Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Learning to Teach

Valae had requested that Yuroic take on a Padawan, it was practical and he needed to take one on if he was ever to achieve Master rank. Eventually, eventually. Right now he had to focus on the victim he would have to take under his wing. Asani Windsong... The name was familiar to him, he had taught the creature during his lecture on the Form, Djem So. The creature was from Kushibah, intriguing creatures however, it did strike a challenge for Yuroic. He was quite unfamiliar with smaller races like Kushiban.

Perhaps this was what Valae wanted. To test his skills and see how he could cope with a student he did not really relate to. Dressing in his casual robes, very dark brown with his worn-out cloak, he walked down the hallways of the temple. In his return to Voss, Yuroic had been seen as more outsider, this wasn't the Jedi at the temple's fault. They were attempting to be welcoming. However, Yuroic was being reluctant to return their welcomes. He had endured alot in his time away. It had changed his perception of the Force.

He lifted the hood of his cloak over his head. The cloak's holes and scorch marks were plain to see. He sat with his eyes closed and hands on his lap, settling into a meditation while he waited. Through the Force, he lifted his lightsaber and deconstructed the hilts into the individual parts. Slowly and delicately reconstructing it as he remembered the first time he ever built a lightsaber. It had been an arduous process. He was curious to see if the Kushiban had a lightsaber before a Master. He had noted that several Padawans were finding lightsabers or building their own faster than he did.

[member="Asani Windsong"]
Asani still hasn't been on Voss for very long, though she has certainly picked up on the sense of urgency among the order in the attempt to meet the threats they currently face and prepare for those that are on the horizon. Due to this, she has taken a proactive approach to learning anything she can about the path of the Jedi. When not being instructed in a class or training session, she spent a large amount of her time at the temple library. While she sometimes needed assistance as she was still learning to read basic, having only learned to speak it since leaving Kushibah, she was starting to get the hang of finding whatever information she sought. All this private study was certainly a boon to helping her understand the Force and Jedi, at least on some level, but she was not yet ready for things like building a lightsaber. She also still needed to collect the needed parts.

It was after one of these study sessions that she ran into Valae and was directed to seek out Yuroic. She of course remembered him also from the training he gave her in the Djem So Form. If she was completely honest, his appearance initially frightened her, and perhaps still did a little, as the men who took her from her home, and many who they dealt with, had a similarly harsh, galaxy worn look to them. Knowing little about him though, she guessed that perhaps he has seen a lot of things and could have much to teach even beyond the normal Jedi teachings.

As she approached Yuroic's location, she tried to remain calm, but found herself unable to quell her nervousness about meeting the Jedi Knight in a more one on one manner, and this showed as while her fur had been white when she left the library, it had now begun to turn orange. The color only grew more vivid as she saw Yuroic. He seemed to be meditating, so she approached as quietly as she could, though she knew he probably had sensed her presence even before she came close enough to see him. For the moment, she sat quietly and watched him as he put his lightsaber back together using the Force, a bit in awe at the concept of making such precise movements of so many individual parts all at once.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic could sense Asani as she entered the room, her nervous energy came off in waves and he could sense that it wasn't entirely to do with him. Something tied to her past encouraged her fears towards this meeting. He allowed his calm presence to wash over her, in hopes of lowering her anxiety as he continued to maintain his meditative state. His focus was on his precious Kyber crystals, he had two due to his interlocking saber. One was larger than the other, but they were halves of a once whole crystal. This made him adopt the term twin lightsabers for his sabers. Two pieces of a whole saber.

Nothing to fear little one. Now, tell me what you know of the Jedi, the Force. Then tell me what you wish to learn. It was once a question posed to him. He was curious as to what the Kushiban wanted to gain from becoming a Jedi. Was it strength, knowledge, some skill to better herself? Or was it a more selfless reason? To protect her people, to defend those who could not against those who pose a threat. His had once been to gain strength to fight for those who were at risk of being enslaved. A former slave himself, it was something he had combated for many years.

Now? Now, his reason for remaining with the Jedi was simple. To defend the galaxy against the Sith. He had fought and watched the Sith do a great number of crimes against the galaxy. Most recent was the bombardment of Yutan, a horrific act that he had the unfortunate timing of being on the surface for it. He had saved several lives but the people resented him, scared of him. Not seeing a difference between Jedi and Sith, they demanded he leave. Nothing Yuroic said could have changed their mind so he complied. But deep down, he knew that he had to stop the Sith. They were a threat to peace.

[member="Asani Windsong"]
Asani blinked a bit as Yuoric's calming presence washed over her, helping her to relax and focus on her meeting with him. She continued to watch as he assembled his lightsaber while asking her questions. When she met with Valae as she first came to Voss, Asani was unsure of what direction she wanted to take in her training, but now, through speaking with Valae and other Silver Jedi, and personal study, she had a clearer understanding of the path she wished to take.

"I understand that the Jedi seek to bring peace and justice to the galaxy, to defend those who do not have the strength to defend themselves, often defending the galaxy from the Sith, who in many ways seem to seek the opposite. About a year ago, I lost track of the time to be honest, I was taken from Kushibah and caged up on a cargo ship until I was sold as an exotic pet. Which I feel is just a nicer way of saying slave. I escaped from that life and eventually ended up here on Voss because I wanted to help bring a stop to such things in the galaxy. I knew almost nothing of the galaxy as a whole then, and though I have studied almost constantly in my short time here, I realize what I know compared to what I don't is like a single leaf among countless others on a massive tree. However, when I spoke to Nefertari during my tour of the temple, she suggested that the path of the sentinel would suit my existing talents well. I know it will not be easy, as there will be a wide variety of things for me to learn, about various Force powers, lightsaber combat, and even non-Force skills. This all on top of the usual trials of becoming a Jedi. I know that the Silver Jedi currently face threats from the Sith and the First Order, among others, so I leave it up to your greater wisdom as to what I should learn first considering our current situation."

Having answered Yuroic's questions as best she could, she fell silent again and waited to hear what the man would have to say next. Settling into this calm conversation, along with Yuroic's calming presence, he would notice the color fading from her fur as it slowly returned to it's default creamy white.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic patiently listened to what Asani offered, gaining insight in the being and seeing a lot of himself in the Kushiban. He had once been a slave and when freed he eventually found himself on Voss, seeking to protect others from slavery. Yuroic's lightsabers started to slot together and into a whole saber, crystals being one of the last pieces of the puzzle. His eyes were still closed as he slowly opened them for the first time to look at the creature.

This path you seek. The path of the sentinel. It is the path of greatest balance. You will be linked to the Force as strongly as you are linked to your lightsaber. Your duties will be knowledge, understanding other races and learning a great number of cultures. I shall demand that you be by my side at all times, listen to every command I give. Yuroic removed his hood, his face would be clearer for her to see. His facial scars still visible with his rough short beard. I am going to be your teacher and protector, while we could be in dangerous situations, I need you to do as I say. I will never put your life in peril. Sadly, the galaxy is in peril as we know it. Sith wish to enslave and corrupt the minds of weaker beings. Destroying those that resist.

Enough on the dangers though. There is plenty of knowledge to seek outside it. Can you read and write Galactic Basic? Do you have anything you wish to learn first? And finally, are there any questions you wish to ask me? Yuroic was fairly open, there were some things he wished to remain secretive. Only for the fact she was not a person he knew so he was not yet ready to trust her.

[member="Asani Windsong"]
Asani nodded as Yuroic explained the requirements of the path she had chosen and stated his requirements in taking her as his Padawan. There would likely be danger ahead, but she was relieved to have Yuroic as her protector, as he certainly seemed to her, a strong and capable Jedi Knight who had seen his share of combat. Then he turned the question of what she wanted to learn back upon her, along with a more specific knowledge question which was easy for her to answer. “Well, can I read and write basic? Only a little. I still have a lot to learn there. As for other learning, hmm…” She thought about it for a moment, going over the various abilities she had learned of in her study.

“Well, if we are likely to encounter dangerous situations, being able to defend myself probably should be a priority. I was also thinking I could learn some abilities that would help to enhance my strengths and bolster my weaknesses. Options are many, so it’s difficult to choose what to focus on first, but I Push/Pull is a basic one that many learn early, and would help me with things my height prevents me from reaching. Force Speed and Jump would help me be even more agile than I already am. Also, perhaps Telepathy in case we are separated.” She offered her ideas and wondered if Yuroic would have any further suggestions. As for his openness, if he were keeping some things secret, she hadn’t noticed. She certainly is looking forward to mutually learning more about each other as they travel together, but would let Yuroic open up to her on his own terms.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic grinned slightly to himself. It was nice to see the young Kushiban excited and unsure where she wanted to go. Reminded him of his first time at the Temple, everything had seemed so new, so strange. Coming from a place where the Force was mythical to being able to do such things. It was all mind blowing to him. Yuroic grabbed his completed lightsabers and clipped them to his belt before looking over at Asani.

Well, good to know that you can use Push and Pull. Telepathy isn't too difficult to use, requires one to clear their mind and open it to all the noise that the Force contains, listening to how the Force flows through other beings. Increasing your jumping and speed through the Force, that requires understanding your physiology better, how muscles and your body works. I can only help so much there, not being a Kushiban myself, limits my understanding. Yuroic knew that she would have to do some studying in her own time if she was to better her connection with the Force. He use to spend hours in the Archives, pouring over holocrons and vids.

Raising to his feet, he looked down at the small creature. I will want you to speak and write at a reasonable level in Basic. Only because it is the most common language, some species cannot, or will not, speak it but will understand it. There are vids you can watch to help with the sound of words and texts to help with spelling. I can show you them, having needed them when I first moved here, but it is better if you study it in your own time.

I will later provide linguist lessons if you desire. Thanks to my life on Nar Shaddaa, I can speak and understand most languages. Very few I cannot speak. Yuroic didn't have a great many of fond memories of his childhood but he respected the skills he gained from it. No matter how hateful he once thought it.

[member="Asani Windsong"]
Asani caught Yuroic grinning at her, it was nice to know he was enjoying their conversation about her training at least somewhat. She listened carefully as he briefly explained how each of the Force powers she had mentioned worked and how she should go about learning to use them. “So basically, you’re saying that I need to study more in the archives. I suppose if I have any questions I can’t find the answers to on my own, I’ll ask you. As for Basic, I learned to speak it through direct exposure to it, but learning to read and write is proving difficult, though I haven't been at it long. I’ll work harder on that though, as I know it’s important, and will help with further study of other things too. I'm sure I'll grasp it in time. Learning more languages sounds great too, once I have a pretty solid understanding of both written and spoken Basic I will certainly take you up on that.”

Hopping up to her feet and stretching a bit, she brushes her hand-like paws through her fur a little. “One more question. When can I learn more about lightsaber combat, and what can I do to defend myself if we get into a battle before I have a lightsaber of my own?” A pause, then she lets out a chuckle with a bit of a squeak. “Well, that was two, guess I got a little carried away.”

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Understanding her concerns Yuroic reached out with the Force and pulled a shoto training saber. He went with the shoto hilt, thinking that her paws would find the hilt more comforting. Yuroic then offered her the hilt. This will be your training saber, it is shorter than a standard saber but that makes it better suited for your height. This will be your weapon until there is a Gathering event by the SJO or I deem your skills sufficient enough that we will travel there together.

Yuroic waited till she accepted the saber before moving forward and towards the Padawan quarters to show her where she would now be residing until her training completed. I will train you in combat, however, I guess that your preferred Form will be Ataru. So while I can at the moment teach you the basics, you would also gain great insight from holocrons and possibly from other Knights or Masters.

It sounds like I will be doing little with you, however, we will focus on the Force. Studying nature, how the Force interacts with other beings and different skills one can use with the Force. Also getting more precise with uses of the Force. Yuroic then gestured to the accommodation for Asani. Now, this shall be where you be sleeping and sharing with other Padawans now.

[member="Asani Windsong"]
Asani accepted the training saber and switched it on briefly to see how it felt to her. Indeed, it’s slightly shrunken down hilt did feel more comfortable for her to hold, and the shorter blade would make it less cumbersome, though it would also require her to get closer to her opponent to attack. She turned the blade off and turned her attention back to Yuroic, giving him a respectful nod. “Thank you.” She offered in return before following him towards the Padawan quarters, listening to him speak along the way.

When they arrived, she looked into the quarters and couldn’t help but notice that even here, everything seemed so… big. But she knew that the galaxy wasn’t going to change to accommodate her, and she would have to learn to adapt. “I look forward to training with you more, but in the meantime, I will continue my studies, now with a better sense of what to focus on. Thank you again."

[SIZE=11pt][member="Yuroic Xeraic"][/SIZE]

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