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Faction Learning to Heal (Open to SJC)

Deciding to teach a class was a big step for Ilwynog, they were never confident in big groups unless they were trying to do some undercover work, being social or in social settings within the SJC was not something that Ilwynog wanted. So, deciding to teach a class on Force Healing was curious step for the Jedi Shadow, they weren't the best healer out there since some Jedi dedicated their lives to healing but Ilwynog knew a fair amount to do on the street healing, in case a job went sideways or they were trying to keep an injured informant alive. Dressing in their armour, helmet donned with hood down, Ilwynog inspected themselves. Teaching this class was not going to be easy for them or for the class, having a teacher in full armour and no discernible features could be intimidating. Pausing, they looked around to see if there was anything that Ilwynog could use to appear friendlier or just less intimidating, it was hard, they were a workaholic so most of their belongings were confidential, classified and dangerous for Padawans. Ilwynog sighed, this was definitely a fish out of water scenario for them. Placing their Lightsaber on the belt, Ilwynog adjusted their cloak and heading to where they booked the class to be.

On their way, Ilwynog grabbed some items that they deemed could be helpful to the class and then a selection of fruit. It should brighten things they figured and lighten some of the tension they were feeling in teaching a class. Thinking back on when they learnt Force Healing, it was a while back, long before they were a Master or Knight, not long after they realised that they wanted to be a Jedi Shadow. They took a class in Healing and studied it hard for months and months, attempting to do a crash course to be perfect, or decent enough for themselves. Force Healing can take a lot of knowledge of a person's anatomy and understanding your limits, since it can be very draining to heal serious wounds. Ilwynog had a few scars where they weren't able to heal it completely with their own Force powers so the skin didn't heal right. Saved their life though, more than once, chuckling at the times they had to explain away critical injuries to criminals when undercover, Ilwynog felt they had found a little ease in the anxiety of it all.

Was going to be interesting in teaching the ability since cutting a limb or something was a little too extreme and intense for a beginner, instead Ilwynog figured out that there would be an easier way to heal something and risk no injuries. Now to see if students would arrive.
Beltran entered the learning space a few moments after the young Padawan. He wore his newly issued Paladin Company BDU's which marked him as the Commanding Officer of the Ranger force. On his waist, he clipped had his father's lightsaber. It was the only thing on Beltran's person that marked him as a Force User. He never looked the part of a Jedi, and as his recent studies had led him down a far different path than the Jedi Order prescribed, he realized that he probably never would.

But that didn't mean that he couldn't benefit from their teachings. So many times on the battlefield, he had nearly been felled by his wounds. On Yurb, he had lost his duel with the tyrant Tathra Khaeus because he'd lost consciousness from blood loss. Perhaps if he'd been better at healing himself, he might have been able to carry on that fight. Perhaps, he might have even won and saved the billions that the Bryn'adul had slaughtered since.

Looking to Ilwynog Cysgod Ilwynog Cysgod , he nodded. He had met the enigmatic being in the passed, years ago on a mission. "Jedi Cysgod," He said formally, like he often did when addressing members of the Order. "It is good to see you again. I had hoped to sit in on your class, to hone my own burgeoning talents."

To Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri he also offered a nod of respect. "Jedi Tano-Bonteri, a pleasure as well. I must thank you for your intelligence reports during the Circumtore operation. They proved invaluable to my team."


They had only just attained their status as padawan. It meant they could venture out more and learn new things. It's why they were here today. Qii stepped their way into the training room, offering a small nod to the other students. Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri and Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr . Neither of which were recognized, but that was another reason they joined this class. To meet new people.

They stopped before Ilwynog Cysgod Ilwynog Cysgod , offering them a small, brief nod. "Greetings. Thank you for this lesson."
Ilwynog looked at the three students and nodded their head. "I am Master Ilwynog Cysgod, call me Ilwynog though. It is what I am use to and teaching a little unorthodox here, I am a Jedi Shadow. Guessing everyone knows what that job is? If not, just means I do a lot of spy work, hence this," gesturing to their armour and helmet. "I am also not a healer by trade, so teaching a healing class is not my strong suit. Figured I would be honest with you, since this might change your mind on wanting to learn from me. However, due to my job, I tend to get injured a lot, or meet injured people so I learn many years ago how to use the Force in healing others. Today will not be an advanced class in this power, but something of a first step for you all. Practise will get you to be better and one day, you might decided thanks to this class, you want to be a healer. However, lets start at the beginning."

Ilwynog casted their eyes over the three Padawan, appeared to be various stages in their lives, Beltran was older while the two more traditional Jedi Padawans were younger. Ilwynog gestured to the table, there was slabs of meat, raw. "So, to avoid hurting anyone or any creature so you could learn how to heal, I decided it would be best to use some synthetic flesh. Not perfect but would do a good enough job for us today. Now, the trick with using Force Healing is that you aren't necessarily curing someone of an ailment or injury, but charging the cells inside them with the Force to speed their natural recovery. That was how it was explained to me. It does mean you can heal injuries that naturally can't be, but that takes more energy from you. Healing someone from verge of death as well can be deadly to the inexperienced, I must warn you."

Pulling a knife out in a flash, they cut the synthetic flesh, causing it to bleed as if it was real. Hovering a hand over it, Ilwynog focused in the Force and knitted the flesh shut once more. "This might look easy from me, but it isn't so don't get distraught if you can't do it as quickly or as neatly as I just did. Do your best. Now, who wants to go first? Or does anyone have any questions?"

Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Qii
Grey Jedi Padawan/Cinnamon Roll
Kuxirra nodded when Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr mentioned Circumtore. When Ilwynog Cysgod Ilwynog Cysgod explained what to do and asked for volunteers, the Togruta shrugged. "I guess I'll give it a go." she said. The Padawan looked at the flesh as it was cut and froze for about a minute before doing anything, closing her eyes and taking a few deep breaths.
The sight brought unpleasant memories...the gang...the Razors, they were called...they skinned their victims―alive. Kuxirra had gone to rescue a group of hostages and seen one of these victims, still alive. She hadn't known how to heal, and medical aid was too far away. The poor man had bled out in her arms.
She was determined to prevent that from happening again. That was why she had signed up for this.
Kuxirra steeled herself, shaking her head to clear it, and imitated the Shadow's motion, concentrating on sending her energy to the cells to charge them. She looked at the finished result, satisfied that she had been able to at least partially heal it.
Ilwynog watched as Kuxirra stepped forward looked at the prop for the healing. They could sense the determination and that there is unpleasant memories that haunt her, they made no moment on it since the young Padawan was focused and clearly using the memories to focus on the present and the task at hand. Ilwynog crossed their arms and watched as the Padawan poured her energy into the prop and the wound healed slightly, it was an impressive start and they were pleased to see that their instructions worked. Ilwynog wasn't the most confident teacher but it seemed that the class was going well. Ilwynog nodded their head to Kuxirra.

"Good work, so be wary of overworking yourself, like I said practice will improve your ability to heal and well understanding the anatomy is going to help too." Ilwynog placed a hand on Kuxirra's shoulder and nodded their head. "Good job, focus on speeding the recovery more so that the wounds that are minor like this heal fully." Removing their hand from her shoulder, looking over to the other two. "Who wants to go next?"

Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Qii

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