Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Leaving site


Active Member
Just a quick thanks to all I had fun with saddly I feel where this community is going I do not belong so I leave. Thank you all and good bye.

That's a shocking over-reaction for a simple comment (and, quite, frankly, Tefka was correct to suggest that you were acting selfishly!), but c'est la vie. Hope you get on better with the next community you find yourself in. Take it easy!
[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]

It was on Discord, once the issues with the site were announced, and Tellos was complaining about his specific case rather than the fact that the problem was site-wide, and we're all affected:

[7:15 AM] Tellos: just being clear I am strictly referign to my case
[7:17 AM] Tellos: I haven o data that can be verfiedo n other systems and direct all inquries to the staff
[7:18 AM] Tefka: It's difficult to serve the community when someone as self-centered as you won't take a breather from talking so that we can get the actual word out to everyone.
[7:18 AM] Tellos: ...
[7:20 AM] Tellos: and with that insult I think I don't need to wory about posts. but hey thats fine. You take Care Tefka
[7:20 AM] Tellos: good luck hope site gets back to normal soon
Seems like a severe over-reaction to be honest..

I've spoken with Tefka a few times on another character and found him to be quite reasonable for the majority of the time; although, from what I can see here it's obvious there's a lot more that hasn't been linked so I can't judge too much tbh. Still no reason to leave the community imo. Any interaction i've always had with staff is typically extremely cut and dry. Either you're right or you're wrong it's pretty simple.

I know with the majority of communities and i'm guessing this one is no different, if for example an Admin isn't sure they're giving you the proper response or maybe think you're right and they're wrong they'll consult other admins and come to a consensus as well.

Edit: this community is also one of the least judgemental communities i've ever been apart of as well.

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