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Rimward Trade League

A better, brighter Outer Rim through commerce, cooperation, and diplomacy

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League Joint Strategic Command

League Joint Strategic Command
Having seen the inherent weaknesses of a centralized military superpower, as well as the risks it poses from coups and infiltratoin, the Rimward Trade League took a different approach. Instead of having a centralized military under direct League command, the League's military budget is shared among the member Defense Forces to enhance their own forces. At the same, the League Joint Strategic Command was created under the auspices of the Security Advisory Board.

Member system defense units are seconded to the JSC for a pre-determined point of time, where they answer directly to the Security Advisory Board and League Council. These seconded units operate as standing military forces of the League. The Security Advisory Board oversees all operations- from military intelligence gathering, to assembling forces, to recommending candidates for Captain-General to lead joint missions, and performing after-action assessments and recommendations for improvements. Many of the seconded units are smaller, more specialized forces created to fill specific strategic and tactical niches. Non-seconded forces can be called up as reserves or temporarily assigned to the Joint Strategic Command, but primarily operate under the orders of their local command structures.

The naval forces of the League operate very similarly to the Defense Forces, with many of the system fleets closely tying the naval and ground forces together. The League Council recognized that every system is different and that the naval needs of each system will vary. As such, the League's naval budget is also distributed among the member systems to help fund their naval forces, in addition to any local investment. The League also places a very high value on interstellar commerce and trade, which means they do have a greater emphasis on naval forces. As such, many of the ships seized by the Rescue Service are redistributed to member worlds, especially the battleships and cruisers taken from the Lux Astra Corporate Authority after their failed siege of the Five Veils Route. That has given systems with relatively small defense budgets access to heavy capital ships they otherwise couldn't afford to purchase while open recruiting and immigration give the smaller systems respectable access to skilled personnel across the Outer Rim.

Given the unique nature of the Outer Rim, however, the Joint Strategic Command can tap into more than just formal government forces. Forces at their disposal can also include contractors on retainer with the League Council; ORION with its Huntsmen and privateers; Underground operatives and contacts; and volunteer militia units like the Cometeers Brigade, Sons and Daughters of Freedom, Churhee's Riflemen, or the Spice Blades, as well as ad hoc units acting as irregulars.

Having fought against the Sith Empire, First Orders, Brotherhood of the Maw, Final Dawn, and numerous corporate and piratical forces, the League has learned the importance of adaptability and creative thinking, including adopting the tactics and equipment of the groups they have fought. That has led to an overall prioritization on mobile infantry, rapid armor and artillery, and working in close operation with naval and air assets. Rather than dividing between navy and army, the Security Advisory Board has streamlined its command structure into an integrated force utilizing both naval and army assets in close coordination.

League Member SystemDefense Force Units
Suarbi System RepublicMobile Infantry Corps
1st Cometeer Brigade
Special Reconnaisance Regiment
Wild Knights Squadron
Chiss Semi-Autonomous DominionWIP
SvivrenSvivreni Sappers Guild (WIP)
Svivreni Special Shock Troops (WIP)
Elshandruu PicaTBD
SevarcosSpice Blades (From Legends)
Windrider Carracks (Based on Legends)
Sevari Defense Forces/Ranger Corps (WIP)
VohaiChurhee's Riflemen (From Canon)
PraesitlynSons and Daughters of Freedom (From Legends)
Praesitlyn Defense Forces (From Legends)
Maryx MinorTBD
Sluis VanTBD
DorvallaDorvalla Space Corps (From Legends)
Tshindral IIITBD
SullustSullustan Home Guard (Check with Miel Tevv)
Sullustan Dragon Guard
Sullustan Mobile Infantry
Recon-Sharpshooters (Canon)
Spice TerminusTBD

Joint Strategic Command Roster Sign Up
System Defense Force (If Applicable):
Primary Unit (If Applicable):
Last edited:
Name: Cryx Tillian
Rank: Lieutenant
System Defense Force (If Applicable): Suarbi System Republic
Primary Unit (If Applicable): Mobile Infantry Corps (3rd Division, 1st INTRECON)

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