Faith Fractured
The sheen of passing streetlights swept through the carriage as it bumped up and down over the cracked concrete of the Denon streets. Today's acid rain had passed and the lingering humidity was approaching a comfortable point between fog and soup. And even still, the air here felt easier to breathe in than the air she had sucked in on Coruscant. It was as if a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders and another one had been added to her heart; the weight of a clear conscience versus the weight of never really saying goodbye.
In the end, farewell was difficult. Kai had gotten a cryptic little note from her that she was "done with it all", and that she would "start traveling again". Yula had kindly provided Aeris with a couch to sleep on for the last three days while she sorted herself out, despite the fact that Aeris had shown up out of pretty much nowhere.
And now here she was, alone and on her way to the docks to see wherever the story went from here. As she stepped out of the bus and into the station's main terminal she glanced up at the big board of departures to try and figure out just exactly where she was needed the most. Her faith in the New Jedi Order might have been shaken to the point of shattering, but her faith in what she knew that it meant to be a Jedi was not.
The Coruscant shuttle departed no sooner than she glanced at it. Had she not known better she would have said it was somewhat symbolic.
So what would it be? Alderaan? Sullust? Dantooine, maybe?
It was a big galaxy out there with a lot of new people to meet.
In the end, farewell was difficult. Kai had gotten a cryptic little note from her that she was "done with it all", and that she would "start traveling again". Yula had kindly provided Aeris with a couch to sleep on for the last three days while she sorted herself out, despite the fact that Aeris had shown up out of pretty much nowhere.
And now here she was, alone and on her way to the docks to see wherever the story went from here. As she stepped out of the bus and into the station's main terminal she glanced up at the big board of departures to try and figure out just exactly where she was needed the most. Her faith in the New Jedi Order might have been shaken to the point of shattering, but her faith in what she knew that it meant to be a Jedi was not.
The Coruscant shuttle departed no sooner than she glanced at it. Had she not known better she would have said it was somewhat symbolic.
So what would it be? Alderaan? Sullust? Dantooine, maybe?
It was a big galaxy out there with a lot of new people to meet.