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Private LCFO Research: Fear Leads to Anger


Everything, anything, for science.
Location: LCFO Headquarters, Vassek.
Time: 1400 hours.

“In front of each of you is a waiver. This waiver will allow you participate for the next few days. If you so wish, you may refuse to sign, get right back on that shuttle and leave.”

The cool, calm, collected voice spoke in it’s normal soft one, coming from the Chiss that stood in front of the newest group of volunteers that had so graciously decided to join. Crimson red eyes scanned the group, pleased to find that it was a mixed group for today. A pair of humans and a wookie, all of which claimed to follow the so called light side of the force. A lose set of moral codes in her opinion. Still, a moral code that could have some very interesting results from the testing today.

In front of each subject stood a lab tech, each holding the holotab containing the waiver. Of course, this waiver had been sent not only to each volunteer before the subjects even got to the location, but to their grand master, Valery Noble Valery Noble as well. This all was meant to be irreproachable above board. Nobody would be able to come and say that any of these volunteers were being forced into this round of testing. They were volunteers, and they would know the risks beforehand.

Assuming that all the waivers had been signed ot Aaaine’s satisfaction, and any volunteers with second thoughts had left in the shuttle still parked behind them, Aaaine would begin the introduction to what the volunteers would be living through the next few days. “We want to start off by thanking each and every one of you for volunteering to be a part of the studies we’ve set forth. Here at the LCFO, we seek to better understand the force. Through our use of safe testing environments, we hope to better help you understand yourselves as well.”

Flowy language, something she had been told that these Jedi appreciated. It felt odd for to talk this way, but if it made the subjects feel more at home, who was she to judge. “What you have signed up for is simple. Tomorrow, you will be injected with a non-lethal amount of a virus that will produce hallucinations within your mind. This is almost practically guaranteed. It is extremely rare for one to not succumb to these hallucinations. Should that be the case for any of you, we would ask for a second waiver to be signed for you to stay longer and go through further studies.” A blessing in disguise, if any of these subjects were immune. Still, it was very doubtful.

“Risks for this test are simple. Hysteria, anxiety, feelings of depression, and fear are extremely normal. In some cases, it’s been seen that physical wounds appear on the body. Don’t worry, highly trained medical staff will be in each testing room to treat any injuries.” That, and to record all the information about the injuries they possibly could. The more information, the better. “Be assured, that the antidote for each of the toxins are located in the testing room as well. While they won’t work instantaneously, they will work.” There was a confidence behind the Chiss’ voice that would, hopefully, speak volumes to the subjects.

They would be safe here, Aaaine would make sure of that.

With a curt nod, and a small smile, she continued. “We ask some very simple things out of you while you are here. One, that you follow my, and my fellow doctors’ orders, to the letter.” She motioned to the other white coated individuals standing around her in the hanger, especially stopping for a moment on the taller form of one of their newest additions, Dr. Kama Nu Kama Nu . “Secondly, we ask that you are honest. Most of the information we will be gathering tomorrow will be anecdotal. We need your honesty and openness to get as much as possible from these tests. And finally, that you trust us to use the antidote as we see fit. You all may very well fight off the virus without it, but we will chose when or when not to use the antidote. Each of you has been given a safe word, however, that will stop the test instantly if you so choose.”

Letting the heavy words linger in the air for a few moments, Aaaine then would give a smile to each of the three volunteers. “Fear not for today, however. We will show each of you to our private testing room first, where we will have a quick physical and psychological exam to make sure you are fit for tomorrow’s tests. After, you’ll be dismissed to your quarters where you may relax for the rest of the evening.” Allowing the subjects to get settled in would be key in getting a neutral baseline before the tests started the next day. That was the goal, anyway.

Questions could be asked once the subjects were in their rooms. It was time to get them moving now, however. “Techs, please show our guests to their testing rooms. Straight there, no dilly dallying.” Aaaine and the rest of the doctors would part the way, allowing the subjects to follow their lab techs and into the white, pristine facility.


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