anything goes wrong," she ordered, then following Laphisto to their shuttle.

She silently prayed to the Force that nothing went wrong.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Tags: Ali Kare Ali Kare Aerin Denno Aerin Denno Brachtor the Glorified Brachtor the Glorified
Location: in orbit heading to the central city, Kabal
Objective 1: Establish peaceful relations and or an alliance

As the shuttle lurched through the atmosphere, Laphisto grabbed hold of one of the handles, a small rumble escaping his throat as he frowned to himself. His thoughts racing once again. While they were late to the meeting, he had hope that the committee would still hear him and his admiral. As his thoughts raced on what to barter or offer to the delegates to ensure an alliance, laphisto was pulled from his mind as the shuttle touched down. And the doors pulled open. With a small wince, he held a hand out and shook his head before rumbling out and stepping off the shuttles floor.

And so it began. With a bit of hurridness in his motions, Laphisto made his way towards the committee room. Arriving at the last second, it would seem. He and his admiral were briefed by Owen Gisk who spoke with an almost disappointed tone that a father would give to their children when they misbehaved, "you're late. But you didn't miss much. The woman in the center announced the RTL's destruction and has stated a new order has been called to rebuild as a new governing body. The geonosian speaking is now asking how this new government will be able to protect the other members of this coalition"

Laphisto nodded to Owen and gripped his chin softly, eyes dancing out towards the other members gathered in the assembly hall. and he pondered on Brachtor the Glorified Brachtor the Glorified 's words. or what he was briefed on when he spoke before pushing the button on his pod and speaking, " the Geonosian makes a valid point. if the Rim world trade league fell to the power of the Sith order. How can you guarantee the safety of these planets? surely the majority of the RTL's fleet was destroyed or has scattered after the fall of your capital?"

laphistos queshtion was genuine, and he had hoped to poke a small enough hole to weasel in his offer. If this new organization didn't have the numbers or facilities to operate a fully fledged military, then perhaps he could find a way to Bring the Lilaste order in as their Military force. After all, the order was a military Stratocracy. Warfare and fighting was the main backbone to the order. They knew war like the back of their hand.
The Outer Rim was always changing. Kaia knew what it meant, it meant that the people who lived out there were trying to find themselves still. The Outer Rim Coalition, Outer Planets Alliance, Rimward Trade League. So many different groups. And now she was hearing of the League of Autonomous Worlds. Someone had to stand up against the Sith. Kaia Starchaser and her own family were doing their best to keep things peaceful. Her father found himself in the Levantine Space again, Jared was out doing… whatever, but Kaia?

She was a Warden of the Sky and favored Wild Space and the Outer Rim.

Making her way to the Comet Chaser Station, Kaia had landed her shuttle, Zenith and grabbed her jacket. Patches from the RTL, she was a member of their Spacer's Alliance leadership before.

She kept her lightwhip on her hip, but it was clearly off. Kaia was not the type to come in brandishing weapons. She had the Force and as long as there was a starship engine, she knew she was safe.

As the Mirialan found the meeting room, she sat and listened to BR-8, a free droid, with a smile. "The Sith are a problem, yes. However, military might may not be the proper choice, as you say. Our talents lead to many different approaches to helping those harmed by the Sith." This was her Levant upbringing. Find a solution without conflict.

But be ready to hit hard when it came.

Corbin stood in his pod, unseen by pretty much everyone, simply because his armor absorbed and blended into the shadows. In order to get everyone's attention, he sent out a subtle pulse of his Force Aura. It was just a nudge, so that it would not overwhelm those who were Force-sensitive, but enough to also be felt by those who were not. Once heads were turned his way, he began to speak.

"I am Corbin Vasher of Suarbi. I am here to represent what is left of the Rimward Trade League. Normally, I would not be here for such an occasion, but sadly, Susevfi's President was killed in the attack on Yumfla." He did not bother to mention that it may or may not have been Darth Empyrean who had killed the President. That was the most likely, but it also could have been when one of the mercenary groups decided to bomb the Capitol Building in an effort to kill the Sith Emperor. It obviously had not taken out the intended target.

Corbin took a momentary pause before continuing. "And the leader of my Order is either dead or missing. I am sure some of you may have know Veino Garn. What you may have not known was that he was the Saarai-kar of the Jensaarai. If you have heard of the myth of the Jensaarai, we are no myth. We never went extinct or disbanded. We have been strong yet hidden all this time. That is, until the Sith attacked. Our secrecy took them by surprise, because they did not expect us. We stopped the Sith Order from completely taking over the Suarbi system, but we were ultimately unable to stop the fall of the Trade League." Corbin removed his helmet, so that they could all see his face. "For that, I sincerely apologize for not being strong enough, both for my Order and for myself."

Despite those who had remained and survived the attack on Yumfla hailing Corbin as a hero for running Empyrean and the Sith off, Corbin honestly did not remember how anything had ended. He had been fighting Empyrean, thinking they were evenly matched... Until Empyrean used his full strength. After that, Corbin heard laughter -- not from Empyrean, but from the same voice he had been hearing in his head for a while -- and blacked out. And, for a moment there, he passed through a void of black and purple flames until he saw a field with those he had known who had died. Corbin was sure that he had actually died. And yet, he had awakened, with not a scratch on him, and the Sith Order gone, having retreated. He had absolutely no explanation for what had happened. One thing he knew for sure, though, was that he was no hero. He had not beaten Empyrean. He had lost. He was still too weak...

Shaking his head and turning back towards Aerin Denno Aerin Denno , Corbin gave his thoughts. "As for your League, I support the endeavor. But keep one thing in mind. The Rimward Trade League is not dead. Yes, we fell, but we are still alive. And I believe this is a good opportunity to become better and stronger. The Trade League now aims to go back to its roots as just that: a trade league. The Rimward Trade League will be the trade league under the League of Autonomous Worlds. As the owner of the largest manufacturing company in the Suarbi system, I don't mind heading that myself. As for other RTL assets that we had, we can negotiate transfer. We have the Rimward Ranger Corp. The facility, much like the majority of the buildings in Yumfla, is in shambles, but Force-Tech has already begun repairs on the city. It will take a while, though. Perhaps anyone else here will be willing to help with repairs?" He was uncertain about ORION. It was technically a secret known amongst the former Elite of the RTL, and even it had been hit hard, though Corbin was certain the Sith hadn't actually known about it and had only gotten lucky. Still, the Underground was safe, and their network itself was largely untouched. But he didn't know if he could trust everyone here with that information. Something he would need to discuss with Denno in private. "Anyhow, that is my proposal."

And there was one other thing that was on Corbin's mind, one thing that was distracting his thoughts more than anything else: he had left his ship on Qi-Ko deep within Sith Order territory...

Objective 1
Tags: Laphisto Laphisto Ali Kare Ali Kare Brachtor the Glorified Brachtor the Glorified Ali Kare Ali Kare

Xitli gave pause. The Excan Tlahtoloyan didn't offer favourable contracts lightly, but Sith cared nothing for their borders and if the Rim collapsed so soon might the holy world come under their gaze. Whilst it was there intent to remain strictly "neutral" that didn't mean the Tlahtoloyan couldn't offer favourable contracts but he would be amiss not to ensure there was some profit in it. They needed everybody onboard.

Xitli reached out forming the necessary web of telepathic connections. His Galactic Standard had improved tenfold since the Chico embarked upon it's expedition. He liked to think he could pass for casual conversation but not official business.

~An excellent question from High Commander Laphisto and Brachtor the Glorified."~ Xitli paused in surprise, wondering if he had forgotten any additional titles or honorifics. It could take upwards of five standard minutes to address his elders in the Citalee Fleet.

He glanced at Laphisto a sense of familiarity overcoming him. ~I am not appraised of the Dreadnoughts details. However, my Clan retrieved battle data from a Couatl Intelligence droid owned by Quauhtli Sacul Quauhtli Sacul . Whom the Excan Tlahtoloyan understood to have completed his ascension decades ago.~

He was neglecting to mention it was his own conspiracy that assured his friends survival. Of all his Satorian servants, Quauhatli had been his most valuable and saved his life on no less than two occasions.

~It contained battle data and observations matching a ship you describe. Whilst the Excan Tlahtoloyan are similarly concerned, we are confident that our technologies are capable of overcoming this challenge provided suitable platforms were made available. The Citalee Spacers Guild is prepared to share these technologies provided this council agrees to respect our borders.

Provided a common ground is found and contracts signed, we may offer additional support. Our fleets aren't restricted to your Hyperspace Lanes and we may discretely supply aligned forces within the Sith Orders territories. As a gesture of our goodwill, the Excan Tlahtoloyan has authorised me to share this intelligence with you all. I have already ordered my servants to transfer the data.~

Django downed another Tillian Whiskey. He looked around as a couple of people spoke up at this impromptu meeting.

"Sure," he said. "Fighting, smuggling, annoying the bantha dung out of Sith convoys or envoys, we're all good for something. Except for those of us who are good for nothing..." He mumbled and grabbed another bottle of whiskey. "Sorry." He sighed. "Been outa sorts. I was there that day." He pointed to his uniform. "Rimward Ranger. Lost a lot of friends and comrades, all good men and women. But for their sake, I gotta keep fighting. I have to..."

He took a long draught of the whiskey. "But sometimes it's difficult to know what to do. Still, if you guys have any ideas, I'm willing to help. And I have some friends I can call upon for a makeshift crew. Even finished a custom old ship right before things went down. I was gonna turn it into a police cruiser for the Outer Rim. But maybe there are other uses as well. Maybe better uses." Anything to keep his mind off the things he had witnessed that day and to keep moving forward.
Short Change Hero


Tags: BR-8 BR-8 | Django Parata Django Parata | Inhye Oh-chai Inhye Oh-chai | Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser
Location: Comet Chaser Station
Objective 2: Where There's a Will


Jacen flicked the embers off the tip of his cigarette, eyeing the crowd of smugglers, traders, bounty hunters, and workers who had gathered on Comet Chaser. The conclave was the very definition of ragtag, but that was the League before and it's the League now. Jacen Terrik was a Corellian by blood but the sand, sweat, and tears of the Outer Rim had thickened him up since he left the Core as a teenager. He'd been living pretty comfortable in the Mid-Rim the last few months, running from the increasingly pesky Sith patrols that had made his typical routes through RTL space unsafe. He hadn't planned to return until the danger subsided, but when news of the Trade League's collapse filtered through, he knew he had to come back, if for nothing else than to see old faces again.

BR-8 BR-8 was one of the few faces he recognized, if you could call that tin mug a face. He was alright as far as an old Trade Fed clanker goes - Jacen would never admit it, but he actually liked the jacketed commando droid. Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser was another familiar face, a pillar of the former League's spacer community. Jacen had never worked with her directly, but he respected her greatly on merit alone. She and the droid both made excellent points. "Supporting the good guys has always been the spacers' way," Jacen said plainly. He took a drag on his cigarette, puffing the smoke from his nose as he gathered his thoughts. "Just because the Trade League went under doesn't mean we gotta stop now. But Kaia's right, we're not soldiers. We've gotta get back to what made the Spacers Alliance so great - ingenuity, determination, and tenacity. There's ways we can scrap with the Sith that won't put us up against a lightsaber."

Picket fleets, guerilla tactics, distractions - the list went on and on, and none of those things were unfamiliar to the Alliance. The spacers existed long before and League, be it Rimward Trade or Autonomous Worlds. They knew how to pick a fight with anything from pirates and slavers to wild beats and even the odd Sith or two. What the Spacers Alliance needed most right now was commitment. Commitment to the LAW, to the ORDC folks, hell even to the 'good' bounty hunters from the Guild. They all had a stake in what became of the Outer Rim, each and every one of them. "Considering our proximity to Susefvi," Jacen posited, "I suggest our first order of business is to work with the LAW to secure Yumfla and get some relief camps setup. We can take care of supply runs and getting folks where they need to go while the Defense Force secures the system and makes sure no Sithies are hanging around keeping tabs." Simple plan, straightforward but effective.




~wheelin’ n’ dealin’ n’ butcherin’ sith~

OBJECTIVE: II - find an agreeable resolution
TAG: BR-8 BR-8 | Django Parata Django Parata | Jacen Terrik Jacen Terrik | Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser | Open


You think the Defense Force, or the oh-so-mighty Jedi are enough to repell the threat of the Sith?” A Mandalorian bounty hunter seated on a nearby table stood up and sneered at what previously was just a discussion between spacers. With a glass of tihaar on one hand and his Buy’ce hugged by the other hand, he walked forward so everyone involved could see his figure easily.

Tell that to the people of Seswenna and Susefvi who put their faith in them.” The young bounty hunter snickered at the former rimward ranger, Django Parata Django Parata , who had just shared pieces of his past to the crowd. Bunch of whiny cowards, he thought.

Look at you… you all have your vessels. You all are great pilots who can fly under the radar and run rounds around everyone. Don’t be a coward! Smuggle weapons for the populace, hijack Sith’s shipment, bomb their trade station! Make their life a living hell! You think JUST rebuilding is enough? You all know all that effort will go to a waste if CARNIFEX” Jerrel spit on the floor as he mentioned the Dark Lord’s name, “cursed upon his name, ever decided that he wants to glass those planets!

The bounty hunter raised his glass of tihaar as a few other hunters from his chapter followed in a roaring joy, typical of outer rim troublemakers.

I’m lobbying the government to have a chapter Guild member representing on the Council. I suggest you spacers to do the same.



Tags: Ali Kare Ali Kare | Brachtor the Glorified Brachtor the Glorified | Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher | Laphisto Laphisto | Xitli Sacul Xitli Sacul
Location: Central Citadel, Shoribus, Kabal
Objective 1: State of the Union


So many angles, so many trajectories of thought. Two resonated firmly with Aerin, giving her plenty to work with. Archduke Brachtor the Glorified Brachtor the Glorified and Laphisto Laphisto of the Lilaste Order drew Aerin's attention first. "The Rimward Trade League was defeated in direct, open conflict with the Sith Order. There was no way it would ever stand a chance against the Mors Mon," she said plainly. It drew a few sharp breaths from the diplomats, but now was not the time for pleasantries. What the First Administrator said was the truth. "What we have now are the elements of surprise and unpredictability. With the Outer Rim's main centers of resistance destroyed or occupied, the Sith will arrogantly see us as pacified. It is also to our great benefit that the Galactic Alliance is making strides toward Sullust - I suspect that our enemy will be quite occupied with defending the northern border, giving us plenty of room to make swift strikes against their interior."

Aerin moved her fingertips across her terminal, gently swiping the stream of situation reports and bringing up a large holographic map of the region for the consulate to see. She centered it on Kabal, then expanded outward. "Our first priority is securing Susefvi. We can use Comet Chaser Station, stars willing, as a staging ground for missions to Yumfla. With the help of you all and the conclave meeting on the station, we should have little issue organizing refugee camps and listening posts in the capital." A blue-green orb representing the former seat of the League jittered into view. Aerin gave pause, letting her suggested course of action sink in. The delegates could, of course, protest if they saw flaws in the plan. Should they not, she would continue.

The hologram of Susefvi flickered into a swirling orb that represented Dagobah. Where once was dense, verdant marshland now appeared black with scorched edges. Aerin's heart was weighed heavily by what happened to the Jedi temple there. "Recovering any artifacts and holocrons left behind on Dagobah is another pressing matter to see to. It is my understanding that former Council member Master Elias Edo Elias Edo managed to secure some of the temple's archives, but much was either stolen, destroyed, or displaced in the bombardment. A joint operation to the temple ruins to extract Jedi intelligence, survivors, and supplies is authorized. Those wishing to partake should see me after the summit has ended." Aerin paused, breathed, looked out into the pods. She couldn't help but feel the warmth of a hopeful smile grace her lips. The subtle glimmer of hope in their eyes was all she needed to know this was the start of something great.


Location: Shoribus, Kabul
Objective: State of the Union
Ambiance: N/A
Tags: Aerin Denno Aerin Denno | Brachtor the Glorified Brachtor the Glorified | Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher | Laphisto Laphisto | Xitli Sacul Xitli Sacul

Notable Equipment:
Pyeth's Lightsaber
Pyeth's Spear

When the exasperated diplomats calmed Pyeth studied the plan unfolding before his eyes and witnessed the ebb and flow of this galactic struggle. He was a Jedi, not a General or Admiral although given his fleeting success in defending Dagobah you might have, albeit briefly, mistaken him as one but even he could foresee the inevitable collapse.

He respected Aerin Denno Aerin Denno 's dedication and could not doubt her courage, but it seemed to him a gross simplification of the dangers they faced. The battle that defeated the Rimward Trade League was quite as straightforward as she suggested it to be. He dismissed his doubts, there was an effectiveness in simplification. RTL had failed, the how would be for the historians to decide. Even so...

They might reclaim what was lost but would they succumb to the same internal strife that brought Rimward low. Would he let hostile unaligned agents such as Shrike weaken it's foundations again?

Cloaking his presence he glanced over at Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher , a tinge of regret swelling inside his heart. He had quickly threw blame at his feet for what happened to his beloved Nadira, it would be good to work with his cousin again. Stitch together those old and welcome bonds.

Hearing him blame himself filled Pyeth with fresh determination to support him, although he would not do it here. If he was going to support this endeavour he would do so in the shadows, aware only to the most senior officials and revealing himself to a entire host could quickly undermine that secrecy, exposing not only him but his most important charge. Instead, he took a feather out of the aliens book and broke his concealment to will his essence to brush up against Corbins presence in the Force projecting the feeling of comfort and warmth.

Nadira wasn't gone. Not completely and he couldn't risk compromising them.

' ' - Mimicry

Separators by Lossa Darcuhl




A subtle shift in demeanor was evident as the Archduke of Geonosis attentively listened to the remarks and assertions made by representatives from various independent worlds and fiefdoms, including remnants of the Rimward Trade League and the newly established government in the Autonomous Systems. Each representative presented their distinct perspectives on the appropriate course of action and strategies to safeguard their territories against the encroaching Sith Order, although their proposals lacked enough cohesion to be considered creditable.

The First Administrator, Aerin Denno Aerin Denno , unequivocally stated that a direct engagement with the Mors Mon Star Dreadnought would be futile, even with the enhanced intelligence and combat performance modifications provided by Xitli Sacul's faction. This assertive declaration raised apprehensions among the attending delegations, particularly as the League aimed to secure strategic sites for the establishment of listening posts and refugee camps.

<< The primary obligation of any galactic government is to ensure the safety of its populace; however, we currently find ourselves incapable of fulfilling this duty due to the looming threat posed by the Mors Mon. Engaging in minor initiatives, such as setting up refugee camps and surveillance stations, would be an exercise in futility if we lack the means to adequately protect them from the Sith Order's Legions. >> He asserted with conviction through the senatorial microphone, aiming to dismiss the idea that the League could engage in additional operations prior to implementing key measures to safeguard their populace. The failure to ensure the protection of the people would likely lead to their alignment against the League when the Sith Order advances to dismantle such camps and surveillance installations.

<< The Planet of Geonosis is willing to provide an advanced payout to shipyards and military contractors to build up a small but formidable fleet. We need protection and we need it now or this movement will stall before it can even begin. >> Brachtor explained with some hand movements and flutter of his delicate wings, proposing to use his own financial resources to procure the essential materials and hire contractors for the establishment of a compact yet powerful fleet and military force.

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Location : Comet Chaser Station | Weapons : Force Pike | Interacting With : Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser

Iona was running behind. Kaia might have landed the Zenith, but she was responsible for everything else. Shutting down the vessel, checking the systems, cleaning up any errant issues before deboarding. All part of her training, which made sense in a way. Methodical and through, so it wild become muscle memory.

By the time she was able to come down the ramp and slip on her own jacket, Kaia was far in the distance, disappearing into the building for the meeting. The Mirialans sighed, walking down the ramp and starting a slow jog down the path to the same building.

Once inside, it took a moment to figure out left or right and she listened in the quiet hallways for clues. Hearing her cousin talking to someone, she followed the sound of the voice, her footsteps slowing not cause too much noise.

Kaia was speaking to a droid. It sounded lucky, reminding her of Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell 's little droid, Chip. She had become fast friends with Chip, the only one aboard the Liberty's Edge who could understand binary.

Without a word, she took a seat next to Kaia, looking around the space.

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto listened to the delegates speak from Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher and Xitli Sacul Xitli Sacul both of which struck a small tinge of familiarity. He beloved he had met or least spoken to Corbin briefly during the orders early days. When he had inadvertently confronted a small group of mandalorians attacking a final dawn freighter.

But the other, xitli he had heard reports of from one of his advisors and the suspicion was confirmed when Owen leaned in " that's the man I spoke of in my report when I returned from Investigating a possible sighting of the Tracyn. "

Laphisto listened to the first administrator Aerin Denno Aerin Denno spoke, her words were expected. And yet they didn't seem to give any true answer to his question, it seemed like the typical politician rambling and redirection he had been used to hearing during the days of the old Republic it was a foolish endeavor.

Hit and run tactics and subterfuge was not exactly his forte but he had Trace Xyston Trace Xyston and his specialized teams. They could do some damage behind enemy lines if it was needed.

And then Brachtor the Glorified Brachtor the Glorified spoke, the geonosian was the one to make the most since in this delegation " Brachtor is correct, a military force is needed, and not one that is rag tag and built from civilian liners."

Laphisto stood himself upright his draconic wings rustling slightly as he spoke his eyes flashing a teal blue as he peeled out at every member gathered around. Peering into them through the force " and the Lilaste order can answer the call to arms. We are a militarized organization, my people have plenty of combat experience on the outer rim fighting against a group who call themselves the Dusate pirates, and we have even hired out some of our divisions to other factions to help them and to gaij even more combat experience."

As laphisto spoke he extended a hand out towards Owen who in turn handed him a datapad and laphisto used it to project several blueprints up for others to see going through the entire Lilaste order arsenal of ships, star fighters, corvetts frigates cruisers and star destroyers. The slides then went to show off the different weapons that the order has and even infantry armor and weapons.

" The Lilaste order has the weapons and ships needed to supply your people with a sizable fleet in fact to a degree the entirety of the Lilaste order can act as a military force. I have spent the last several years organizing the order into the fighting force it is. And should you accept us, we can and will act as your military."
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Inhye was leaning against a pillar of durasteel, arms crossed. As a former handmaiden, she had some experience with politics and was having a hard time imagining a Mandalorian involved in its delicate workings. An effective lobbyist was diplomatic, not threatening and aggressive. But it wasn't worth a fight. She stood straight with a sigh. "Y'know, what? Never mind."

Maybe he's learning a new skill, she told herself. Good on him.

"I'm with you, Cap'in Terrik," she continued with a nod towards the Corellian. "Not much of a spacefarer myself—neither pilot nor crewmember—but I'd sure be willing to support any and all refuge supply runs from my homestead on Adras. In the scheme of things, my production isn't too large; my land supports me, my livestock, and part of the nearest city, but there are a few acres I haven't developed yet. I can reach out to other landowners too, see if we can't form a cooperative that'll earmark our excess yields for Spacer Alliance shipments of food and energy."

He appreciated the surprise and frustration of what Aerin Denno Aerin Denno asserted, he could only imagine how his sire would react to such an assertion. Implying their efforts to engage the Mon Mors were for naught, Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher appeared to blunt the pain by naming their victories.

Archduke Brachtor the Glorified Brachtor the Glorified rightfully asserted the role of government was defending it's citizens. He knew well the diligence of Genosian workers, it rivalled and perhaps surpassed his own Satorian's ingenuity and well worth his respect.

The Lilaste were an unknown quantity, but he had witnessed their efficiency first hand and he would be amiss to not give them their due respect. After all, he owed them his ship and more than half his Satorian crew, their actions during a pirate ambush and his political rivals subterfuge might had otherwise succeeded.

Yes, he could work with these people. He could return to the Guild Fleet wings high but it was obvious to him he would need to sweeten the offer. At least militarily.

~The Excan Tlahtoloyan cannot provide capital military assets.~

He heard the soft sighs and frustrated grunts near him. ~We have none.~ He asserted and for the most part that was accurate, a strict policy observed by the Excan Tlahtoloyan to maintain their display of neutrality but the danger of Avali wasn't in their capital ships. No it was something more personal and the Sith wouldn't be the first to mistake their lack of Capital weaponry as a weakness.

The Avali and their Satorian companions had a history of proving as much. During the Clone Wars the Trade Federation had tried and failed to coerce them into joining the war effort, during the reign of Emperor Palpatine they had enjoyed autonomy where other aliens were suppressed, and when they were isolated by the Yuzhan Vong the Guilds withstood their withering assaults albeit at the cost of two worlds that even now remained microscopic battlegrounds between Vong and Avali bioweapons.

Officially, the vessels involved in that defence were either lost or decommissioned but rumours suggested the Empress had the remnants in reserve, ready to be brought to bare again should another threat be made against Xak Tharakus. His history filled Xitli with a sharp pride and he stood unphased and a feint halo of light flickered into existence if only briefly.

~What we do have are advanced superiority fighters and if these agreements prove profitable the Citalee will have a invested duty to ensure the security of our partners. Satorian's ingenuity isn't to be underestimated and you would not find a more loyal or steadfast people. And I would take personal responsibility to provide a cohort or two of Citalee Khan guard.

Despite Admiral's Quauhtli Sacul Quauhtli Sacul betrayal of our ways he still carries my sires name and his loss is enough to demand retribution. I will offer my own beak and claws if it is required.~ He said allowing his baser instincts to get the best of him.

Avali were merchants and traders, but nothing could separate them from their bloody histories. It was simply that millennia ago they had exchanged their wartorn battlefields for a new battleground, a change brought on by their own near self inflicted extinction.

He just hoped he wasn't overstepping his authority. The promise of Satorian cohorts would be begrudgingly accepted, the involvement of his sires guard would be individual determination but that was a battle for him to fight. A battle he would win.

~If that is agreeable it seems to me the combined logistics, technology and manufacturing of the Avali and Genosian could support and retrofit Laphisto's fleet.

Assuming the High Commander is willing to provide protection that should at least form a solid backbone to your campaign Aerin Denno Aerin Denno .~

~ - Telepathy
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