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Rimward Trade League

A better, brighter Outer Rim through commerce, cooperation, and diplomacy

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League of Light- Force Sects of the Outer Rim

[For Rimward Jedi Coalition- See Here)

Initially only used half-jokingly, the term League of Light has become more or less the official title for the various independent Force Sects beyond the Rimward Jedi Coalition. Composed of a wide variety of smaller groups, the League of Light is a place for the different groups to share resources, training, information, and support. Most of these groups have, historically, been considered heretical or gray by the mainstream Jedi, making them reluctant to become part of the Rimward Jedi Coalition, but they are not against meeting with the Coalition and its representatives to work together for the betterment of the entire Outer Rim.
Jedi Pilgrims

Few in number and operating alone or in pairs, they are the champions of hope, guardians of justice, and symbols a better future longed for by so many. They are knights-errant and wandering paladins, fighting injustice where they find, holding back the Dark Side, and bringing relief to those who request it. Yet for them, their role has a great symbolism, balanced between the wildness of space and the civilized worlds closer to the Core. They maintain the balance and seek it within themselves, following the journeys to enlightenment across whatever frontier world, asteroid outpost, or deserted space lane it takes them. Led by a small council of experienced Masters and Knights, they roam the League and Outer Rim searching for injustices to correct, wrongs to right, and to perform fearless deeds to help guide them into a deeper knowledge and reliance on the Force.

The Jensaarai:


Founded centuries ago during the Clone Wars, the Jensaarai originally consisted of a small band of Jedi who defected from the main Jedi Order to more closely study Sith teachings and philosophy. While the most powerful fell to the Dark Side and were killed in battle against Jedi Knights, the rest never fell to the Dark and slowly developed a hybrid style that blended Jedi teachings and Sith techniques without ever falling to the Dark. Now, a thousand years later, the Jensaarai are led by Saaraai-Kaar Veino Garn. They operate in secret out of Susefvi and the surrounding sectors, serving as silent guardians, Light-sided agents, and sentinels against the Dark Side and tyranny, with strong ties to freedom fighting movements across the galaxy. Eschewing the robes of Jedi, Jensaarai prefer to use hand-made, Force-imbued cortosis armor suited to the individual to both hide their identity from the public and protect themselves in combat. Primarily alignments are neutral-good/chaotic good/ true neutral, but strong Light-aligned.

Circle of the Light Hand


A small sect of Jedi established by Jedi Master Tiland Kortun, they are primarily itinerant monks, with a hidden monastery on a hidden world past the edge of the galaxy. They wander the Outer Rim, going wherever the Force guides, to help the poor, the downtrodden, the oppressed, and those in need of a little hope. Practitioners of the Way of the Light Hand, the philosophy eschews lightsabers in favor of a unique martial arts style, members are often anonymous and indistinguishable from any other number of pilgrims and Outer Rim inhabitants but are known for their tea-brewing, calligraphy, embroidery, and other meditative crafts they use to sustain themselves as they travel.

Wardens of the Sky

An ancient tradition whose origins are long lost to history, the Wardens are considered by some to be myths or legends, objects of stories whispered by half-drunk spacers, but they do exist. They have no base, no leader, no identifying features. Often looking like the ordinary members of a crew, they protect space lanes and shipping crews against pirates, environmental hazards, and other threats. They carry no weapons except perhaps a blaster and use the Force and their hands and feet. Considered by members of the Merchant Marine to be the patron guardians of the League, many hope to someday meet one of these Wardens. Still, they prefer their privacy and secrecy, using their skills and powers only when necessary.

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