Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Learning from a new perspective


Voss - Capitol of the SIlver Jedi
Voss Spaceport

Taking a hold of my lightsaber, I looked over its features for the millionth time. I had taken this tool apart and put it back together with my eyes closed. I knew everything about this weapon. What worked, and what caused the crystal inside to become a powerful beam of plasma. However, I did not trust it like I did my sword. The weapon was a formidable weapon in my hands. Could I be at the skill that my father was at? No. No where near close. I had watched the fight that my father and another man had. Even then, my father with all of his skill and powers still lost due to a judging. The two men fought with skills and talents I had never seen before. It amazed me.

After talking to my father, he told me that I would be trained by the very man he had lost to. I was taken back. I had thought he wanted to train me personally. However, I knew that he was busy with work, and might not have time. Thus he trusted me to one of his trusted comrades, and someone who he knew I would learn from. Like my father and information, I had looked up this man.

Rogue-like in actions, and all they had on him was his possible skills as a Jedi Shadow. One who was as powerful and versatile as himself was sure to earn his rank of Mastery. As such, I had contacted him. We spoke very little over what we would be doing. But I was to meet him at the spaceport. We would be going somewhere apparently. He told me the planet, I still have no clue why we were going.

A planet called Cophrigin V. The planet had very little information about its forested mountains, and grassy plains. The local fauna were even unnamed creatures, and plants. Very little was known about this planet. I assumed this is where we would be going to get out of the way, and train. No distractions. No forms of communication. Or did the mysterious man [member="Jericho"] have another plan under his sleeve?

I will have to find out soon.
Master Jericho went by a great many names; the shadow, the elemental, the warrior, a god, the guardian angel, the demon of white fire and his favored, the ghost. All the names depicted him in a manner of which he battled, sometimes with the greatest of silence or the most monstrous ferocity. Either way, Jericho was always seen for his fighting prowess for good reason, it was a part of him, it was a way of life for him and he enjoyed almost nothing more. Almost. Jericho was not such a one dimensional man, he was a scholar, a seeker of lost knowledge and he in his great many journeys stumbled on something ancient as it was unique. A power so magnificent it was underestimated an art in itself really, though treacherous it knowledge would be worth the risk. With that said a young man would be making this trip with a young man, one with exceptional skill, not through the blood of his family ties but the will the excel. One, [member="Zephyr Carrick"], the son of Xander a long time friend. As killing two birds with one stone in doing this, Jericho had finally found a apprentice with skill an would draw closer ties with an ally. They would travel to a beautiful forest world, disconnected and untouched by war and darkness of more recent times. At least that is what he hope for, he looked back to Zep the young man clad in armor and weapons as the master did. The warrior gave him a nod as they progress to the ruins of the seemingly foreign planet. "Take heed." The warrior calmly stated as he began to feel a presence. "Not everything will be as it seems. Trust in no one, but yourself." This will be the young mans test, to become a student under him. One must be hardy, one must be strong, one must be smart, one must adapt and one must be true. Jericho has face many ruins and many tombs and each one was unique to those they protected and enriched with their presence. How would the story unfold, he did not know but what he did, if Zep were to survive he would pass the first test.
The man walked up the ramp towards the ship that we would be taking. As he walked closer, I stood up and bowed as he spoke. Saying to take heed to his words. Telling me to trust no one but myself. I knew what he meant. There were many in this galaxy that wanted to overthrow governments, and take over worlds. That much was for sure. However, I wondered why he would say this right off from the start? Should I not trust him? Furrowing my brow, he began to walk off towards the ship where I followed. he already knew who I was. I guess he didn't want to have introductions for the time being. Considering we had a long trip ahead of us, I would assume we would learn more about one another on the way there.

However, I only wondered what he thought of my darker signature than that of my father. It worried me that he may not take me as an apprentice simply because I was darker in my emotions than my father. The two were friends, and I could likely be "snitched" on to my father should the man deem it. However, I doubted that. As he said, never trust anyone.

As such, I wouldn't trust my master with anything, and force myself to learn of him, so then I could learn why not to, and why I should, trust people.

Let the mind games, begin.

Jericho wasn't much for introductions, in truth, he wasn't one for words in general. The warrior cracked his knuckles calmly as they sat in the ship, he let no other words be spoken between the two and let the young man's mind flow with this words. Jericho didn't know how the boy would take in his words, but hopefully, it was enough for the the possible battle that was coming. The trip took several hours and as they landed the warrior took lead and walked out of the ship knowing Zep would be following him. He looked back to the young man and gave him a nod, before walking ahead leading him to the ruined temple. After another few days of silent and long travel, they had made it to the temple. Jericho stared into the entry of the temple and placed a hand on the vines and stone of the door. This place was centuries old, a place formally for worship and peace, a gathering a several known ancient masters. There would be boundless knowledge here once again Jericho turned around and looked back to padawan [member="Zephyr Carrick"]. "Before we enter, remember my words? Trust in yourself. What do you think I mean by this?"
The man was silent.

Too silent for my tastes in fact. The entire trip from the ship, when we ate, slept, studied, and even sat in the cockpit, he was void of emotion towards me and speachless. He wanted me to think about something, or he didn't like talking, or he just didn't even want me here? I was not sure about what the man wanted. Sure he was a great duelest, but didn't he think he was taking the term speak softly and carry a big stick a little too far? I mean, even over the days that we had walked through the marshes of this planet, and through the various landscapes he was silent.

However, I did learn something. This man was about actions over words. He carried no bark, but had a bite to compensate for the silence. He was like a serpent. Silent until the very last second, and striking first, striking fast. He was about using his skills as his words, and I smiled realizing this as we walked up the steps to this temple. However, the man stopped before entering. Turning to me, through the mask he wore, I heard him speak of his words from a few days ago. He was in no mood for jokes.

"Doubt my abilities, and I will surely lose a fight. Doubt my capabilities and I will be lost to my delusions. I am to trust in myself, and only myself to complete a task set before me."

I explained what I had thought in the shortest way possible. For us to work well together, we had to think, and act alike. As such, I would try to mirror him to an extent. Not completely, but enough to understand the difference between his life, and mine. I prepared myself for what may be ahead, and pulled on the hood of my armor to cover my face just a little more. Considering the place was rather damp, I didn't want spare water or anything to get into my face.

Hopefully I was at least somewhat close to my answering of his question.


Second tag to let you know you haven't posted. :p
The warrior was a man of few words in general but for the young Carrick, he wanted to see and learn everything he could about the boy in their travel. From his movement, the way he walked, his mannerism that even he didn't realize he did from how he could feel that young warrior almost as tall as his father was just as confident though not nearly as brash. Though these "conversations" or rather observations he had with the boy as they travel was in a calm and serene manner; battle was different, as were ancient ruins though some times, the two could be one in the same. At least for force sensitives. Unlike their more human counter parts, using the term 'human' very loosely, force users were well more sensitive to the world around them feeling the sweet touch of light and harsh grasp of darkness. In those realms where the light and dark collide there were remnants of the old, the wise, and the powerful.

In this particular ruin, there was a remnant that was all three thought her name was lost throughout the ages, her legacy remained and where there was a legacy there was to be a test. Maybe a test of the mind, a test of skill, of morality, of power, one entering these ruins could never understand what was store except the possibly treasure whether physical of that of knowledge and skill. Jericho looked down to the young man as he answered and gave him a nod. He was smart as he was hardy but there was always more to expand on. "Not only in your capabilities, but your weaknesses as well. There will always be a more cunning foe that will find your weaknesses. Turn those weaknesses into strength. Find true balance." The warrior calmly stating part some wisdom to the young man. How he would truly interpret his words would be on the young man. The warrior turned and began to walk in to the ruins though took a moment to stopped and seemingly as if he was saying this out of the "Fear death, fear uncertainty and face it."

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
The man was right. Weaknesses could be used as strengths. Many of the Sith were known to kill family members because it was considered a weakness. They were known to hold people hostage as leverage against us. We even could see them transform them into something else through their Sith Magicks to produce a fear within us. For us to lose hope. However, our weakness was our greatest strength.

My family made me stronger. I fought for them. I didn't care about myself, but I fought with every fiber of my being for them, and them alone. They were all that I was to live up to. Even if it meant forgetting my name, or even removing myself from the equation. As such, I was here. Learning to become stronger not for myself, but for my family. To prove to my father that I was a man who he could understand, and be proud of me. While he may be a member of the Silver Council, as well as my mother, I instead chose to go a different route. To go into the darkness and from there, into the light.

Nodding after the man, instead of speaking or asking questions, I stayed silent. Not in spite of him, but because I could see this man's own words as they echoed in my head over and over again. He was going to teach me how to make my weaknesses become a strength, and with that, become one not without weaknesses, but one who used all about himself, to overcome all the odds, and tasks set before himself.

I walked into the temple after him, silent as he would be, to reflect, and pounder over his words.

What was a weakness? For a Jedi; It was pain, it was anger, it was allowing oneself to succumb to emotion and keep oneself from harmony and serenity. For Sith; It was peace, it was calm, it was allowing themselves to indulge in ravenous greed of uncontrolled passion and rage to get what they wanted. That was just merely a generalized idea for ones that call themselves as such. For Jericho, he would find himself the circle of both, taught the ways of the force through the eyes of the gray and to see the world in a different light than others and find himself having a gift and a curse, a weakness, and a strength.

Self-loathing and isolation.

To the eyes of many the warrior was great, powerful, brave and relentless in truth there was never a day he doubting himself and doubting what he can or can not do. His self-loathing comes down to his inability to protect what he cares for, his master, his first few padawans, and his first daughter. Even now he keeps himself in arms reach of everyone he knows so he would not get attached to anyone. The pain of loneliness was a harsh thing, it has led him to bouts of rage whenever he has thought about it. It made him passionate to those he cared for that remained with the living and do anything to keep them from harm. In this, he indulged in greed seeking all the knowledge he can gather to become stronger, more powerful. The old tomb tried to trick him to succumb to emotion so they could overpower him and in doing so he only found another outlet for the darkness that allowed him to keep a level of harmony and serenity.

In his self-loathing he wanted nothing more to be great and in his isolation, he found boundless knowledge. He found himself and became what he was now, alone. Could the young Carrick do the same? After some silent walking deep into the cave; Jericho could feel it, the presence of someone from a distant and long passed era and the feeling of eternal cold. Jericho raised a hand calling for the young padawan to stop and took a breath as the void felt strong. "[member="Zephyr Carrick"] ...." The warrior calmly stated. "Can you hear that?" The warrior asked, at first the was nothing than the light sound of the wind. Then there was heavy breathing, not that of a monstrous beast but sounds of assist breathing, a respirator of sorts. The breathing became louder followed by heavy mechanical steps; the feeling of the void became strong as the presence of whatever came close. "Padawan, steel yourself." The warrior stated calmly as he summoned his saber, it's purple light searing through the darkness.

The being revealed himself slightly through a dim light from the ruined temple. He warrior a dark cloak and had a mask that showed not face but resembles that of the old empire. The warriors eyes scanned him and saw that he was two inches taller though was not build like many of those he faced were but something about him was much more intimidating. The dark and cloaked figure reached out a hand and summon his own saber, its red light pierced the darkness around them. The being stared at the two for a moment and felt both their mix of dark and light signatures and calmly stated. "You are not Jedi nor Sith. Such a waste." His voice profound and strong. "I find you both....Disturbing."
We continued to walk inside this temple. Our movements were almost together. The echoes of our footsteps seemed to ring all the way down the hall and back. Even as I could feel myself slowly becoming more nervous the further we went in. Almost as though every step closer into the temple's center, I was becoming more alone, and yet insane at the same time. I was losing myself. Doubting that I could protect my family. I mean, they had my father. He was a powerful ally, and they also had not just the Silver Jedi, but the Mandalorians as well. They were a group of people who cared intensely for family, and the clan.

Breathing in as I walked, I tried to calm myself, to steel my nervs when I could feel the darkness overwhelm me. I could feel almost a cloud cover my eyes. Keeping me from any kind of lightside as Jericho called my name and asked if I could hear it. The raspy breathing from an automated breathing system. Oh yeah. I could hear it, and it freaked me out. I was nervous all of a sudden, but then I could feel myself become still as I could see the man stand before me. His black, dark imposing form.

The helmet that was almost familiar to me. I knew what he was, I knew who he was, but his name was on the tip of my tongue. The mechanical workings. The tall form. Including the Red lightsaber as his deep voice echoed in the chambers. Calling us out, saying we were neither Jedi, nor Sith, and thus, found us disgusting and disturbing. Almost as though he thought we lacked in faith of ourselves. Jericho had already drawn his weapon, and I stood there unmoving. After the man's words were spoken, I walked forward a few steps. Holding a lightsaber in my hand.

Staring straight at him, I found myself almost barren of emotion. Almost as though I was looking into my reflection of a mirror. I would not let myself become a Monster. I found myself making a snarl as I activated the gold lightsaber blade. The brightest color in the room. His taunt would not send me after the man, Instead, I found myself speaking. my final words to the Sith Lord.

"I walk upon the wire between life and death. You shall find me unafraid. Disgusting I may be, but I will not falter in my resolve."

"So foolhardy and arrogant." The raspy voice boomed through the cold halls of the temple. The dark figure took a step forward, his masked dimly lit from the crack of the ceiling revealing his armor came from the time of the old empire. Though, his time has long since passed he was truly a legend even Jericho knew of him and a great many stories of his power. Even with his eyes cover, Jericho could feel the man's eyes pierce through him staring deep within him. "A lesson to you. You apprentice is always a reflection of you no matter how long." The being said. A lesson? What was this? some sort of trick? The warrior thought to himself as he remained in his stance and taking a few steps forward to ensure that he would keep his padawan behind him to keep him to make any reckless moves. "And all I see Is a coward." The being taunted. "I shall show you the true power of the darkside." He raised his hand and unleashed a surge of negative energy that filled the entire corridor that they were in. Jericho could feel the dark energy fill his own being and his mind covered in fear and his dark secrets, the warrior froze with fear. "You can feel it can't you? The doubt....The fear...."

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]

(weak post and sorry for the wait!)

Even as I stood there, defiant of this Dark Lord, Jericho came to stand a little in front of me. Like he wanted to protect me. The being of very dark energy was taunting him. Wanting him to feel fear, and despair. I could feel the Dark Side almost converging on the man, then expanding to confront us. It was if the man controlled all the darkness upon the planet. However, as Jericho stood there, not saying a word, I could feel fear within the air. I could feel my arms weaken at the pure words of the man.

I doubted myself. I doubted my abilities. My father taught me to be strong, but he had been bested by Jericho. I doubted the teachings of my father. Was he really the "Guardian" that he said he was? Could I ever live up to that? Would I even leave this place. I saw Jericho. Frozen. He wanted to just stand there. I wanted to just stand there.

My breathing stopped. My grip became stone upon the lightsaber hilt.


Looking up from the golden blade, I stepped around my master. The bar of energy off to my right side. Clenched tightly my knuckles turned white. I fought this Sith Lord. I would not give in to his superiority of the force. Just because I was smaller, just because I was devoid of knowledge, doesn't mean I couldn't learn. I understood why Jericho was so powerful. Not because of all of his skills, but because of his ability to adapt, to learn, and to use his skills to the advantage.

"If I am the reflection of my masters, and mentors, Then who are you to judge as a coward? Dark, and fallen. Betrayer of your own life, and will. The Dark side does not aid you. It consumes you. You are the reflection of None."

I walked towards the man, not even caring what may happen to me, but I was refusing this. I was denying his right of holding me back. Preventing me from learning, preventing me to show others what I had become.

"Come, and let us test the mettle of a Coward, and the Consumed Betrayer."


(I thought you never replied? If you want to continue this, we can.)
All the doubt and fear within him began to rise, he had felt this void before the feeling of emptiness within himself. All the battles, all the pain, all the failures he had to endure and bare witness to. He could he hear the whisper of the other sith lord that seem to occupy his being answer to the call of one of the great lords. "You can be like him...A legend...All the pain...Your power..." The voice whispered in the back of Jericho's mind. "You have felt nothing but a taste of what you can truly do...The man who stands before you is nothing but a shadow now....You can be more....So much more as well as your new apprentice." Jericho stood tall and steadfast and gripped his blade even tighter.

"No one else you love or care about will get hurt....Like your daughter....." The voice paused for a moment and Jericho lightly shook his head. "Asha...." As if a finger pulled the trigger to a blaster rife, the warrior was triggered, the aura around him grew. The warmth that was brought by his daughter as well as the darkness showed within his person. There was no longer fear nor doubt. There was anger, the was pain and yet there was serenity. "Come Carrick. Let us show him what we, the cowards can do!" The warrior roared as he charged.

"Little insects.....Be ready for death." The dark lord stated unleashing another powerful aura of fear before raising his hand and from his finger tips allowed lightning to flow aimed at the Carrick. Meanwhile he came to cross blades with Jericho the sparks of red and purple illuminating the dark area around them. The large warrior hit the dark lord, uncharacteristically, with everything he had in his being yet the Shadow seemed to brisk parry it off as if he was a mountain facing off with a gentle breeze. Hopefully the diversion set by the master can help the padawan.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
My master became tempered against the fear that was thrust against him. His own doubts were thrown into the wind as he charged forward with the warriors call. Rushing forward with my own golden lightsaber, I could see the blue arcs of lightning rushing towards me. I don't even know where I got the idea from, but it just acted, as though I had done it many times before. Thrusting my blade out. Pointing directly into the lightning that was chasing after my soul, I altered the environment around me. Gathering all the static and stagnant electricity around me. Letting it arc around my own lightsaber.

The blade attracted the lightning to attack the blade and be fed energy into the hilt. My hair standing on end, and still feeling some pain from arcs that passed, or were powerful enough to pass the electrical current on the lightsaber. I was ready for death as this visage proclaimed, but it is not this day that I should perish. Walking forward as the arcing lighting assaulted me, Jericho took the personage toe to toe.

Closing the gap, I threw aside the need to protect myself. Charging head forward into the lightning the last step to slash out at the being with the blade of light. Fulfilling the diversion Jericho set up for me. Pain assaulted my mind, and body. I could feel the lightning piercing my flesh and burning my nerves. Yelling in pain, and in a battle cry as I attacked.


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