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LBG - 3

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King of Pumpkins





  • Mirdirmorut Droid Brain - Systems are unhackable, thus you are unable to back track where the data is being sent to at least through the droid.
  • DION Fibre - is resistant to ion and EMP attacks.
  • Ammo high - Comparatively high ammunition caliber makes big holes (SR-100)
  • Ray shielding - Ray shields to help with blaster fire
  • Support Fire: With a solid rate of fire and power per shot for a weapon of its class, in addition to its ability to be moved and set up anywhere on the battlefield, the EO-12 can be used to excellent effect in providing support, from covering retreating troops to suppressing a defending enemy and allow friendlies to move forward.
  • Recharging shields - Able to partially recharge from incoming thermal, electrical, sonic, and kinetic energy (MP-1).

  • Mirdimorut droid brain - Can be jammed stopping it from communicating with base as well as jam the hypercomm.
  • Please don't hit me with your hammer - has no protection against kinetic damage.
  • Excessive fire - Excessive use of automatic fire will cause heat shutdown of weapon for 5 seconds (SR-100)
  • Explodes if catastrophically overloaded (ie not shut down before being knocked down) (MP-1)
  • Maintenance required - This droid constantly needs to repair and maintained.
  • Slow moving - Due to the amount of armor and weapons on the walker it is rather slow.

Kaine Australis set Tom and Mirdirmorut to create a special droid for him. In doing so Tom made up an infinite number of designs but settled on this design. This droid is heavily armed and armoured. It uses multiple weapons systems from places that Mirdirmorut has contracts with. Using all of these it becomes quite the formidable droid. After that droid was created Mirdirmorut used it to craft a larger version of the droid. Which ended up quite large.

The Midirmorut droid brain was adding to make the droid more able to create tactics on it's own terms. Dion Fibre makes the droid able to take tons of ion damage before dropping. Quadranium is strong and durable, being added to the droid gave it similar but lessened defences when compaired with Kaine's version. However it is larger than Kaine's version.

It's weapons systems include a chainsaw which it uses in melee combat. It also has a minigun and a repeating blaster cannon as well as some missile launchers. Some of these weapons are from companies from outside Mirdirmorut. Incorporating them into the design they made for excellent comparisons and make the droid's life 10 times easier.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Tom Taff"]

I'm sorry but the decision is that this breaks the ban on gundams/mechs. If you feel that this decision was made in error or unjustly you can feel free to second chance it and try to receive a different judgement. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
This submission has been denied and moved to the Archives.

You may request a Second Chance within the Factory Discussion Forum and tag [member="Jamie Pyne"] for review.

Thank you!
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