Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Learning a new Form


The Citadel was in many ways imposing – but for a long time Kriel had called it home. He cared nothing for luxuries or home comforts, it was a place to learn – pure and simple.

Which is why he was here. Now. His task was to teach a pupil about one of the saber Forms. There was talk of him taking him on as an apprentice. Kriel reserved judgement. He would train anyone the Order or the Knights asked. But an apprentice was a matter of choice. And he would do the choosing.

He stood in the bare room. It was underground and therefore had no natural light. Instead the tall ceiling offered artificial strips of illumination that were functional without style. It reflected much of the citadel. In many ways it was like Kriel himself. He was a tool of the Knights. Of the Order. He served a purpose and little more. Not that he complained. It was his choice. He could have been a Sith and focused on his own needs, his own desires. But he wasn’t. He served the Order.

He cycled through a few training routines, flowing from one Form to another. He was proficient in all of them but focused primarily on a couple. But he could teach them all to a novice if they needed. Enough to make them proficient too. Mastery could never be taught. It came from practice and hard work. Pure and simple.
A noise suggested someone was coming and the Force told him they had a dark-sided aura. It was no doubt his pupil.

[member="Iskander Deus Tenebris"]
Iskander was excited. Soon he was to be trained ... His skills will grow and will serve him well in the future whatever it may hold. Iskander walked through the hallways and observed the workings of the Citadel. The closest thing he could compare it to was the Jedi temple. It was inherently different however. While the Jedi were warm and welcoming this was a representation of the ideals of the First Order. Far different from the beliefs of the Sith as well. These Knights of Ren believed in their Supreme Leader. Actual loyalty was a strange feeling.

Iskander arrived at a bare room. A Knight was practicing several forms when Iskander announced his presence, "Greetings. I am Iskander. You are my master." It wasn't a question. Iskander bowed respectfully before rising. Formalities are dull and served no other purpose than to fuel the egos of the weak. Of course some respect must be shown towards one's superiors. But Iskander refused to bow every second his master turns his head. Iskander bows to no one.

Iskander sat down on the ground and folded his legs together. Silently he waited for further instruction.

[member="Kriel Firin"]
Kriel continued to cycle through his training exercises as the acolyte entered the room. Practise served a significant purpose. Force users were able to operate much faster than the average individual, sometimes using the Force to almost predict an opponent’s move. So time wasted in conscious thought deciding what move to make would put you at an immediate disadvantage.

So a dedicated duellist would practise moves – or more specifically combinations of moves. Four or five different attacks strung together sometimes, but rarely fewer than two. It allowed the blade wielder to concentrate elsewhere – perhaps on their opponent’s tendencies, or to use the Force in tandem with a combination. Kriel had a few hundred ingrained in his muscle memory now – but then he’d been working at it for a number of years.

Kriel nodded to the newcomer. “Iskander.” He did not correct the acolyte as to his own interpretation of their relationship. The young man was likely to be right – even if Kriel hadn’t formally decided as yet. And he ignored the bow. It was a Jedi thing – and some Sith performed the ritual too. Kriel bowed on occasion – to a small handful of people and on then when meeting or leaving them. Otherwise, they were all Knights of Ren and deserved equal respect.

“The saber,” Kriel said as he continued to practise, “Is one of our primary tools. I do not say weapon. You are the weapon and the blade an extension of you. Never forget that distinction. Now tell me, which Forms are you familiar with and which do you intend to make your primary style?”

[member="Iskander Deus Tenebris"]
Iskanders voice and expressions were hidden by his mask. His robotic monotone of a voice began to speak "I am afraid I know only the first form and some Nimen. I was always attracted to the feel of Juyo though. I feel it is most appropriate for my role in the Order." Iskander stood and took his saber in one hand before activating it. The soft crimson glow had a disturbing effect on his inhuman appearance. "I would ask you teach me all the forms. One must be prepared for all situations and I can change and adapt the form I am using to great effect against whatever may come my way." Iskander suddenly lunged at his master and slashed down with the ferocity and rage of a beast. His power, unfocused and untrained, flowed through his body making his movements swifter and stronger.

It is his belief that if the Master cannot defend himself from an attack by the student then he has no purpose teaching. The murdering of superiors may not be an option but if the pupil is more skilled than the teacher then why is the teacher teaching? "A weapon must first be forged. Forge me. I would be the sword that pierces the hearts of our enemies." The rage in his voice was disguised by a mask but it was clear to anyone really listening how he felt. His wild lunges and slashes seemed to reflect his past of brutal combat and survival of the fittest. His strikes became more and more intense as he dug deeper into his mind.

His hate sustained him.

[member="Kriel Firin"]
The Force was a tool. One that the Knights of Ren used to perform the will of the First Order. But unlike most utensils, this one could be used both consciously and sometimes unconsciously. Right now, Kriel could feel the emotions emanating from Iskander. It was not through a use of Force Sense, it was instead an innate thing – born of using the Force so regularly. He wasn’t highly skilled in the subtleties but he could detect strong emotions – such as the rage inside Iskander.

Kriel would talk about that, but when it was the right time and not before.

“The first Form is always a good place to start. It teaches the basics, like the zones and the rings.” Kriel demonstrated as he spoke, showing a basic routine to highlight when to block vertically or horizontally – and also how to block in the three rings.

“And the sixth Form is a useful hybrid for those that don’t use the saber often. Not one a Knight of Ren should specialise in I suggest. But Juyo…”

He left the word hanging as he considered the learner and the Form. “It is chaos personified in a saber style. It has many strengths, it unbalances the opponent and is extremely attack focused. But it is weak against someone who uses the Force against than which–.”

He did not finish his sentence before his student attacked him. To illustrate his point, before the blade reached Kriel’s body, he raised a hand and simply pushed Iskander backwards – some half a dozen metres. “As you have so aptly allowed me to demonstrate. So tell me, why this Form above all others?”

[member="Iskander Deus Tenebris"]
Iskander was pleased. His master showed no hesitation in countering his attack. "In the past Juyo was under developed because of the physical and mental stress it put on the user. It was only ever perfected by Master Windu and renamed Vaapad. It is fed off of raw aggression and passion while still requiring discipline. Strange how a Jedi had the aggression needed to perfect the style. I can meet these qualifications given time and the proper training." At this Iskander leap forward this time attacking from above with a downward slash. "By mastering the force alongside this style I believe I can overwhelm my opponents. If I maintain the state of mind the style requires then I can fight indefinitely. Or however long my enemy holds out."

Knowing that another counter would be coming, Iskander spread his awareness around him. Iskander thought of his anger and used it to fuel him. But he also thought of the future - of the rigorous training needed to perfect his chosen form and the many other forms needed to accomplish his goals. But what is a light saber compared to the force? During the rise of the One Sith, Sith Sorcery began to resurface. Many force talents long thought dead became the norm. Mastering these would be the real key to victory.

The thought of mauling his enemies and burning down all they held sacred brought a monstrous smile to Iskander's face.

[member="Kriel Firin"]
“We are Knights of Ren.” Kriel said this in a very matter of fact way. There was rarely sarcasm or anger or even disappointment in his voice. He spoke plainly and he spoke the truth – or at very least his understanding of the same – which was not always identical of course.

“We are not Sith and we are certainly not Jedi. We are different to both and, closer to Sith in most ways. Like the Sith, we are sworn enemies of the Jedi. But that does not mean we cannot learn from them. Some of their ways are enlightening.”

“For one, the Jedi know their limitations. Vaapaad is rarely trained at a Jedi Academy. And only if the Master believes the student can truly control their emotions during combat. Discipline – a word you used – is key to them. And knowing a weakness is key to them too. Understanding the drawbacks with Soresu lead to the fifth Form. Knowing the limitations of the seventh will keep you alive. Confidence is a positive aspect of duelling. Arrogance is not. Darth Vader found that to his cost on Mustafar."

As his student leaped from above, Kriel used the Force to aid his speed in side-stepping. His apprentice’s blade engaged thin air.

“One of us is expending energy, one of us is not. Do not be fooled into thinking one Form is better than all others. Play to its strengths whilst understanding and overcoming its weaknesses. In a combat situation, you would have demonstrated to me your preferred Form. I can look to exploit that. You, on the other hand, have no idea which Form I favour. You are still guessing as to the best approach.”

“You are strong with the Force. But so are many. Use your emotions, yes, but don’t let them cloud your judgement. Too many dark-siders died for this reason. Two at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi alone. And pick your focus wisely. A jack-of-all-trades has limited place on a battlefield. They aren’t strong enough to dominate opponents, nor resilient enough to stay alive.”

Kriel held up his left hand and performed a grip-like motion. His apprentice would feel an invisible vice hold his saber wrist in place. With his free hand, Kriel activated his own saber with a snap-hiss. “Your move…”

[member="Iskander Deus Tenebris"]
Iskander was loving this. Though his master seems a bit too attached to the Knights of Ren he has a lot for Iskander to learn. Also there are benefits to being loyal to the winning side. "​Arrogance well earned. Sidious used Juyo to great effect. He was never truly defeated with it. I also agree with you; good warrior doesn't overestimate their chosen style. But like you said a jack-of-all-trades isn't very effective. So I wish to learn the other forms as more of a supporting role for my Juyo." Iskander raised his other hand and reaching out to the force he swiftly tugged at his masters feet to break his focus.

"I am young master. Please excuse my apparent lack of wisdom. That is where you come in." Iskander took a more defensive stance. He most likely couldn't hold off his master with his fighting skills or a force power. He'll fight using the single most important tool of a warrior. Deceit.

Quickly using the force he moved his saber into his other hand and hurled it at his master's side. He'd seen his master side step before. His light saber's path took it close to his masters side in the hope that he'd attempt it again. Iskander was ready and waiting to push his master against the wall if it went well.

[member="Kriel Firin"]
Kriel listened. They could debate the merits of arrogance another time. What mattered – what truly mattered – was staying alive to be conceived as arrogant. There were enough dead Sith, Jedi and Knights of Ren who could no doubt debate the topic well. But they were defeated and in Kriel’s eyes, that devalued their input into the conversation.

“Knowing all Forms is a wise move for a duellist. It helps you understand your opponent better and also allows you to switch if necessary. If your arms are damaged, then the seventh Form is not always the best option. Knowledge of the second might be what keeps you alive.”

He was pleased his apprentice kept things simple. Mental use of the Force always required concentration. Break that and you break the effect. It was the overwhelming weakness of the magic user in Kriel’s opinion. Too few could master both sorcery and standard combat and so a compromise had to be struck. And that compromise meant one was overwhelmingly weaker than the other.

So a simple head-butt or kick would typically suffice to break any spell weaved – albeit the stronger the opponent, the greater the force expended tended to have to be.

“You are young and you will learn. That is the way of things.”

And sparring was a good place to learn. Kriel sometimes used training sabers but was not averse to using his own – and given his control was good – he rarely marked his pupils. For Kriel was no jack-of-all trades. His abilities were all focused on hand to hand combat. He knew the Forms and he knew how to fight at close quarters. It was all he wanted to know. He had a smattering of Force abilities but these were invariably linked to fighting. And because he knew fewer than the average Knight, he practised each one for longer than most. Which in turn meant his mastery of them superseded those that spread their knowledge wider.

But for now the internal dialogue had to end – his apprentice was presenting a few challenges. This time he faced a saber thrown at him. It was aimed at his side. For a micro-second he wondered if he could simply stand still and it would pass him by – but he decided against that high risk option. Instead he held his empty palm open and gave a Force Push away from his body. The saber was simply deflected away.

He then used the saber as a weapon of his own and using Force Pull, yanked it backwards – towards his apprentice – and at great speed.

[member="Iskander Deus Tenebris"]

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