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League of Autonomous Worlds

An alliance of independent worlds and systems banding together to protect their freedom. Join the rebellion and help fight for a better, brighter Outer Rim!

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League Government (Info & Roster)



"For too long I have watched the heavy hand of the Empire strangle our liberties, stifling our freedoms in the name of ensuring our safety. No longer!" ―Mon Mothma


For many in the Outer Rim, autonomy is their greatest wish. Freedom from war, intrusive governments, and the meddling and exploitation practiced by the Core and Inner Rim worlds for centuries. Such desires pushed the founders of these worlds and their descendants to migrate to the farthest edges of the galaxy on unsettled worlds, eschewing the comforts and luxuries of more advanced worlds to live their own lives on their terms. Striking a balance between sovereignty and security is no easy feat, but that is the role of the League Systems Council.

Established by surviving members of the Rimward Trade League on Kabal, the Systems Council is a democratically elected body of representatives from each member world in LAW space. The council is responsible for appointing the heads of government ministries, arranging treaties, making strategic defense decisions, and levying official declarations of war. The government itself is founded on the Free Planets Charter, which was drafted and signed by the surviving worlds from the fallen Rimward Trade League. Each prospective member world must sign its agreeance to the Charter's accords in order to be recognized as a constituent of the LAW. The League's head of state is the First Administrator.

Under the provisions of the League Charter, all free worlds are entitled to the right of self-governance while enjoying the benefits of cooperation with the greater League as a nation. Included in the charter are anti-slavery laws, anti-piracy agreements, mutual military aid agreements and how they are to be organized, common tax rates for goods, strategic goals, and a shared commitment to countering interference and colonization from galactic superpowers, Core-world governments, and corporate exploitation. Recognizing and authorizing the Rimward Ranger Corps and ORION to have law enforcement jurisdiction across planetary borders when it comes to violating League laws, fleeing jurisdictional boundaries, and organized criminal organizations is also a stipulation. Standard sentient rights are affirmed, recognized, and enforced in the Charter, and a commitment to the voice and representation of the people.

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    "We must decide how best to enjoy and preserve our hard won freedom." ―Admiral Ackbar


    Planetary councilors can further exemplify their strengths by serving on special committees and supporting specific ministries. Some of these include:

    -Office of the First Administrator: The executive office of the League's government, consisting of the First and Second Administrators, ministry heads, and the captain of the Honor Guard who police the Executive Rotunda.

    (First Administrator: Aerin Denno Aerin Denno )

    -Admiralty Court: The administrative and regulatory body that establishes interstellar laws and regulations throughout League space, as well as constructing and fielding Ranger stations and penal facilities on participating worlds. Oversees the Rimward Rangers and coordinates with local law enforcement agencies.

    -Economic Development Advisory Board: An advisory board to the Council that focuses on improving economic growth and development in member systems and where local governments request financial assistance. The EDAB works closely with the Outer Rim Development Corps (ORDC) and Spacers Alliance Trade Authority.

    (Members: Aerin Denno Aerin Denno | Brachtor the Glorified Brachtor the Glorified )

    -Committee on Admission to the League: A committee entrusted with the admissions process, handling the collection and verification of entrance documents and signatory information necessary for new worlds and governmental entities to officially join the League.

    -Internal Affairs Committee: An investigative committee of trusted League officials who develop regulations and codes of conduct for League councilors and representatives. The IAC conducts necessary and sensitive inquiries into fellow government representatives who come under scrutiny of the law.

    -Board of Public Health and Science: An advisory board tasked with oversight, legislation, and regulations pertaining to public health, medicine, state insurance, disease prevention, scientific agencies and institutions, research and development, environmental science, etc.

    -Board of Education and Youth: An advisory board that oversees both independent and standardized education services.


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    "We cannot lose perspective on the value of life and the price of freedom." ―Bail Prestor Organa​


    Many politicians in the League Council prefer to remain Independent, unswayed by political blocs who often meet some but not all of LAW's myriad planetary government's needs. However, an equal number of councilors, representatives, delegates, and ambassadors find solidarity among likeminded officials. Notable political parties and alignments include:

    -Independents: The largest and most generalized political wing of the League. Independents make up the bulk of the Systems Council and consists of a wide variety of ideals, goals, and demands. Typically, Independents retain this status to avoid inter-factional tension or to maintain their patron system's political neutrality on the Council floor.

    -Centrists: A political faction favoring a strong, centralized executive and military. Centrists value centralized power, a national military industrial complex, federalized legal codes, maximized economic efficiency, and cultural uniformity. Some extreme Centrists revere neo-Imperial policies and legislation.

    -Populists: A libertarian political faction with an emphasis on greater personal and planetary sovereignty. Populists believe that member worlds of the League should retain and enjoy their individual autonomy politically, economically, and culturally.

    -Concordists: A modus vivendi between Centrist and Populist ideologies that places equal value in a strong federal government that works progressively with the recognized independent states that comprise it. Concordists believe that each League member is responsible for contributing to the union, just as the union is responsible for providing security and opportunities for prosperity to its constituents.

    -Industrialists: Sometimes referred to pejoratively as the Corporatist party, the Industrialist bloc is a political faction focused on maximizing the League's means of production and monopolizing planetary resources rather than conserving them. Industrialists believe that the Outer Rim is rife with untapped potential just waiting to be exploited.

    -Loyalists: Unable to accept the dissolution of the Rimward Trade League, the Loyalist faction stands prominently behind their goal to resist the Sith Order and return to the League. Most Loyalists are "shadow councilors" from Sith-occupied RTL planets, attending Systems Council summits and meetings in secret to hide their intentions of rebellion against their Dark Side overlords.

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    "There may be a cause that inspires you to be braver than you ever thought possible." ―Padmé Amidala



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