Too Stubborn To Die
Equipment: Jedi Robes | Lightsaber | Khair Stone
Tag: Open to anyone with reason to be aboard The Prosperity
For all his natural talent with a lightsaber, Gatz was finding Form V to be particularly difficult to learn. One reason might be because he was attempting to teach it to himself, based off of old holocrons, notes, and even a diagram written in an old book. It was easier for Gatz to learn from someone than it was to learn from any other source. He'd always struggled with learning via reading or lectures.
Yet another reason was because of the aggression demanded by Form V. Djem So in particular walked a fine line Gatz wasn't comfortable bringing himself to. He'd been an aggressive man once, and that had come with many, many mistakes. Some that still haunted him even to this day. And so attempting to learn into that required aggression made him feel as though he was regressing, and going back to the way he'd been before.
Gatz shuddered at the thought.
He knew that the smart thing to do would be to ask for help. He was aboard the Prosperity, along with nearly half the Order. There were plenty of instructors to ask for a lesson, and in fact, Valery Noble had often reminded him of the importance of learning from many different sources. But Gatz was struggling to bring himself to admit that he needed that help.
He ought be able to figure Form V out for himself.
But the longer he delayed in asking for proper help, the more of his own time he would waste. So, with a sigh, Gatz began to gather his pilfered knowledge up, so that he might return it, and then find an actual teacher to instruct him in the lightsaber.