Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Leaving for the Midlle of Nowhere

I'm gping to be gone the next four days. So therefore, I cannot post. I'm going to Pennsylvania with my grandparents, and there is no internet there for me to post from. I know, I know. Get you gasps and such out now. Done? Good. So, like I was saying before I was interrupted by all of those rude gasps, I won't be back until this coming Tuesday.
Jay Scott Clark said:
Eat well and party hard. :D
Eating well is always a given when with grandparents!

Arla Balor said:
Have fun! [member="Verz Horak"]
Will do!

Willa Isard said:
four days isn't bad we can go no verz for four days and make it... I think... maybe.... doubtful. Have fun and insert amish jokes here cause region.
I'm not gonna be in Amish country so there! And you guys definitely can't go for four days without me! Who will you drop roofs on, [member="Strider Garon"] ? That's actually a good idea...

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