Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Leaving On A Jet Plane


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Flying out to England tomorrow afternoon for a 2 week vacation to visit family. We fly home on the 20th. I will have wifi access where I am staying, but I'm just not sure of how often I'll be able to hop on and post. We have plenty of plans on the get go to fill our days. :)

Hopefully the weather isn't too

Their Blood Runs Black isn't yet finished. I'll try to keep it going while I'm away. But I just can't promise to.

Be good and don't burn the place down when I'm gone.

Also...keep the parties small :p I have spies...


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Hahaha :p Just don't burn -my- corner of the galaxy down. You can do whatever with yours :p


Don't forget... [member="Veiere Arenais"] is King and a Jedi. There will be no reign of darkness :p

Thanks [member="Jen"] :)

[member="Ryn'Dhal"] you better be!
[member="Lady Kay"]

Reminding them that I'm in charge...-Like that's totally gonna reassure them >.<



In all seriousness, enjoy your holiday away!

You post almost every day on Chaos, I think we can afford to let you have some downtime for a change...

...How many days do I have to keep the CSA from imploding again?


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Do I have to take the booze and Twi'leks back? Don't make me do it, cause I will :p

[member="Veiere Arenais"]

You'll have 14 days...dearest :p Then you'll be able to go back to your mancave.
[member="Lady Kay"]

Well...Atleast if there's not one thing you can rely on, it's that if we do go down in flames while you're gone...

I'll be there to joke about it and lighten the situation with really inappropriate humor.

...But you go ahead and enjoy your stress free fourteen days knowing all will be well here...



Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Raises a brow at her dearest [member="Veiere Arenais"] and his way of -assuring- her that all will be well...

Looks like I might have internet access on the plane while we're at cruising altitude, according to the airline entertainment app. So...I could end up posting while en route....
[member="Lady Kay"]

Look at you over there, huddled in a corner...-Clinging to your last ditch effort for time trying to stop me from messing it all up...

Just another day in the life of a married couple.



Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Veiere Arenais"]

Haha yeah...if you start telling me that I look cute when I'm angry...oh there'll be some words! :p

Stephanie Swail

[member="Lady Kay"] Ahhh coming to the UK! Wonderful - enjoy yourself and pop by to say hello if you're passing. :D


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Stephanie Swail"]

I'll be south of you, spending most of my time in Kent. But some will be spent in London. It'd be funny to bump into you

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