Davin Jusik
"The detonator's status just went red."
"Then we have thirty five seconds until your failure kills everyone within a twenty meter radius."
"I--- Yes sir."
"If I could just--"
"Twenty five."
"Sir the breaker on the cuplink tripped."
"Eight seconds private."
"Kark. Kark. Kark. Kark"
"Done! I did it sir."
"Congratulations Private Noman. You met my standard, welcome to the team."
Break. Light flooded through Max's closed eyelids as a cloud passed from in front of the glaring sun. His irises contracted and he squinted at the bright landscape above him. The peaceful blue contrasted with the flood of negative emotion that came with the memory of Noman. He pushed it from his mind and tried to remember the reason he was here. Relax. His Commander's vocabulary, not his own. The conversation had been short and had nearly ended with Max getting demoted, despite the fact that his Commander was right. Max needed a break and had decided that Naboo was probably the best place to take such a vacation, despite the fact that it was in OP territory.
Why did Sith Space hold the least vacation-able systems in the galaxy?
He looked like a traveling businessman, complete with a suit jacket and tie he'd currently abandoned for his nap. A heavy blaster pistol was strapped securely in a shoulder holster which was currently visible. Perhaps a cautious businessman.
So there he sat, on a small hill overlooking one of Naboo's many rolling plains, enjoying the temperate climate and occasional animal that roamed about. Max sighed slightly as another cloud moved over the sun, casting a shadow upon the plain and all underneath it.
He needed a drink.
"The detonator's status just went red."
"Then we have thirty five seconds until your failure kills everyone within a twenty meter radius."
"I--- Yes sir."
"If I could just--"
"Twenty five."
"Sir the breaker on the cuplink tripped."
"Eight seconds private."
"Kark. Kark. Kark. Kark"
"Done! I did it sir."
"Congratulations Private Noman. You met my standard, welcome to the team."
Break. Light flooded through Max's closed eyelids as a cloud passed from in front of the glaring sun. His irises contracted and he squinted at the bright landscape above him. The peaceful blue contrasted with the flood of negative emotion that came with the memory of Noman. He pushed it from his mind and tried to remember the reason he was here. Relax. His Commander's vocabulary, not his own. The conversation had been short and had nearly ended with Max getting demoted, despite the fact that his Commander was right. Max needed a break and had decided that Naboo was probably the best place to take such a vacation, despite the fact that it was in OP territory.
Why did Sith Space hold the least vacation-able systems in the galaxy?
He looked like a traveling businessman, complete with a suit jacket and tie he'd currently abandoned for his nap. A heavy blaster pistol was strapped securely in a shoulder holster which was currently visible. Perhaps a cautious businessman.
So there he sat, on a small hill overlooking one of Naboo's many rolling plains, enjoying the temperate climate and occasional animal that roamed about. Max sighed slightly as another cloud moved over the sun, casting a shadow upon the plain and all underneath it.
He needed a drink.