Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Leaving This Site But...

Adios My friends,

I regret to inform the great people of this site that I am leaving. The immortal gods have told me it is my time. I have had a fun nine months here and I am bummed to abandon all the people I know and all the people I do not, I know I have been criticized and complimented and that was all for the better. I enjoyed this home away from home. To be honest this site has put me through a lot of struggles and i as a human am glad for it, As a token of my thanks I will tell my brother about this site and as one disappears into the shadows, One forms in the light.


My Brother's Account Is [member="Drake Leo"], I helped him create it, Although I am leaving you Will all be in my heart. I will be here on Monday, to see the replies but then I will bid my final farewell.

They're all leaving me. :(

I'm glad to have gotten to write with you, [member="Carden Lorps"]! You are a great sport and a fun guy to RP with. I wish you well in everything you do IRL. :)
[member="Carden Lorps"]


You were the first person I Rped with on this site *Goes off and cries in a corner*

Best wishes in life

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