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Leave No Stone Unturned [Moross Crusade Dominion of Silken Asteroids]

Mercury Zealot

Monstrocity of Moross - Deceased
@[member="Akon Devoda"], @[member="Amorella Mae"], @[member="Anaudius"], @[member="Arbiter"], @[member="Asaros Vautur"], @[member="Azlyn Ike"], @C'Ryn Brartund, @[member="Cameron Centurion"], @[member="Crystal"], @[member="Darth Malificete"], @[member="Diana Cross"], @[member="Jordan Van Daalen"], @[member="Kale Xeros"], @[member="Kassandra Distorith"], @[member="Piraiba"], @[member="Salina Aviner"], @[member="Sianna Sodi"], @[member="Soliael Devin Talith"], @[member="Steph Zenima"], @[member="Teagan Jarhn"], @[member="Thrash"], @[member="Vascious Relens"], @[member="Zoey Marix"],


The Setting:
The waves of war have not been missed by the Aesirs. Despite Moross' peaceful existence, we must be prepared for any turn of event. Secure the line of territory along the southern perimeter of the CIS. The old Rebel base must be secured so repairs may begin. A new and improved space station will be built using the base as the central structure.

Our Archivists and Explorers have reported sightings of large wolf-like humanoids known as Val'Kar living on the larger asteroids and around the base as well as a heavy Mynock infestation.

This dominion will require 100 posts to complete.

DOMINION MISSIONS for Achievement Titles

-Primary Objective: Lead a team to the base, find the leader of the Val'Kar and begin conversion. If the Val'Kar resist, eliminate them.

- Secondary Objective: A bounty has been set on the Mynocks! These things can do major damage to our ships. Use Helium Grenades and go Mynock Puffing in a space suit. List how many you kill in each post. The Crusader who kills the most will receive a special reward. You must follow these rules:

  • You may kill at maximum per post: 20 Mynocks w/ a heavy type weapon (i.e. Heavy Repeater) at distance, 15 Mynocks w/ a standard type (i.e. Basic Rifle) weapon at distance, 7 Mynocks w/ a pistol type weapon at distance, 10 Mynocks w/ melee in close combat, 15-25 Mynocks w/ an area type weapon (grenades) at distance

  • 5 kill penalty for using a distance weapon in close combat

  • You may only use melee weapons in close combat (unless described as thrown [5 kill penalty for weapon retrieval])

  • You may only use two weapon types in a single post

- Tertiary Objective: Secure the old Rebel Base and protect our architects and builders as they begin repairs.

- Quaternary Objective: Secret Mission TBA during the dominion.

Our ship lists.

Awards and Achievement Titles will be given out at the completion of the dominion.

The Silken Asteroids...

Stone Hermes Stood at the edge of the abyss. He like several other Morossian Crusader Soldiers, had all been appropriately outfitted for what has been labeled "a very important task, privy to the annexation to these Asteroids". He shuffled massive metallic feet as he awaited for the order to jump through the ray shielded hangar of this ship known as the "HARC-1" the meaning of which Hermes did not even begin to attempt at contemplating. It was a ship that brought him to his places of conquest, that was solely what he needed to know. Apparently, according the briefing he was given, there are these strange creatures that devour metal and survive in outer space. How this was possible, he didn't know... but then again, he should be one to talk, being a sword wielding mechanical re-imaging of a non-carbon whale creature out of water. The universe seemed to be full of a wide variety of tricks up her sleeve it seemed.

He knew of the other missions as well, which included confirming the existence of an alleged sentient race calling these asteroids home, but he was to be as far away from that as possible. Resu were not well known for their incredible communication skills and diplomacy. There was also the mission of securing a rebel base, that he might join at a later time, as he did not expect the extermination of vermin to take all that long, no matter what their level of pestilence.

Moments later the ship dropped out of hyperspace at the outermost edge of the asteroid field, putting the various soldiers and Resu and others into view of where the infestation would be. Other ships in the Morossian fleet were arriving to perform their multitude of other objectives. The command was given, the exterminators were order to be released, and thus they were. Almost simultaneously the lined up soldiers jumped into the void of space, hurtling through space into a collision field of asteroids and space bats.

Silently, he roared into the openness, observing the faint heat signatures of space things still far away from his reach. Jet packs were activated to escape the pull of the starship behind them, and they all rocketed towards the mass of space flesh to be removed before major damage to ships were reached. Many of the soldiers began to open fire with their blasters, many missing at this distance.

He was still far from the reach of a blade, thus it itched in his hand, awaiting its much needed bath of unholy death.
- Tertiary Objective: Secure the old Rebel Base and protect our architects and builders as they begin repairs.

Standing on the bridge of a HARC-1 I was one of the few assigned to find and secure the Old rebel base that was long forgotten out here. It was on one of the many asteroids, and was therefore a good place for us to set up shop. Even as that be the case. Most of the other people would be either Mynock hunting, or dealing with the strange Wolf like creatures. Seeing as how this was more of a space mission, than a planet one, I wore my Exoskeleton Mark II armor for this. Preferring to use this as a way to protect myself from anything that could be here.

Currently there were a few groups of men that were on the outside of the ship, tethered to it as we moved through the space of the asteroids. Each carrying weapons needed for killing Mynocks that came too close to the ship. Since I was only borrowing this, I didn't want the Ships payment to come out of my hide. "How many are we facing at the moment?" As asked the men, a man in front of me turned and answered. "They are doing well to keep the Mynocks off of us. Very few make it onto the shop to do any damage." I nodded my head. Deciding to not take chances. "Send another 5 man team out there, and make sure this time they tether themselves off."
Factory Judge
-Primary Objective: Lead a team to the base, find the leader of the Val'Kar and begin conversion. If the Val'Kar resist, eliminate them.

Times were changing in the Val'kar world. After my fight with the old Alpha, I had used my blade that was now resting on my back, against him. Finally ending his life and bringing rule to our kind. Being one of the rare few that had purple fur, claws, and powers that were beyond any that others have had. I smiled. Slowly I had come to realize that I had powers. I felt different than others. Even then I was here to bring order, and peace to my kind.

Soliael stood on the bridge of his ship with his orange listless eyes staring out into the asteroid field. The last time he had been here it had been to negotiate a treaty with the CIS, oh what fun that had been. A slight frown settled on his face as he remembered the incident, and as his mind drifted he wondered if this acquisition would irk them slightly.

With a chuckle he realized that he didn't care. The Confederacy was powerful, and it was unlikely that they would even notice Moross taking over yet another little world.

Soliael had long ago however figured out that the small unimportant systems were just as good as the large ones. Species after species began to follow Moross, and with enough people they would eventually take over the entire galaxy. Domination was always more or less a numbers game, and unsurprisingly it was a game that Moross was starting to win.

Most of the worlds they had taken had been massively populace, and The Asteroids were no different with the Valk'Kar.

Thats what he was here to do today, bring the strange wolf like creatures into the fold.
The Silken Asteroids...

The Sith Princess had opted to take her own vessel, her luxury yacht, for those that would be meeting with the Alpha at the base. Crystal hadn't intended to lead the negotiations, if you could call them that, but there were not an abundance of volunteers jumping at the position. That was fine. It just meant that the negotiations would be much shorter, for she would use as much Force as was necessary.

The yacht landed a couple of kilometres away from the base, and would be ready to leave again at a moments notice. Crystal stepped off the yacht first, and would be followed by those that wished to accompany her to the negotiations.

The hood of her cloak was down, and her long blond hair with loose curls. She walked with all the grace and dignity of a Princess. There were a great many presences around her. The asteroid was almost barren, and certainly primitive.

When she got within a kilometre of the base, they were approached. Val'Kar, she presumed. She continued to walk until there were several blocking her path. Then, she paused. She didn't presume that they spoke the common tongue, but she could ask.

"We will speak to your leader." Crystal announced.

The Val'Kar didn't budge.

Crystal raised her hand and called her lightsaber to her hand. It activated with a snap hiss and hummed in the silence. Her other hand raised, and picked up one of the Val'Kar with a Force Grip and pulled him toward herself. When he was in range of the lightsaber, she held him in stasis. Her lightsaber grazed his fur enough to singe it, then she deactivated it and pushed the Val'Kar aside.

"We will speak to your leader," the Sith Master repeated.
Factory Judge
I sat in a throne made of the bones of my forefathers. Each bone older than the last, and when I died, and was long gone, my own bones would be added to the chair for leaders to feel my presence within them. Even as that may, One of the Loyal Val'kar that had stayed with me, walked up and bowed. I had to get used to that being the Alpha of the entire race. Probably the youngest ever to take charge. Still I stood up from my chair and walked over to stand in front of him. Speaking in a series of clicks and clacks of the Val'kar language, "You may get up." The brown furred one of my kind, smaller than I then got up from his haunches and spoke.

"Men reported seeing a live ship entering the asteroids, as well as others that seem to roam." my mouth widened in a smile. With my meeting with the Armored man and the large feline, They had told me that their kind would come later on, Now they had arrived. I placed a three fingered hand on the man, "Thank you, I will see to it." I then began to walk out of the room.

Walking on my back legs only I made my way to the edge of the city. Hidden from the rest, a single ship was out there. I walked after the few men who were there. Seeing a woman walk up and speak in Galactic Basic. They did not know the language of the others in the Galaxy like I did. Even at that, she decided to draw her glow stick that could cut through anything, and picked up one of my few, but loyal men. As he was pushed aside, the others got onto all fours and growled, Apparently angry at the woman.

"I would not do such a thing if I were you Miss. The Val'Kar are very territorial." Walking in front of them, I lowered my hands to show them to back down and away. I extended my left hand out to the fellow man, and he rose up and walked to me standing straight. Once more I spoke in basic, "I am their leader, and you wish to see me about what may I ask?"

@[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
Aboard The Freya

The Morossian fleet settled outside the immediate perimeter of the asteroid field, overseeing the advancement of smaller frigates and freighters as they slowly wound their way through the labyrinth. The Mynocks had come in sparse groups at first and for a few short moments Inari felt a mild tickle of relief. The tightness of her stare waned as the small flocks were slowly, methodically mowed down. Radio silence followed for a moment, then the order for the diplomatic ship containing @[member="Crystal"] Carter who would lead the efforts to assimilate the Val'Kar, then more silence.

All seemed well until a strange sort of cloud erupted out from behind a massive floating boulder.

"Incoming..." Inari breathed, "we have incoming. Alert the Emissaries, redirect efforts to zone 12."

"Sending in The Pyre," replied one of the bridge hands, "launching helium missiles."


She of the Trillion Thorns
Aboard The Pyre Swarm Frigate

"Are you sure this is safe?"

Loxa didn't doubt the technology provided by the leaders of the Crusade, for surely their Gods would not put their own in harms way. Not intentionally, but the idea of traversing the wilds of space with naught but a few layers of material and metal between her life and painful, agonizing death, was enough to raise an eyebrow.

"Very safe," replied one of her attendants. One of many she'd been provided upon receiving the title of Priestess. "The tethers are strong enough to hold the Resu. Strong as Salee's steel. Besides," the attendant pulled Loxa's helmet down and locked the seal. Loxa felt the suit pressurize. It was an oddly discomforting feeling.

All units prepare to deploy. Mynock cloud detected.

Loxa narrowed her eyes. A "Besides...what?" she pressed on, taking up her bow and adjusting the strap of her quiver. It fit snugly over her armored suit. She felt heavy and cumbersome.

" have The Reviver watching over you. Her favor of the Priesthood will keep you safe."

"I hope that you are right," Loxa replied with a short frown and followed the contingent of space warriors to the hatch.
Crystal smiled and tucked her lightsaber away. "I apologize for the intial hostilities. I did not wish for my commrades to feel threatened by your kin approaching us. I was merely demonstrating my resolve to speak with you. No further harm will come to the Val'Kar as we are speaking now."

She paused for a moment. "I am here as a representative of the Moross Crusade. My name is Crystal. I am pleased to meet you. I was hoping we could discuss a beneficial arrangement."
The Sith Princess could play nicely. Honest.


Asaros Vautur

@[member="Amorella Mae"]
Aboard The Freya

Once again, the boy was dwarfed by another being in both stature, but also now in prestige. It felt oddly cool, no cold, to be aboard one of these flying death machines. Senseless killing and warfare wasn't something Asaros had the tendency of enjoying, but it was a sin that one could never avoid. However, he was not at the helm of such an extravagant seeming operation, he was merely an assistant of those who dared to sin and emerge victorious. One of those sinners stood just inches away from him, her very presence almost sending the small child into shock at his even being there. He thought himself not worthy of even being in the same room as her, but it was insisted,

An alarm sounded off as reports were resounded across the bridge. Incoming? Why would Mynocks just do that? Couldn't the Moross forces just move their home to someplace else rather than kill them? And before he knew it, he was opening his mouth to question a Goddess. Soft lips snapped shut with uneasiness. He didn't like death, but he liked living. He made up his mind.

"U-um, Aesir.." He tentatively questioned the Goddess, his voice almost softening to a whisper. "Perhaps we can think of a solution to remove the threat without...without killing?" His cobalt blue eyes pleaded within her's for just a fraction of a second before darting away, flooding with nervousness.
"I am afraid not," Inari replied. She did not look at the boy immediately, as the engagement of The Pyre within the cloud of mynocks maintained her rapt attention. The warriors aboard the Swarm Frigate were appearing from numerous hatches across its surface as the ship itself lobbed helium missiles into the oncoming swarm. Though the Aesir's expression remain mostly hidden behind her silver half mask, there was a certain air of concern about her.

"Mynocks are an invasive species," when she finally turned her gaze to @[member="Asaros Vautur"] it was heavy with a certain weariness of battle and death. The Reviver's job was never done, all her good intentions were marred by death. "They feed on the energy and matter of space-faring ships. If we do not cull their numbers, they will surely kill hundreds of innocent people. They have enjoyed little disturbance in this hive of theirs for many years, tearing apart any ship that dare draw too close. Many have already died at the whim of their ravenous nature. You cannot have life without death, Asaros," Inari looked down to him unsmiling, "and balance must always be maintained."

Mercury Zealot

Monstrocity of Moross - Deceased
Stone Hermes quickly learned a biology lesson about Mynocks. As he approached yelling distance, the tendrils of bio electricity emanated from his body to contact the energy eating bats. Much to his disappointment the 20 or so Mynocks he threw himself into didn't begin to spasm or explode to death as was expected, instead, it made them rush to all his electrifying parts, much to his irritation. He swung his blade in an angry flurry, slaying them in droves of three, until less than a dozen were cut in half. A bat in his trying to gnaw on his face was quickly snatched up and eaten by the Resu's massively powerful jaws.

He was still surrounded by a small swarm of ten with more on the way. He had helium grenades on him, but he didn't quite understand the prospect of wasting the gas he breathed on exterminating these parasites. He was soon alerted of a much bigger swarm coming towards the ship he jumped off of. He finally submitted to the usage of a Helium Grenade and slapped one on, and rocketed away towards the larger swarm, detonating the other dozen or so. Though it was unnecessary, Stone Hermes felt the impulse to preform swimming motions as he barreled through space towards his swarm of targets.

10 slew by melee
15 slew by grenade
(0 effected by lightning scream)
Total: 25 killed
@[member="Xynar"] @[member="Crystal"]

Careful, measured steps saw the Master safely down the ramp of the ship and onto the surface, dim light glinting off of the newly polished lightsaber hilts that rested in sheaths upon either slender leg. She followed behind Crystal, curious to see how the woman would handle herself. Fingers gently smoothed her scarlet leather jacket into its proper place, before intertwining at the small of her back. She made only the smallest of sounds as she approached, in time to watch the young Princess greet the Val'Kar with violence.

A delicate brow lofted, while the softest of exhalations passed her lips. Impetuous, still, in spite of the title she bore, her actions hardly those befitting one of her station. Kassandra, ever accustomed to keeping her thoughts well-guarded, remained otherwise silent as their leader approached. She halted her own progress slightly behind Crystal, lambent crimson gaze on the proud creature that spoke a passable Basic.

A smile blossomed across her plump lips, as the young woman affected a far more pleasant demeanor and introduction. She bowed her head politely and offered her own greeting in her warm, lyrical voice. "I am Kassandra, honored one. We ask only for a measure of your time to hear our proposal. As Crystal said, it would be quite mutually beneficial."

Asaros Vautur

@[member="Amorella Mae"]

Her voice nearly startled him out of his own skin. A Goddess had just spoken to him. Why was he not already on his knees bowing before her? He didn't now, but his body didn't move when he told it to, it just acted. Asaros let his eyes droop and his head hung still for a brief moment, feeling dozens upon dozens of lifeforms being stamped out in the far distance. All life was precious, a treasure must be kept safe and cherished for eternity. What all could one little boy do? Nothing?

With fluid motion the formally dressed youngster knelt before the Aesir, leveling his eyes to the ground and never taking them from the durasteel hull. "Aesir, what can I do to help?"
I took a hold of a datapad and looked at the downloaded map that was squished into the screen. It had an approximate layout of the area that we knew of. There was a few more Asteroids that I had to look through before I would have to look for the second time through the area for the Rebel base.

"Use any and all detection devices you can use. I want this Base found yesterday."

The men moved faster wanting to make me, their temp commander, and their gods happy. Finding this place would be the greatest thing I could do just about now.

"Ma'am, we found something."
Factory Judge
Raising my left hand towards the woman, and the second woman that walked up behind her, I smiled. "I have met with one of you already. He spoke that more would come soon enough, And simply by being the only ones out here, I knew it would be you. They would have simply led you to me, as per regulations. I accept your apology Crystal." I then looked at the second woman. Kassandra, who had honored me by calling me honored one. My lips, if you could call them that, rose in a smile as she spoke. "Yes, I hope that we can come to an agreement. Come, I would like to welcome you to my abode and provide you anything you will need while we speak of these..... benefits."

@[member="Kassandra Distorith"], @[member="Crystal"]
- Secondary Objective: A bounty has been set on the Mynocks! These things can do major damage to our ships. Use Helium Grenades and go Mynock Puffing in a space suit. List how many you kill in each post. The Crusader who kills the most will receive a special reward. You must follow these rules:

  • You may kill at maximum per post: 20 Mynocks w/ a heavy type weapon (i.e. Heavy Repeater) at distance, 15 Mynocks w/ a standard type (i.e. Basic Rifle) weapon at distance, 7 Mynocks w/ a pistol type weapon at distance, 10 Mynocks w/ melee in close combat, 15-25 Mynocks w/ an area type weapon (grenades) at distance

  • 5 kill penalty for using a distance weapon in close combat

  • You may only use melee weapons in close combat (unless described as thrown [5 kill penalty for weapon retrieval])

  • You may only use two weapon types in a single post

This was not something she was used to or at least not normal. Hunting Mynocks wasn't something you just did every day and now as she moved holding a blaster rifle with one on her hip a grin came across her facee. This was just the same as being back home... Yeah just like home, just squeeze and kill the fraking things so they wouldn't harm the ships. Simple as cherry pie after all and Azlyn moved in the suit firing into a small grouping of mynocks letting the blaster shots tear in and through them All the while thinking about her master and what they would be working on learning. Some more force skills to compliment combat training hopefully but she wasn't going to push to far ahead.
@[member="Xynar"] @[member="Kassandra Distorith"]

Crystal had chose her words very carefully, and said nothing of mutually benefiting. It was clear that Moross Crusade would benefit a great deal more than the Val'Kar would. But that mattered little to Crystal. She was helping as best as she could.

The Sith Princess listened as the Alpha of the Val'Kar spoke of another. Perhaps he meant the Aesirs. Or other humans. She didn't want to discuss their initial meeting any more, as it would not improve things and could possibly lead to her getting angry, which no one wanted. So instead, she bowed her head slightly and said "Thank you," she was searching for something to call the Alpha, since there wasn't a name available. "Honored one." She repeated, then straightened her body.

And they were welcomed. Excellent. She followed the Alpha male and his party to his abode, remaining silent until spoken to.

Cold, silver-green eyes watched the holographic tactical display with mixed interest as Aesir Inari supervised dealing with the Mynocks. Cameron's attentions, however, were on the operations occurring planetside. He was a big fan of allowing tactical commanders to execute their orders without interference for higher echelons of command...if at all possible. However, with such a critical diplomatic aspect to the operation, he knew a certain element of...anxiety existed in knowing contact was made successfully and without issue.

With that being said, Cameron was not the Lord Crusader, and he had no desire to hold the position. Turning his head to the man, the Priest of Aatrox made a...request. As he did so, he pulled up information on the personnel locators embedded into to the armor of the conventional ground forces. A quick review of the information indicated that the diplomatic group had reached their objective. Information on Zoey's group, however, was less that conclusive. "Lord Crusader, I would like to be able to update the quick reaction force with the status of our units on the ground. Any update from Crusader Carter or Disciple Marix?"

Per usual, the Lord Crusader seemed momentarily miffed. The Sith Lord knew it was simply a defense mechanism. The man thought that Cameron coveted his position. The Sith Lord hadn't the heart to tell him the truth. At least right now, he was effective. In a matter of moments, update requests were dispatched to both Zoey and Crystal's teams.

@[member="Amorella Mae"] | @[member="Zoey Marix"] | @[member="Crystal"]
@[member="Cameron Centurion"] @Xynar

As they walked, one of the members of the entourage ran to catch up to her and report the latest communication from the vessel in space. "Crusader Carter, they are requesting a status report."

Crystal turned briefly to acknowledge him. "Report that we have initiated contact with the Val'Kar's leader and are being accompanied to their base."

He stopped and was passed by those that were still walking. He resumed his position in the ranks and made the report.

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