Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Laying in A Pool Of My Own Blood (Open)

James Kal

James ran but got cut off and ran into a dead end alley.
A man slowly walked towards him with two of his former 'friends'.

"We'll teach you to try and backstab us James." A man growled. James was trapped in the alley.

The man walked to him and punched him in the gut, then slammed his head on his knee, after that the man threw James to the ground. James was still gasping for air when the man ordered the other two to kick him. The men started to kick him in the chest, his body hurt like hell.

"Let's go guy's he is bound to die some way or another." The man said before kicking him one last time then he spat. They walked out of the alley leaving James to soak in his own blood. Those men were in a gang with him, after James tried to give them up to the CSF, they got mad and had to teach him a lesson.

Now he laid in his own blood, was he going to, but he was hurt pretty bad. If he got up he would go to a bar, he decided to lay there. He grabbed a cancer stick from his jacket then lit it with his lighter.

"Hell." Was what he said before smoking s'more.
He witnessed the men exit the alley, which was quite suspicious. He sighed, slowly heading into the alley. He scanned the man for a moment, before cracking his knuckles. "Yeah, mugging?" He asked, kneeling down beside the man. "That's real bad man, real bad", He mumbled, staring at the injuries. "Those motherfethers that left 'ere a minute ago, do this?" He asked, removing a cigar of his own and igniting it with a match. "I ain't no doctor but this is real serious, alright", Fearing for the worst if he moved him, he just leaned up against the wall. "You got one of 'em wireless communicator things?" He asked, the cigar in his mouth slurring his words.

[member="James Kal"]

James Kal

James looked at the man.

"Yeah, I got beat to bloody hell." He said with a small laugh.

James was glad this man came to see if he could help.

"Is it really that bad man? And yeah it was, my former friends." James said

"You got one of 'em wireless communicator things?" The man asksed.

"No, do I look like a class citizen to you, I ain't got credits for that kind of stuff."

[member="Basark Blu"]
"I ain't know what a class citizen looks like around 'ere! I've only ever been to this fething planet several times." He let out a sigh, inhaling the smoke from his cigar before continuing. "Well, you look like a bantha after a bunch of Tuskens gutted it. It really is, that fething bad", He mumbled, a grin appearing on his face. "So, what did ya do to 'em? Burn their spice, shoot one of 'em, I don't know what...I assume your a gangbanger, does around 'ere".

[member="James Kal"]

James Kal

"I ain't know what a class citizen looks like around 'ere! I've only ever been to this fething planet several times." The man said.

"I cant blame ya, but I'm Different, my hair is better." He said wkth a laugh.

"Well, you look like a bantha after a bunch of Tuskens gutted it. It really is, that fething bad" the man said.

"Yeah don't remind me, at least they didn't kill me." James said.

"So, what did ya do to 'em? Burn their spice, shoot one of 'em, I don't know what...I assume your a gangbanger, does around 'ere". The man said.

"EEh I tried to turn em in to the CSF but they found out and came after me." James said with a stale laugh

[member="Basark Blu"]
"Well, you ain't a bright one..." He said, removing the cigar from his mouth. "No, I think you would look a lot better if they would've killed you. You got beat with the ugly tree, one branch at a time", He said, throwing his cigar on the ground. He then looked around, slowly removing his large revolver. He popped it open, loading in his custom "Maggot" rounds. "You want me to go after them motherfethers? I'll bring 'em back to ya, begging ya to kill 'em", He said, a grin on his face.

[member="James Kal"]

James Kal

"Im as bright as they get daddyo ." He said before sitting up.

"MMind bringing me to the bar near here" James asked.

He was tired and wanted a drink.

He ran his hand through his hair.

"Cmon man."

[member="Basark Blu"]

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