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First Reply Learning to Adjust


Damian du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
Location: Fondor


Damian breathed in deeply and exhaled, it had already been several rounds but nothing so far was working. He lunged forward again, his rapier just barely missed its intended target. He misjudged not just the distance but his own reaction speed as he pulled himself back to dodge but he felt his opponent rapier reach and strike true.

Damn it. He had fallen too far behind in points this match but Damian had been focused on training something else. His own poise and focus had already faltered but he gritted his teeth and demanded his body to push forward. With considerable concentration, Damian challenged his legs again for one more explosive lunge forward.

He anticipated his opponent's counter and Damian knew he could reach first to strike his point this time. Right as his rapier was just near millimeters Damian felt the press of his opponent’s rapier against his right side. Blindsided again. The attack had slipped past his field of vision and even though Damian had practiced for this scenario, it was still all for naught. He sighed in defeat and bowed his head in respect.

“Thank you, good form and strike.” Damian spoke quickly and directly. The match was over and it was time to focus on something else. Refocus and clear your mind.

He turned around and quickly tore off his helmet as he walked towards a mirror, his left hand holding a towel to dry off. Sweat had dripped down and caused mild irritation near his wound, the eyepatch not the most effective covering to keep the sweat off. Maybe those doctors had a point. He sighed as he winced in slight pain, the whole ordeal was quite tedious but he knew training normally was just that; tedious.

But all the same he felt frustrated as his instincts refused to adjust to the situation, almost as if his body took insult for having to learn to act differently. Was me watching how I moved with just the peripheral that was important to my timing? Damian shook his head and reached for his training sword instead of a rapier, he knew that practice never meant perfect but permanent but how permanent was permanent?

The Tetan noble had never found swordsmanship a particular favorite hobby of his but Damian understood his obligations for tradition. As the technical family head it was prudent that he learned to adjust as quickly as possible, not just for his own sake of pride, but for his growing stack of data-slates back at his desk. There were just not enough hours in the day or days in a week to split his focus this much. At least this training facility wasn't too far from the Senate building nor his other office, so the trip wouldn't take too long to get back.

“Too bad I can’t slice through that too,” He mumbled darkly. Maybe it was time to introduce a new meaning to the term budget cuts.


Outfit: Clothing/Armor
Undercover Kit:
Captain Voros noticed the Senator training as he entered - the facility was convenient for himself and the Commandos due to proximity to the Senate Building.

He didn't need to be Zeltron to feel the frustration from the Senator Du Coteau. There was a sense of relief from Nos, however. Last he had seen him, they looked nearly a corpse. The eye patch felt like a personal failing of Nos's duty. Normally decorum would dictate the Zeltron let Damien train in peace, but something tugged at Nos.

"Excuse me, Senator," the broad shouldered Red bodyguard spoke as they approached. "I apologize for the intrusion, but I'm glad to see you on your feet." The tone and empathic telepathy conveying unspoken apology without rudely bringing up the injury.

"Do you need another training partner?"
Nos offered. Normally not something he would even consider but something in him wanted to assist. Maybe he wished to prove his worth despite the injury the Tetan Noble received on Hapes.

Nos wasn't entirely sure why, but he knew he wanted to.


Damian du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
Location: Fondor


Damian was about to raise his sword to feel its weight when he turned his attention to a new voice. He rubbed his forehead dry once again, the stubborn flow of sweat made him anxious of an agitated wound. The voice came from a familiar appearing Zeltron, Damian recognized the Senate guard but noted that his usual charge wasn’t with him. Not that he assumed the two of them had to be together for every single moment of their lives, but for as far he’d known the Senator of Alderaan, the two were practically inseparable.

Well, I’m being a little hyperbolic.

“Captain Voros.” Damian bowed, his left hand held the training sword low while his right arm swung to his back. “You can call me Damian, Senate decorum only extends as far as the building.

“Difficult to miss meals in a hospital, and double so when my Chief of Staff is stricter than my doctor.” Damian explained. While there were hardly any silver linings from the Hapes disaster, Damian was forced into a healthier lifestyle and finally began to regain his lost weight.

“If you are offering your own services, then I am humbled you’d deem me worthy to train with you.” Damian bowed his head with his hand gesturing towards the training mat ahead of him.

The young du Couteau heir hoped that the Captain was not going to show too much pity, not that Damian expected to win even a round let alone a match. He gripped the hilt with both hands, his fingers slowly tightening as he lifted the training blade and finding the weight acceptable.

“Though as a personal favor, I’d like to keep this spar between us. Rumors in the Senate Halls spread faster than the SIA grape-vine.” Damian partially joked with a weak smile.

I just don't want my staff to think I'm over-exerting myself honestly.

|| Nos Voros Nos Voros ||​


Outfit: Clothing/Armor
Undercover Kit:
Nos returned the bowed in gratitude as he doffed his outer layer of protective gear and his utility belt. "Don't worry, my lips are sealed."

Damien still seemed to be recovering some strength, or perhaps still learning form - Nos did not want to assume as he stepped to the mat. His Zeltron telepathy picked up on the emotion - some mix of determination and resignation.

"If you don't mind a slight deviation from tradition, I'd like to give myself a slight handicap," the massive Zeltron said as he picked a singular training combat knife, practically a blunt piece of metal with a handguard and a low-voltage shock to confirm a touch. He alternates between hands and reverse grips as a dextrous warmup, passing the knife back and forth.

"A more practical simulation for me, and an advantage of reach and form for you considering the recovery." Nos offered - truthful in logic but hiding his motive. Not pity for the senator, but a desire to demonstrate his quality as a killer - that the situation before was a fluke. That, and a selfish desire to avoid holding back for the senator's sake in getting productive training.

Underneath it all, Nos would search Damian for potential - searching his emotions should the senator be training for simple exercise or harbor a desire to learn more lethal methods of 'self-defence'.

"I mean no insult by it, Damian, just a desire for practical and productive training session" he said, extending the less than foot-length blade as if to cross the senator's rapier in a pre-match salute.


Damian du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
Location: Fondor


Damian raised his eyebrow, while he wasn’t inexperienced dueling against short blades and knives, he was out of practice. He squeezed the hilt of his training sword until his knuckles turned white and after a second he released the tension and found a comfortable hold. Damian tapped the ground with the point and gently raised the blade with both hands up and past over his head. Nodding once as he lowered the training sword slowly, adjusting himself to its weight and becoming slightly comfortable.

“You needn’t worry about insults nor guarding my own pride.” Damian spoke gently, as a noble it was his duty to protect and none other. Else what kind of nobleman am I if I can’t?

He stepped closer, his feet by instinct settled while his arms and hand leveled his training sword towards Captain Voros. It was true that Damian held advantage with the disparity of weapon class, it gave him ample options in both approach and defense. Keep him on your left. The young du Couteau heir figured as long as he kept close to the edge of the out of bound lines, it’ll keep the Captain in the center.

Damian didn’t mind expanding a bit of extra energy of constant movement, he really wanted to keep his target out of his blind side. With his mind settled on a plan Damian bowed his head that he was ready to begin their training session.

“Ready.” He vocalized as he took a single moment to breathe.

His single crimson eye widened while his focus narrowed entirely on Captain Voros as he lunged forward to strike first. Damian intended to see how large the disparity laid between him and the Captain.


|| Nos Voros Nos Voros ||​

Outfit: Clothing/Armor
Undercover Kit:
While Nos had fenced with Lady Sylvia Organa Lady Sylvia Organa a few times in the past, he kept his thinking clear of the sport. This was an unorthodox matchup and he had to treat it as such.

“You needn’t worry about insults nor guarding my own pride.”

Nos nodded, already thinking about how best to close the distance, to disarm but not injury.

A Senate Guard's competence reflected the honor of the Senate itself. Again Nos glanced at the eyepatch, as if he himself had inflicted it.

Captain Nos would have his chance to show his quality.

As soon as Senator du Couteau uttered his readiness, the match was on - and the senator lunged. It was a quick but measuring thrust, the early prods of a bout to gauge the habits of an opponent, or so it seemed.

At that same moment, Nos flipped the practice knife into a defensive reverse grip, parrying the lunge with a cross-body motion of the smaller blade to avert the tip.

Cautious of a disengage or feint, Nos tested back, stepping in closer with offhand closer to his opponent; he restrained himself from the automatic instinct to strike at the wrist, elbow, or face. Instead he focused on trying to get close enough that the length of Damian's sword would be a hindrance instead of a boon,

It was not an easy endeavor but bringing a fist to a swordfight was unsporting. Limiting himself to striking with the blade provided an interesting challenge regardless.

Of course, this could be thwarted by deft bladework of the Senator - thus this was Nos's testing-riposte, to gauge Damian's ability.


Damian du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
Location: Fondor


Damian felt the change of direction as he witnessed a rather unorthodox opening but of course his opponent was unorthodox to start. Captain Voros did not wait a second to close the gap between himself and Damian. He had only a couple of options, each required as much speed as possible but one required a rather dangerous proposition.

Safer option it is.

He disengaged and leaned to the right and away from the Captain, Damian wanted to keep the fight within his field of vision. He knew could not let his blindside become a target, but even as he dashed right and away Damian pulled back his sword and readied for a potential chase.This was certainly a much faster pace than he had anticipated and knew how to adjust.

The question being if I could compensate and handle his speed.

If Damian could manage to catch a half-second break, his next move would bring to bear a different attack. Several quick jabs to force the Captain into a more defensive posture and only pursue a true strike once Damian could find an opening. Damian still couldn’t see the disparity of skill between them yet, but he intended to make the leap of faith anyways.


|| Nos Voros Nos Voros ||​

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